As SAS delivered powerful end-to-end artificial intelligence & machine learning platform SAS® Viya®, more and more SAS users plan to adopt this new platform to produce faster outcomes and invaluable insights. The significant difference between SAS Viya and SAS 9 is, UTF-8 is the default session encoding in SAS Viya,
Search Results: Unicode (78)
It has been more than a decade since SAS 9.3 changed the default ODS destination from the old LISTING destination to more modern destinations such as HTML. One of the advantages of modern output destinations is support for Unicode symbols, superscripts, subscripts, and for formatting text by using boldface, italics,
You can use Unicode to display special characters in SAS output including tables and graphs. With graphs that analytical procedures produce, you might need additional steps.
Many users of ODS Graphics will be excited to learn that, beginning with SAS® 9.4 TS1M3, SG procedures are able to recognize formatted values that contain Unicode values. One benefit of this is that it allows you to include, without using annotation, special symbols such as greater-than-or-equal-to signs or Greek
SAS 9.4 Maintenance release 3 was released on July 14. The ODS Graphics procedures include many important, useful and cool features in this release, some that have been requested by you for a while. In the next few articles, I will cover some of these features. Last time I covered
Including special Unicode symbols into the graph is getting more popular. In general, SG procedures support Unicode strings in places where these strings are coded into the syntax such as TITLE, FOOTNOTE. These support Unicode characters and also the special {SUP} and {SUB} commands. This is because these statements are rendered
Often it is desirable to use special Unicode characters for the tick value names on the axes. However, SG procedures and GTL do not support Unicode strings in SAS data sets. With SAS 9.3, the SGPLOT procedure supports annotation which does support Unicode strings. You can create an annotation data set
The Unicode character table contains a vast array of characters and symbols that can be quite useful for making your text more descriptive in your graph. These characters can be inserted into any viewable string that you can define in the GTL or SG procedure syntax. These strings include titles,
What's the difference between LENGTH and FORMAT in a SAS data set? This article shares the answer, with examples.
Emojis are showing up in our data. Here's what you need to know when working with emojis in your SAS code.
In 2023, I wrote 90 articles for The DO Loop blog. My most popular articles were about SAS programming, data visualization, and statistics. In addition, several "general interest" articles were popular, including my article for Pi Day and an article about AI chatbots. If you missed any of these articles,
Q: SAS 9.4 安裝完後遇到錯誤訊息: WARNING: One or more libraries specified in the concatenated library SASHELP do not exist. These libraries were removed from the concatenation. ERROR: The current date of _____________ is past the final expiration date for your SAS system..... ..... ERROR: 從SASHELP 初始化 setinit 資訊失敗。 NOTE: Unable to initialize the
SAS EG 常見問題集 SAS EM 常見問題集 Q: SAS 程式(SAS 9.4) 繁體中文出現亂碼怎麼辦? A: 主要發生原因是因為近期 Windows 作業系統更新, [解法] 請至控制台 > 地區設定,將” Beta: 使用 Unicode UTF-8 提供全球語言支援” 選項取消勾選,避免亂碼問題。
By starting from a set of purely declarative statements, any zebra puzzle with limited constraints can be tagged and solved quickly in the same way without changing any code.
Recall that the binomial distribution is the distribution of the number of successes in a set of independent Bernoulli trials, each having the same probability of success. Most introductory statistics textbooks discuss the approximation of the binomial distribution by the normal distribution. The graph to the right shows that the
This blog post is mostly just a bunch of fun maps ... maps that are labeled (or mislabeled) in various ways, using fun/interesting data. I focus on the 'fun' part, but if you're not careful you might also learn a little about the various ways to add labels to maps
Catching up to the consumers Using technology and analytics to support marketing is not especially new. It is fair to say that it has been possible for some time. Many organisations have invested in marketing platforms, for example. However, there is a niggling problem. The investment may have been made, but few marketers are
Understanding the problem Working with character data of different encodings across different systems can occasionally result in failures to translate or transcode that data from its source format to a destination format. When using a SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME engine to query DBMS data, this scenario can end up causing errors when
In the past, Sanjay showed how to create several basic graphs using both R and SAS ODS Graphics code. I'm going to take a bit of a "deeper dive" and focus a series of blog posts on highly customized graphs. Hopefully the code for these customizations will provide you with
Last year, I wrote more than 100 posts for The DO Loop blog. In previous years, the most popular articles were about SAS programming tips, statistical analysis, and data visualization. But not in 2020. In 2020, when the world was ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic, the most-read articles were related
SAS' Leonid Batkhan reveals how to change lengths for all character variables in a data set and all data sets in a data library to facilitate data migration to Unicode encoding environment.
When you create a graph by using the SGPLOT procedure in SAS, usually the default tick locations are acceptable. Sometimes, however, you might want to specify a set of custom tick values for one or both axes. This article shows three examples: Specify evenly spaced values. Specify tick values that
I've read several articles that mentioned the north magnetic pole has been moving more in the past few decades, than in the previous few hundred years. And as a Map Guy, I knew I just had to plot this data on a map, and see it for myself! I provide
SAS' Leonid Batkhan shows you how to compare SAS data sets that include common and uncommon columns. You'll learn how to check mark commonalities and color-code differences in data tables side-by-side columns and add a comments field to see greater detail.
With all this sitting at a desk writing code, I have to do something to keep in shape. And for me, that something is paddling boats ... as fast as I can - and occasionally trying to race them. This past weekend I entered the race at Hunting Island, SC.
Leonid Batkhan shows you easy ways to create a checklist table in SAS software.
The SAS Championship golf tournament is happening this week, here in Cary, North Carolina! If you're following along and watching the scores, you might wonder how they're doing compared to past years, and what kind of scores it generally takes to win. Follow along as I plot the data from
Lately we've been hearing a lot about "record low unemployment" in the news. Being a data guy, I wanted to see it for myself. Follow along as I create some custom unemployment graphs from the official data for California and New York (two of our most populous states). Or, if
A few examples to demonstrate some of the common output-related problems with ODS Graphics Procedures. If your graphical output does not appear as you wanted, consider the options that you are using and make sure that you are using the correct option.
Have you ever had one of those moments when something you had assumed was true all your life, turned out not to be true? I remember that happening in my high school Spanish class (taught by the wonderful Señor Shoaf), when he let us in on a little secret -