Data Visualization

Get the right information, with visual impact, to the people who need it

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
In good company

A recent post on the SAS website shows the SAS Annual Revenue History.  It would be interesting to see how we could create such a graph using SG procedures, and how we could add more information and interest in the presentation.  So, I started with the basic informaiton on the annual revenues provided,

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Simply useful

Let us ring in the new year with something simple and useful. A recent question by a user over the holidays motivated this article on what is likely a commonly used graph.  We want to compare the preformance of two categories along with a third measure.  This could be something like "How

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Map overlays

In Simple maps can go a long way, we discussed some techniques to create simple outline maps from map datasets in the MAPS library using GTL.  Now, let us take this a step further to do something more useful with this feature. For some graphs, the map information is an essential part of the

Data Visualization
Pratik Phadke 0
Calendar Heatmaps in GTL

Calendar Heatmaps are an interesting alternative view of time-series data. The measured value is displayed as color mapped cells in a calendar. Calendar Heatmaps can be easily created with SAS 9.3 using just the HEATMAPPARM, SERIESPLOT and BLOCKPLOT statements in GTL and some simple data manipulation. The example below shows

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Adding a spark to your data

When viewing time series data, often we only want to see the trend in the data over time and we are not so concerned about the actual data values.  With multiple time series plots, forecasting software can find clusters to help us view series with similar trends. Recently I saw a graph showing the trend of unemployment

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
SGPLOT procedure - the basics

In this blog we will discuss many aspects of the SG Procedures.  This article will cover some basic features and workings of the SGPLOT procedure to establish a baseline. The single-cell graph is the work horse for data visualization.  From the simple bar chart to the complex patient profiles for clinical

Data Visualization
Dan Heath 0
The Power of Unicode

The Unicode character table contains a vast array of  characters and symbols that can be quite useful for making your text more descriptive in your graph. These characters can be inserted into any viewable string that you can define in the GTL or SG procedure syntax. These strings include titles,

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
It pays to be discrete

Often we have the need to display multiple columns of data in a graph, and we want to introduce some separation into their placement in the graph. Or, we want to display a bar chart of multiple response variables, and place the values side-by-side, like in a grouped bar chart. For both

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Hello, World

Welcome to this new blog on data visualization at SAS. Our goal is to engage with you on a discussion about analytical and business graphics for reporting and interactive applications. Our primary focus will be on ODS Graphics and related topics, but we look forward to a lively discussion on all things

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