머신러닝이 마케팅 생태계 내에서 지속적으로 발전함에 따라 현대화된 알고리즘 접근법의 해석력이 중요해지고 있습니다. 지난 번 게시했던 머신러닝 해석력 관련 블로그에서 인공지능(AI)과 머신러닝을 신뢰하기 위한 필수 조건, 데이터 세트를 이해하고 해석하는 방법, 그리고 머신러닝 모델의 작동 원리에 대한 인사이트를 도출하는 변수를 표시하는 방법에 대해 설명한 바 있는데요. “우리는 머신러닝에 의해 구동되는 애플리케이션에 둘러싸여 있으며,
You might know that you can use the ODS SELECT statement to display only some of the tables and graphs that are created by a SAS procedure. But did you know that you can use a WHERE clause on the ODS SELECT statement to display tables that match a pattern?
Healthcare fraud is alive and well. Honesty is dead and gone. There, I’ve said it. What else are we to take from surveys that find that 27% of people would sell their work passwords...44% of them for less than $1,000?* What does it mean that 37% of survey respondents think
인공지능(AI)의 성장은 과연 디스토피아를 초래할까요? 인공지능은 굉장히 빠른 속도로 발전하고 있지만, 동시에 인공지능의 잠재적 위험성을 우려하는 목소리도 커지고 있는데요. 하지만 반대로 생각해보면 인공지능은 인간의 능력을 대체하는 것이 아니라, 인간의 능력을 향상시키기 위해 설계되었습니다. 인공지능은 이미 헬스케어, 보험, 금융, 농업 등 대부분의 산업 분야에서 인간을 돕는 중추적인 역할을 하고 있는데요. 마찬가지로 SAS는 인공지능을
In my first two posts of this blog series, we heard why two students chose to pursue a STEM field and what appealed to them about data science. We also heard how they put their knowledge to work on a real-world data science project. Today, we'll hear their advice to future
最近、SNSなどで「AI開発ミステリー ~そして誰も作らなかった~」という記事が話題になりました。人工知能(AI)を導入しようという企業の最悪の顛末をコミカルに描いたジョーク・ストーリーですが、これを面白がる人が多いというのは、多少なりとも日本のIT業界の現実を反映しているのかもしれません。 このような事態になっているのは、AIに対する過度な期待が原因の一つかもしれません。AIは、機械に任せれば素晴らしいことが起こる魔法ではなく、明確に定義されたタスクを実行するように機械をトレーニングする方法です。人間が行うタスクを機械が代替することになるのですが、人間が活動しているシステムのなかで、どの部分を機械にやらせるかを考え、実装し、運用しなければなりません。これは、これまでSASが実現してきたアナリティクスの延長にほかなりません。 「AIが発達すればデータサイエンティストはいらない」という説もあります。データサイエンティストが機械学習を実装する役割だけを持つのであれば、そうかもしれません。しかし、本当に必要とされる仕事が「人間が活動するシステムの中でのアナリティクスの活用」であるなら、まさにAIが使われる仕組みを考え、実装し、運用できる状態にする人材こそが求められているのではないでしょうか。 今年5月、SAS Forum Japan のなかで開催された「データサイエンティスト・キャリア・トラック」では、アナリティクスを活用する組織のなかでデータサイエンティストがどのように活躍するかについて、企業の方々から学生向けの講演をいただきました。例えば、ITや数理モデルを使いこなせることは初級レベルで、ビジネススキルを身に着けながら、最終的には経営幹部候補となるキャリアパスを提示している組織や、一方で、趣味で培ったスキルをビジネスに生かすデータサイエンティストがいます。このように、データサイエンティストのキャリアは組織・個人によってさまざまですので、多様人材がそれぞれの強みをもって活躍することができそうです。 しかし、どの組織・個人でも共通しているのは「目的志向」である点です。何のためにデータ分析をするのか、それがどのような価値を持つのかを明確にしなければ、課題解決のためのデータ分析はできません。データサイエンティストは単にデータ分析の技術で課題解決するだけでなく、「課題設定」をする役割を持たなければ本当の価値は生み出せないのです。そもためには、さまざまな問題意識を抱える人たちと異業種交流をするなど、幅広い視野が必要となりそうです。 データサイエンティスト協会が示した3つのスキルのうち、「ビジネススキル」については、ときどき「ドメイン知識」(業界や業務についての知識)として紹介されることがあります。しかし、本当に必要なのは、その知識を解決すべき課題に変換する力だと考えます。データサイエンティストを目指す学生が、すべての業界・業務についての知識を得ることは難しいですが、アナリティクスが活用される代表的な業界において、どんな課題がどのようにアナリティクスにより解決されているかを知ることで、応用力を身に着けられるのではないでしょうか。そこで、SAS Japanでは、次のような内容の学生向けセミナー「データサイエンティストのキャリアと活躍のかたち」をシリーズで開催します。 データサイエンティストのキャリア ... 「データサイエンティスト・キャリア・トラック」の講師陣による、それぞれの組織や個人としてのデータサイエンティストのキャリアや活躍のかたちを紹介 ビジネスで活用されるアナリティクス ... データサイエンスやアナリティクスがどのような業界のどんな課題を解決するために活用されているかをSAS社員が紹介 学生によるデータサイエンスの学び ... 学生がどのようにデータサイエンスを学習しているかを学生自身による体験を交えながら紹介 第1回は11月30日(金)に開催します。データサイエンティストを目指す学生の皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding this year's midterm election, when it comes to counting the ballots ... and I kept hearing the term provisional ballots in the news. But I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't really know much about provisional ballots. I decided to do a
When describing their business model, our customer, Epipoli (one of the leading gift card companies in Europe), tells the story of the ancient Limoncello makers of Italy. Limoncello is an intensely lemon-flavored liqueur famously produced in Sorrento, the Amalfi coast, and the island of Capri. The drink started as a local tradition, but quickly
The US 'midterm' elections have finally started to wind down, and we finally have some (mostly) finalized results to study. But what's the best way to visualize who won the US congressional seats in each of the 435 districts? Let's dive into this topic!... Preparation For starters, I couldn't find
JSON is a popular format for data exchange between APIs and some modern databases. It's also used as a way to archive audit logs in many systems. Because JSON can represent hierarchical relationships of data fields, many people consider it to be superior to the CSV format -- although it's
Joseph Woodside shares examples of applied experimental learning in healthcare from his book, "Applied Health Analytics and Informatics Using SAS".
Teenagers. I have three boys, and two of them are teenagers. 15 year-old Kav is my middle son, and he gave me permission to share his story here. When he was five, Kav was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes, and I'm in awe of how he's accepted this challenging, lifelong
An ROC curve graphically summarizes the tradeoff between true positives and true negatives for a rule or model that predicts a binary response variable. An ROC curve is a parametric curve that is constructed by varying the cutpoint value at which estimated probabilities are considered to predict the binary event.
In many grocery stores throughout the country, the acronym “WIC” accompanies a number of the food items on the shelves. The letters stand for the federal “Women, Infants and Children” program that provides nutritional food to pregnant women and their young children who are in need. While this is a
SAS is launching the SAS Student Series, which bundles thousands of dollars’ worth of training and certification materials into an affordable package for university students and recent graduates.
Note: Today’s utility industry is in upheaval. All of the assumptions the business has run on have been turned on their heads. This post is the third in a three-part series looking at how analytics are helping utilities navigate this challenging landscape and find new opportunities for improvements in operations,
인공지능(AI)이 우리에게 미치는 영향이 나날이 커지면서 일자리를 대체할 것이라는 우려도 높아지고 있습니다. 이를 위해서 인공지능의 윤리 방안과 규제에 대한 논의가 이루어지고, 기업이 알고리즘으로 인해 일자리를 빼앗긴 직원에게 재교육을 제공해야 한다는 목소리가 나오고 있는데요. 하지만 이러한 모든 내용은 인공지능이 미치는 부정적인 면에만 치우쳐 있습니다. 그렇다면 인공지능이 우리의 삶에 주는 혜택으로는 무엇이 있을까요? 인공지능,
Joyce Norris-Montanari cites five things she considers essential to data management for analytics.
The SGPLOT procedure enables you to use the value of a response variable to color markers or areas in a graph. For example, you can use the COLORRESPONSE= option to define a variable whose values will be used to color markers in a scatter plot or cells in a heat
One would expect analytics in government to be a hot topic at a SAS government event. What the crowd didn't see coming was Margaret Weichert, Acting Director of the US Office of Personnel Management and Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget, touting her ability to
보험 업계는 변화에 느리다는 평을 받는 보수적인 산업이지만 지난 5년간 엄청난 변화와 혁신을 경험하고 있습니다. 보험사들은 고객과 유통 관계에서 혁신을 모색하며 디지털 이니셔티브에 많은 투자를 하고 있는데요. 이와 함께 데이터 분석, 인공지능 등의 정보기술(IT)을 활용해 기존 보험 산업을 혁신하는 인슈어테크(insurtech)가 디지털 기회를 활용할 수 있는 보험 업계의 새로운 분야로 떠오르고
With the recent midterm elections here in the US, I frequently saw congressional district maps popping up in the news. And being a GraphGuy, I wanted to fully understand these maps, to see if I might could improve them. If you're interested in congressional district maps, follow along as I
Phil Simon chimes in with some tips on how to set these folks loose.
Fall…it’s my favorite time of year. The air is crisp, the leaves are colorful and exercising outdoors is once again appealing. Most of all, its this time of year that I turn my attention to one of my favorite events of the year: #GivingTuesday. While Cyber Monday and Black
When solving optimization problems, it is harder to specify a constrained optimization than an unconstrained one. A constrained optimization requires that you specify multiple constraints. One little typo or a missing minus sign can result in an infeasible problem or a solution that is unrelated to the true problem. This
With today being an election day here in the US, I see a lot of people wearing the 'I Voted' sticker. This got me wondering if I could create my own sticker ... using SAS software and simple graphics primitives. :-) So I started by using Proc Gslide to create
I've collected accelerometer data with a third-party app. I've used some SAS tricks to import all of my data readings in a single step. Now I'm ready to create a report of these data in SAS Visual Analytics.
인공지능(AI)은 1950년대부터 머신러닝, 링크 걸기 시작 딥러닝(deep learning), 인지 컴퓨팅(cognitive computing)이 점차 발전하면서 우리와 꽤 오랜 시간을 함께 해왔습니다. 최근 달라진 점이 있다면 아마 활용할 수 있는 데이터의 양이 어마어마하게 늘었다는 것인데요. 방대한 양의 데이터 덕분에 오늘날 과거에는 불가능했던 방식으로 인공지능 기반의 모델을 학습시킬 수 있게 되었습니다. 이러한 인공지능은 지금의 세상과 거대한 데이터를 이해하는
What’s the most important component of analytic analysis? The data? The model? The deployment? Getting the business problem right? All the above? Or does it simply depend on who you ask? While the model gets all the attention, and the data requires most of the effort, there is that step
Will the real Pareto distribution please stand up? SAS supports three different distributions that are named "Pareto." The Wikipedia page for the Pareto distribution lists five different "Pareto" distributions, including the three that SAS supports. This article shows how to fit the two-parameter Pareto distribution in SAS and discusses the