
Mike Gilliland 0
FVA training at Analytics2013 in Orlando

Forecast Value Added (FVA) is a metric for comparing the performance of your organization’s forecasting process to “doing nothing” and using a naïve model to generate your forecasts. The idea is, if all the resources and effort we put into forecasting are not providing forecasts that are better than using

Rick Wicklin 0
The first MOOC in statistics

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are all the rage today. Some people see free online courses as a convenient way to introduce statistical concepts to tens of thousands of students who would not otherwise have an opportunity to learn about data analysis. Whereas 2013 is the International Year of Statistics,

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Visual Index

Some of you may have already noticed the small graphical icon on the lower right side of the blog article labeled "Graphically Speaking Index".   Yes, it is a link to a visual index for all articles published in this blog.  Well, eventually it will have all the articles. So far, I

How to find value in customer relationships

Businesses need to know who their customers are, and how much money they should invest in marketing to them. It’s an obvious idea, but it also served as pretty much the sum of my knowledge of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). That is, until Edward Malthouse came into my life. Ed’s

Learn SAS
Jim Simon 0
Importing CSV files into SAS datasets

Sometimes, your first impulse may not be correct, like trading in your practical sedan for a hot 2-seater.  Other times, your first impulse is perfect, as in the examples below. Suppose the automobile data you wish to analyze resides in a CSV file.  Naturally, your first impulse is to import

Rick Wicklin 0
Compute a contour (level curve) in SAS

Like many other computer packages, SAS can produce a contour plot that shows the level sets of a function of two variables. For example, I've previously written blogs that use contour plots to visualize the bivariate normal density function and to visualize the cumulative normal distribution function. However, sometimes you

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Graphics with SAS Web Editor

Recently, SAS released SAS Solutions OnDemand for academics.  An academic user who is signed up for this can use the SAS Web Editor application to do all their data analysis over the web using a hosted server at SAS.  This frees up the user from having to install the software on their own computers,

Bernd Heinen 0
Bundestagswahl 2013: Zur Aufteilung der Wahlkreise

Vor der Wahl hat der Bundeswahlleiter eine interessante Aufgabe, er muss die Wahlkreise so einrichten, dass die Zahl der Wahlkreise in den einzelnen Ländern deren Bevölkerungsanteil soweit wie möglich entspricht. Die Bevölkerungszahl eines Wahlkreises soll nicht mehr als 15 % nach oben oder unten von der durchschnittlichen Bevölkerungszahl der Wahlkreise

Learn SAS
Maggie Miller 0
Sweet success with SAS training

John Taylor has been using SAS for about 12 years and admits, he loves SAS! He was first introduced to SAS while working on his BA/MA in Statistics at Boston University. “It became immediately obvious to me that knowing SAS would be invaluable to me as a statistician, so I

Rick Wicklin 0
What versions of R are supported by SAS?

SAS 9 has supported calling R from the SAS/IML language since 2009. The interface to R is part of the SAS/IML language. However, there have been so many versions of SAS and R since 2009, that it is hard to remember which SAS release supports which versions of R. The

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