Search Results: Visual Analytics (1745)

Data Visualization
Roland Brezina 0
Visual Analytics: Neue Verantwortung für Marketing, mehr Gestaltungsspielraum für Business Analysten

Innovative Technologien für Customer Insights Seit Jahren überzeugen Anbieter von Kundenmanagement- und Marketing-Lösungen die Anwender in Unternehmen, Analytics als DAS effektivitätssteigernde Mittel der Kundenansprache einzusetzen. Zu recht: Marketingabteilungen, die analytische und datenbasierte Konzepte und Lösungen anwenden, sind seit Jahren Vorreiter und Maßstab des Erfolges.

Alison Bolen 0
The CEO's favorite visual analytics features

"What do you do when you first get a data set that's a billion rows long?" asks SAS CEO Jim Goodnight. "You want to play around with it."  At dozens of SAS events over the last year, audience attendees have watched Goodnight do just that, quickly grabbing 1.15 billion records, selecting

Data Visualization
Guido Oswald 0
Business Intelligence 2013 – Was Analysten erwarten und warum Visual Analytics alles kann!

Boris Evelson ist nicht irgendein Branchenkenner: Der Analyst ist vielleicht der BI Experte bei Forrester! Wie schon oft zuvor schaut er auch 2013 in die Glaskugel und trifft Voraussagen, welche Themen in diesem Jahr dominieren werden. Beim Lesen seines Artikels ist mir klar geworden, wie gut SAS® Visual Analytics den eigentlich erst noch

Chris Hemedinger 0
Behind the scenes with SAS Visual Analytics

If you've heard anything from SAS in recent months, then you've heard about high-performance analytics and the new SAS Visual Analytics offering. SAS has taken the high-performance analytics message around the world in a series of recent "road shows". From the start, this project has enjoyed a different development process

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Lindsay Marshall 0
SAS Viya Visual Data Science Decisioning free trial: The ultimate analytics experience

With the SAS Visual Data Science Decisioning (VDSD) trial, you get the ultimate analytics experience with free access to all SAS Viya analytic capabilities for 14 days. ​SAS Visual Data Science Decisioning provides the ultimate experience covering the entire analytics lifecycle – from managing data, developing models, and deploying models to take decisions.

Analytics | Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
Education analytics: The benefits of using data visualization and analytics

For our third installment in this blog post series, let’s continue our journey to learn more from three SAS education customers. Today, we'll hear about the benefits their users and institutions have received by using SAS for data visualization and analytics. In this post, you'll hear from: Linda Sullivan, Assistant Vice President

Advanced Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | SAS Events
SAS Poland 0
SAS® Visual Investigator – the new dimension of use of advanced SAS analytics

Today, fraud detection in the areas of financial services, citizen services and national security is becoming an increasingly relevant challenge for both private organisations and government agencies. The ubiquity of the internet, the e‑commerce boom and growing volumes of data processed in clouds necessitate the implementation of advanced IT tools.

Data Visualization | Students & Educators
Georgia Mariani 0
Community college answers complex ‘why’ questions with data visualization and analytics

Reporting can reveal last year’s graduation rates or this semester’s completion rates at a local community college. But drilling further into that data to ask why students aren’t graduating or why they aren’t enrolling requires more complex analysis. At Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio, college administrators and professors are

Jonathan Moran 0
3 reasons why marketers need SAS® for customer analytics

Customer analytics is becoming imperative for organizations that desire to create and provide personalized and satisfying customer experiences. To understand and anticipate customer needs, preferences and behaviors in a fast-moving marketplace, organizations must make sense of unstructured data, apply industry-specific data and analytics techniques, and optimize every customer-level decision and

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