Für viele Data-Science-Teams ist das Internet of Things (IoT) bisher nur eine weitere Datenquelle. Für viele IoT-Projektteams sind Daten nur als ein weiteres Element, mit dem man sich beschäftigen muss. Aber jetzt, da immer mehr IoT-Implementierungen in die Realität umgesetzt werden, müssen sich beide Teams mit drei Tatsachen auseinandersetzen. Erstens:
Search Results: Visual Analytics (1617)
"Correlation does not imply causation.” Does that bring back memories from your college statistics class? If you cringe when you hear those words, don’t worry. This phrase is still relevant today, but is now more approachable and easier to understand. Here at SAS, we use SAS® Visual Analytics to make
The world nowadays is full of all sorts of data. With so much information from such a wide range of sources being compiled on a daily basis, we need to be capable of processing and analysing it extremely quickly. We also want information and knowledge immediately to hand, and are
La connessione tra mobile, cloud, social media e Big Data sta radicalmente ridisegnando il mondo aziendale. E nessuna area ne risulta maggiormente colpita come il CRM, in particolar modo in quei settori di mercato dove il rapporto tra azienda e cliente occupa un ruolo centrale nelle strategie di business (retail,
In my previous post, I wrote about the Quick Pulse survey of leaders of health care institutions and the vital role data and analytics has in patient care and engagement. In this post, I'll tell you what the survey had to say about the progress these leaders believe they are
In my previous post, I wrote about the Quick Pulse survey of leaders of health care institutions and the vital role data and analytics has in patient care and engagement. In this post, I'll tell you what the survey had to say about the progress these leaders believe they are
The nexus of mobile, cloud, social and big data is radically reshaping the business world. Nowhere is the upheaval more dramatic than in areas with high customer engagement: retailing, financial and communications services, travel and customer service. Such profound changes in the landscape, driving heightened consumer expectations have pushed beyond
En el mundo en el que vivimos, caracterizado en la rapidez de la información, nos hemos empezado a acostumbrar a términos como Big Data o el Internet de las Cosas. Lo primero nos hace pensar en muchas cifras y datos. Lo segundo, en la interconectividad de todo y los muchos datos que eso
Small causes can have large effects; or how a discovery in the Barnett Shale can spike some interest in the rest of the world and change the face of the industry. This article is co-written by Sylvie Jacquet-Faucillon, Senior Analytics Presales Consultant, SAS France; and David Dozoul, Senior Adviser
Das lange bemühte Bild des „König Kunde“ scheint langsam Realität zu werden – zumindest verschiebt sich das Kräfteverhältnis stetig zu Gunsten der Konsumenten. Wer also schwingt das Zepter bei Advanced Customer Analytics?
As we look at the last 40 years of innovation using analytics, it can be both humbling and inspiring. I mean, who would have anticipated 40 years ago that SAS® would be used to analyze genomic data and help develop specialized medications as a result? Who would have guessed that
„Oh Mann, mach ihn doch rein.“ Wer kennt das nicht, man fiebert live im Stadion oder auf der heimischen Couch mit seinem Lieblingsteam, das gerade versucht, ein wichtiges Match zu gewinnen oder die langersehnte Trophäe zu ergattern. Ja, und dann sitzt man da auf seinem Sitz oder im Sessel und
With the recent changes to federal education policy, I wanted to learn more so I interviewed Emily Baranello, Vice President SAS Education Practice and Susan Gates, SAS Special Advisor on Education. In part 1 of the interview, they were helpful in explaining the new policies, impact, opportunities and challenges for
I've worked at SAS for quite awhile, and people always want to know more about SAS, especially it's great work environment. In response to those questions, I've written this story full of SAS product and programming puns to describe how SAS has evolved over time and remains LASR focused on helping
I recently read the book "Die Zahl die aus der Kälte kam" (which would be The Number That Came in from the Cold in English) written by the Austrian mathematician Rudolf Taschner. He is ingenious at presenting complex mathematical relationships to a broader audience. One of his examples deals with
With the recent changes to federal education policy, I wanted to learn more about those changes and the impacts they'll have on P-12 education across the U.S. So, I decided to interview Emily Baranello, Vice President SAS Education Practice and Susan Gates, SAS Special Advisor on Education. Here's part one
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then visualizing data in Hadoop would be like a billion. Over the last few years, organizations have rushed to leverage the low-cost distributed computing and storage power of Hadoop clusters. As Hadoop environments mature and move away from their initial focus of
According to Lloyd Dean, president and CEO, "At Dignity Health, we are committed to developing partnerships and opportunities that harness the tremendous potential of technology, from improving the patient experience to providing caregivers with tools that will support their day-to-day care decisions." Dignity Health, one of the largest health systems
Streaming analytics is a red hot topic in many industries. As the Internet of Things continues to grow, the ability to process and analyze data from new sources like sensors, mobile phones, and web clickstreams will set you apart from your competition. Event stream processing is a popular way to
Don’t get me wrong. I have no doubt in the capabilities of our SAS products and SAS solutions! But I wanted to get a firsthand experience of our new solution for text analytics, SAS Contextual Analysis 14.1. And the result is very convincing! But let’s start from the beginning. Functions
Gerade lese ich mit großem Interesse die neue BARC-Studie "Advanced & Predictive Analytics 2016". Und ich bin sehr froh, dass der Nutzen von Analytics nahezu unbestritten ist. Egal, ob erfahrene "Best-in-Class"-Unternehmen oder analytische Nachzügler:
It is said that everything is big in Texas, and that includes big data. During my recent trip to Austin I had the privilege of being a judge in the final round of the Texata Big Data World Championship, a fantastic example of big data competitions. It felt fitting that
Hi, there! First of all, let me introduce myself, as this is my first blog. I am Simran Bagga, and three weeks ago I became the Product Manager for Text Analytics at SAS. This role might be new to me, but text analytics is not. For the past 12 years,
A number of years ago I was driving home to Alabama for the holidays. Typical of the season the driving was not easy. It was getting dark early and the traffic was fairly heavy. I had the radio on to pass the time. A talk show was on and the
Hidely-hodely, everyone! As you might imagine, the size and variety of the gift inventory at the North Pole puts Wal-Mart to shame. And while we’ve been at this for hundreds of years, we still make too many of some things and not enough of others. No elf can forget the
Das Christkind ist unzufrieden! Bald ist Weihnachten und die Vorbereitungen laufen nur langsam an. Stress liegt in himmlischer Luft. Und wenn ein Christkind gestresst ist, müssen die Engel stramm stehen. Doch weil Engel immer eine Lösung haben, sind sie Engel. Öffnen Sie das 2. Türchen und schauen Sie hinter die
Kürzlich habe ich das Buch „Die Zahl die aus der Kälte kam“ des österreichischen Mathematikers Rudolf Taschner gelesen. Er versteht es meisterhaft, komplexe Zusammenhänge einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Eines seiner Beispiele behandelt die Macht der Hohepriester im alten Ägypten. Dabei ist mir folgendes klar geworden: Die Hohepriester im Alten
Know your data. Do a needs analysis. Organize for success. Empower users. These are four best practices for data and analytics that you'll want to hear more about. In my first three posts in the Analytics in Real Life blog series, we learned how higher education customers are using SAS and why
Having a mentor is the number one factor in increasing the steepness of your personal learning curve. So says my oldest, Garik, a Park Scholar at North Carolina State University (class of 2012), during a discussion he recently had with the incoming Park Scholar class of 2019. To accept the
Do you have a great idea for an analytics project but need approval to get started? Or maybe you've had some initial successes with analytics and you're ready to expand the program. We talked to four analytics leaders in the higher education industry to get their advice on how to