
Analytics | Data for Good | Innovation
Jerry Williams 0
AI and sustainability: Balancing innovation with environmental impact

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can drive environmental innovation (EI) in sustainability and reduction of carbon emissions. However, the use of AI itself also comes with environmental costs. The high computational requirements of AI-based systems lead to significant energy consumption, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. The energy consumption of AI systems can

Leonora Gouveia 0
5 ways retail media networks can maximize revenue and personalization for retailers and brands

Retailers are always looking for ways to maximize customer interactions and develop new revenue opportunities, particularly in the face of social and economic challenges. Retail media networks (RMNs) have recently emerged as an attractive investment option for retailers and brands or consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies. Retail media refers to

Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
The joy of sets

The fundamental operations on sets are union, intersection, and set difference, all of which are supported directly in the SAS IML language. While studying another programming language, I noticed that the language supports an additional operation, namely the symmetric difference between two sets. The language also supports query functions to

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good | Internet of Things
Emily Johnson 0
Protecting the planet: 7 ways analytics supports sustainability

Analytics are vital to a safer future. As a renowned sustainability leader, SAS is committed to making a positive impact on our customers, employees, and the planet. Climate change is more important than ever, and the explosion of big data is essential to navigating this crisis. Learn how analytics is

Analytics | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
Should you use the Wald confidence interval for a binomial proportion?

The "Teacher’s Corner" of The American Statistician enables statisticians to discuss topics that are relevant to teaching and learning statistics. Sometimes, the articles have practical relevance, too. Andersson (2023) "The Wald Confidence Interval for a Binomial p as an Illuminating 'Bad' Example," is intended for professors and masters-level students in

Analytics | Learn SAS | Students & Educators | Work & Life at SAS
Ariane Liger-Belair 0
SAS Spring Campus – une transition en douceur vers la vie professionnelle

Vous vous rappelez ce premier jour du reste de votre vie professionnelle ? Vous avez fini les cours, les examens, ces années d’organisation libre. Tout d’un coup, vous devez intégrer une entreprise. Comprendre le fonctionnement du monde corporate, avec toutes ses particularités. Cela peut être source d’angoisse – et c’est la

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Thorsten Hein 0
Navigating what keeps insurance executives awake at night

Insurers, chief financial officers (CFOs) and actuaries will face overwhelming changes and challenges in the year ahead. These include compliance with new regulatory and solvency standards, pricing insurance premiums in line with inflation and other economic factors, addressing climate risk and ESG concerns, and adapting to new technologies. The impact

Rick Wicklin 0
Means and medians of subgroups

A journal article listed the mean, median, and size for subgroups of the data, but did not report the overall mean or median. A SAS programmer wondered what, if any, inferences could be made about the overall mean and median for the data. The answer is that you can calculate

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Speed and Agility
Udo Sglavo 0
From surviving to thriving: The importance of speed and agility in resilient businesses

In 2023, businesses recognize the need to be resilient. With the global disruptions we’ve faced over the last few years, and continuing disruptions and instabilities, the need for organizational resilience has never been clearer. By building resiliency, organizations can adapt to changing circumstances, maintain stability and minimize damage from unexpected events.

Analytics | Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
Why use rank correlation?

A previous article discusses rank correlation and lists some advantages of using rank correlation. However, the article does not show examples where an analyst might prefer to report the rank correlation instead of the traditional Pearson product-moment correlation. This article provides three examples where the rank correlation is a better

Vrushali Sawant 0
The ethics of responsible innovation: Why transparency is key

In today's world, data-driven systems make significant decisions across industries. While these systems can bring many benefits, they can also foster distrust by obscuring how decisions are made. Therefore, transparency within data driven systems is critical to responsible innovation. Transparency requires clear, explainable communication. Since transparency helps people understand how

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