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This year, SAS Innovate in Orlando brought executives and other industry luminaries together to inspire attendees to use analytics to outpace tomorrow. Data and analytics enables you to get to the true value of a human being. Michael Lewis, Author of Moneyball Chief Marketing Officer Jenn Chase, who hosted the event,
이스탄불 광역시, 세계적인 벽돌 제조사 ‘위너버거’, SAS Viya로 제품품질 확보와 지속가능성 향상 모두 달성 친환경 비즈니스 전략을 지원하기 위해 주요 기업들은 AI, 머신러닝 및 사물인터넷(IoT) 분석에 더욱 더 의존하고 있습니다. 이러한 기술은 탄소 및 폐기물 배출량을 줄임으로써 지속가능성을 향상시키고, 더 똑똑하고 효율적인 운영 방법을 개발하는 데 도움이 되고 있습니다. SAS는
As AI rapidly advances over the next several years, I’ve been fortunate to have an active role in helping to guide a responsible path forward when it comes to technology’s impact on our daily lives. Currently, this role includes serving as Vice President for the SAS Data Ethics Practice, as an
The popularity of “greens powders” has exploded over the past few years with companies touting all kinds of health benefits and as an easy way to get your veggie servings in. But is this true? Are there benefits to taking these powders, and are they just like eating vegetables?
Labeling objects in graphs can be difficult. SAS has a long history of providing support for labeling markers in scatter plots and for labeling regions on a map. This article discusses how the SGPLOT procedure decides where to put a label for a polygon. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages
Humanity collectively creates 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily, presenting incredible opportunities for organizations—especially those who collect it in the cloud. Cloud-based data offers excellent insights for organizations, including a meaningful look at customer needs and operational improvements. However, these benefits come with risks, especially regarding security. According to IBM
Unleash innovation with diverse viewpoints, creative thinking and personal passions.
This year six teams from Benelux joined the global competition. These teams took on exciting challenges: from unlocking privacy-sensitive healthcare data with synthetic data to optimizing cheese production and much more! With access to the latest SAS software and SAS mentors, they were building innovative solutions to real-world problems. Two
Sinds de start van de oorlog in Oekraïne heeft de Europese Commissie verschillende sanctiepakketten uitgerold. De economische impact van deze sancties op Rusland is significant en partijen aan Rusland gelieerd en/of op zoek naar commercieel gewin, zoeken voortdurend naar manieren om die sancties te omzeilen. Dit heeft ertoe geleid dat
The shift to cloud computing has dramatically transformed how organizations and businesses store, manage and analyze their data. The benefits of this shift are well-known: Moving to the cloud increases the potential to gain more value their data through faster access, greater scalability and cost-efficiency. All plain sailing, right? Not
When you think about life-saving technology, does a statistical computing environment come to mind? Statistical computing environments (SCE) are critical in accelerating scientific discoveries by enabling researchers to manage, process and analyze data efficiently and compliantly, maintaining the utmost regulatory integrity. As life sciences research generates increasingly large and diverse
SAS supports many ways to compute the rank of a numeric variable and to handle tied values. However, sometimes I need to rank the values in a character categorical variable. For example, the values {"Male", "Female", "Male"} have ranks {2, 1, 2} because, in alphabetical order, "Female" is the first-ranked
‘SAS 이노베이트 2023’에서 최신 AI, 클라우드 분석 기술 및 사례 발표 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS가 5월 8일부터 10일까지(미국 현지 시간) 미국 플로리다주 올랜도에서 ‘SAS 이노베이트 2023(SAS Innovate 2023)’ 행사를 개최했습니다. ‘SAS 이노베이트’는 전 세계 산업별 전문가와 오피니언 리더들이 참석하는 SAS의 연례 비즈니스 컨퍼런스입니다. 이번 행사에서는 SAS Viya 제품의 놀라운
"For those not knee-deep in the ModelOps process, the process may seem simple," says Ankit Sinha, Director of Product Management at Experian: "You build the model, deploy the model and reap the benefits." But the process starts to become very complex when you're using multiple database systems and data sources
Os desafios que bancos enfrentam para proteger os bens de seus clientes e garantir sua confiança só aumentam à medida que crimes financeiros se tornam cada vez mais sofisticados. Para lidar com esta crescente complexidade, organizações têm promovido a convergência das áreas que lidam com a prevenção dos principais tipos