
Work & Life at SAS
Celeste Cooper 0
The Sweet Scents of Slumber

I jumped down the rabbit hole of essential oils (EOs) and aromatherapy ~18 years ago and never looked back.  Smell is one of the strongest connections we have to memory.  My first experience with essential oil occurred during a massage when the therapist used Lilac.  I immediately thought of my

Paul Gittins 0
Nine years (and still together)

The IT industry is littered with examples of short-lived corporate partnerships and alliances that often appear impressive but regularly end or are withdrawn after the initial enthusiasm wanes. The old adage that “actions speaker louder than words” is especially pertinent and I regularly encourage clients to look for tangible examples

Rick Wicklin 0
Overlay a curve on a bar chart in SAS

One of the strengths of the SGPLOT procedure in SAS is the ease with which you can overlay multiple plots on the same graph. For example, you can easily combine the SCATTER and SERIES statements to add a curve to a scatter plot. However, if you try to overlay incompatible

Programming Tips | SAS Events
Larry LaRusso 0
Analytics in the Cloud gets a whole lot easier with SAS Analytics for Containers

If you’re doing data processing in the cloud or using container-enabled infrastructures to deploy your software, you’ll want to learn more about SAS Analytics for Containers. This new solution puts SAS into your existing container-enabled environment – think Docker or Kubernetes – giving data scientists and analysts the ability to

Analytics | Students & Educators
Jennifer Bell 0
From compliance to commitment: The power of student growth data

As teachers, we lean into our experience. We trust our judgment about students and our instruction. We trade teaching stories with colleagues. And increasingly, we examine student growth data that illuminates our practice and occasionally suggests we refine our approach to individual students. In the past decade, states and districts

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Keep your seat - Chair yoga

No really, don't get up.  If you are curious about yoga and want to try a gentle practice, chair yoga may be just what you need (even if you don't know it yet).  Whether you are in a desk chair, a conference room chair, or a wheel chair, you can sit and simultaneously become more fit. The

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