I recently saw an interesting PEW study showing the percent of each state's revenue that came from federal funds. They had some pretty nice graphs ... but just like jell-o, there's always room for more graphs, eh! Let's start with the map. Their map had an informative title, a reasonable gradient
I use SAS Enterprise Guide every day, and for a wide variety of tasks. As a result, I have a huge collection of project files (EGP files) and SAS program files. I have always relied on the "recently used" list in the File menu to provide me with quick access
“I do not like this modern technology,” said my father-in-law. “It is making people too lazy. Things are too easy now.” He was referring to my grocery order. I was sitting in his kitchen in Reykjavik, Iceland, the day before my return to the United States. I had just explained
A classical problem in elementary probability asks for the expected lengths of line segments that result from randomly selecting k points along a segment of unit length. It is both fun and instructive to simulate such problems. This article uses simulation in the SAS/IML language to estimate solutions to the
This is the third post in my series of machine learning techniques and best practices. If you missed the earlier posts, read the first one now, or review the whole machine learning best practices series. Data scientists commonly use machine learning algorithms, such as gradient boosting and decision forests, that automatically build
Too much to do and not enough time to do it. That's a common refrain in government, but an important one because of the critical role government plays in the lives of so many. In a new book from SAS, A Practical Guide to Analytics for Governments: Using Big Data
When it comes to economic activity, a handful of the largest metropolitan areas in the US account for lion's share. In 2013, the top 23 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) accounted for 50% of the total US Gross Domestic Product (GDP). I recently came across a map created by Alexandr Trubetskoy
디지털 시대의 도래와 함께 수많은 정보와 데이터가 빠르게 생성되면서 사회 다양한 분야에서 빅데이터가 폭넓게 활용되고 있습니다. 기업들도 비즈니스 데이터를 수집, 분석해서 상당한 가치를 얻을 수 있음을 잘 이해하고 있는데요. 하지만 사실 분석 활동이라는 개념은 예전부터 있었습니다. 수십 년 전인 1950년대에도 기업들은 트렌드를 파악하고 인사이트를 얻기 위해 기본적인 분석을 하고 있었습니다.
“Es una apuesta de la compañía”. Con esta frase, muchas empresas de la industria de bienes de consumo (CPG, por sus siglas en inglés) describen su decisión de introducir un nuevo producto al mercado. En el enunciado, la referencia al juego no es gratuita. En este sector, lanzar una novedad,
Jim Harris considers whether we can save private data in the age of big data.
4차 산업혁명은 전 세계 산업 구조는 물론 교육 환경에도 큰 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 지난 몇 년간 빅데이터, 사물인터넷(IoT), 인공지능(AI) 등 산업혁명을 이끄는 기술을 다루기 위해 필수적인 STEM(과학, 기술, 공학, 수학) 분야 교육에 대한 수요과 공급이 증가했는데요. 이처럼 STEM 교육에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 드러난 명암이 있습니다. 전 세계적으로 STEM 분야의 여성 비율은
In the first half of 2017 and in my only domain – which is marketing – an announcement set the tone for a major change. How not to be stunned when “Coca-Cola ditches global CMO role in leadership shake-up”? If there is only one product you can find anywhere on
For a time series { y1, y2, ..., yN }, the difference operator computes the difference between two observations. The kth-order difference is the series { yk+1 - y1, ..., yN - yN-k }. In SAS, the DIF function in the DATA step computes differences between observations. The DIF function
I've been a SAS programmer for 26 years and counting. I started with the Display Management System (DMS) interface into SAS, which today is referred to as the window environment (and yes, I have used the command line interface as well, which is still available today). DMS consisted of three initial
SAS is hosting the premier analytics conference in the world September 18-20 in Washington DC, and supplementing the event with discounted training and certification exams at SAS Analytics Experience 2017. These offerings will be held before and after the event. As at other SAS events, we will be offering certification exams at
Employment - that's been a hot topic here in the US lately. Many of the manufacturing jobs we had in past decades are gone now, and it would be great if there was a crystal ball to predict which jobs might be at risk of disappearing in the future. The
This is the second post in my series of machine learning best practices. If you missed it, read the first post, Machine learning best practices: the basics. As we go along, all ten tips will be archived at this machine learning best practices page. Machine learning commonly requires the use of
Procurement fraud, often a form of internal fraud, is common fraud’s black sheep of the family...whispered about at gatherings or ignored in hopes that it will simply go away. No one wants to shine a questioning light onto trusted employees or imply wrongdoing within our purchasing departments, but the fact
If you’re familiar with the SAS story, you know that we have deep roots in academia. But our CEO Jim Goodnight has always known that roots aren’t enough to achieve incremental growth. You also have to plant seeds. Analytics alone can’t drive change, help businesses succeed and make the world
A lot of my friends seem to be getting married these days. Which got me thinking about wedding parties. Which then got me wondering what songs DJs do/don't play at weddings these days. And what was the outcome of my meandering thoughts ... a fun & interesting graph, of course! It
Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry of a univariate distribution. I have previously shown how to compute the skewness for data distributions in SAS. The previous article computes Pearson's definition of skewness, which is based on the standardized third central moment of the data. Moment-based statistics are sensitive to
Cuando AstraZeneca se propuso hacer más rentable el proceso de fabricación de su producto Turbuhaler y minimizar las variaciones, se enfrentó a un reto importante: la necesidad de construir una solución con capacidad suficiente para manejar todos los datos relacionados con la producción que se almacenaban en todos los sistemas
Nowadays, whether you write SAS programs or use point-and-click methods to get results, you have choices for how you access SAS. Currently, when you open Base SAS most people get the traditional SAS windowing environment (aka Display Manager) as their interface. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If
TwIn part one of this series, Clark Twiddy, Chief Administrative Officer of Twiddy & Company, shared some best practices from the first of three phases of Twiddy’s journey to becoming a data-driven SMB. This post focuses on phases two and three of their journey. (Read the whole series here.) Phase
Todd Wright says Hadoop can be difficult – but data management can help.
최근 양귀비 불법 재배와 연예인 마약 사건이 잇달아 발생하면서 국내에서는 멀게 느껴졌던 마약 범죄에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있습니다. 실제 관세청은 올해 상반기 마약 밀수가 전년 대비 2.6배 증가했으며, 밀수된 마약의 종류까지 다양해졌다고 발표했는데요. 국가는 이처럼 급증하는 마약 밀수를 차단하기 위해 조사 인력과 장비를 확충하고, 검색 기법을 적극 개발하겠다고 밝혔습니다. 이미
Datasets are rarely ready for analysis, and one of the most prevalent problems is missing data. This post is the first in a short series focusing on how to think about missingness, how JMP13 can help us determine the scope of missing data in a given table, and how to
St. Louis Union Station welcomed its first passenger train on Sept. 2, 1894 at 1:45 pm and became one of the largest and busiest passenger rail terminals in the world. Back in those days, the North American railroads widely used a system called Timetable and Train Order Operation to establish
In May, the New York Times published an article “The Little Known Statistician Who Taught Us to Measure Teachers” which profiled the life of Dr. Bill Sanders. The author reflected on Dr. Sanders’ life and work improving education for all students. For those of us in education, Dr. Sanders’ work
SAS power users (and actually, power users of any application) like to customize their environment for maximum productivity. Long-time SAS users remember the KEYS window in SAS display manager, which allows you to assign SAS commands to "hot keys" in your SAS session. These users will invest many hours to