Blend, cleanse and prepare data for analytics, reporting or data modernization efforts
David Loshin looks at two levels of data privacy concerns: exposure, and fair use of personal information.
Blend, cleanse and prepare data for analytics, reporting or data modernization efforts
David Loshin looks at two levels of data privacy concerns: exposure, and fair use of personal information.
Here are some new tips for masking. The new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires your company to implement (quote) all necessary technical and organizational measures and to take into consideration the available technology at the time of the processing and technological developments. So, how can you comply with
You work with data. Data about your customers. It's likely that your customers' identity could be determined from the data you’ve collected. Starting in May 2018, a new data protection law will be in effect. This means you’re going to have to document which technical measures you’ve implemented to prevent your
When using conventional methods to access and analyze data sets from Teradata tables, SAS brings all the rows from a Teradata table to SAS Workspace Server. As the number of rows in the table grows over time, it adds to the network latency to fetch the data from a database
Todd Wright summarizes several GDPR-related blog posts that cover topics ranging from what the GDPR means to how you can manage consent.
In the hype and excitement surrounding artificial intelligence and big data, most of us miss out on critical aspects related to collection, processing, handling and analyzing data. It's important for data science practitioners to understand these critical aspects and add a human touch to big data. What are these aspects?
Jim Harris considers the technical infrastructure challenges of data preparation for streaming data.
For the past few years, I've been hearing from many news sources that Detroit is the most violent large city in the US. If the news is saying this, then the data should corroborate it, eh? Well, of course I decided to check for myself... When comparing crime data across
@philsimon provides more thoughts about the opportunity that GDPR provides marketing departments.
David Loshin says the hardest part of compliance is knowing if a data asset contains personal data, and ensuring you can protect it.
Wherever there is uncertainty there has got to be judgment, and wherever there is judgment there is an opportunity for human fallibility. Donald Redelmeirer, physician-researcher Recently, I read a fascinating book titled The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Mind by Michael Lewis (W.W. Norton & Company, 2017). Lewis
@philsimon chimes in on a massive opportunity for organizations that process the data of EU residents.
Todd Wright says the risk of fines for GDPR noncompliance may pale in comparison to the risk posed by reputation loss.
Welche Veränderungen bringt 2018 im Datenmanagement? Ich habe Experten nach ihrer Meinung zu den Technologietrends 2018 gefragt und sie mit meinen eigenen Erwartungen verglichen. Herauskristallisiert haben sich fünf große Trends, die uns meiner Ansicht nach dieses Jahr im Datenmanagement begleiten: 1. Datenbewegung wird wichtiger Cloud-Anbieter haben bereits gezeigt, wie einfach es
Hace un poco más de un lustro, cuando las Fintech –startups tecnológicas que operan en el sector financiero- comenzaron a sonar fuerte en el mercado, se creyó que eran una amenaza para el tradicional sector financiero, su modelo de negocio y las compañías que allí operaban; hoy, lejos de ser calificadas como el enemigo, se han convertido en el
Llega el 2018 y trae consigo una serie de modificaciones en la recopilación de datos, ¿en qué sentido?... A partir de este año ya no será tan fácil poder reunir el perfil de una persona, ya que los negocios sufrirán un cambio importante en materia de protección y privacidad de
What will 2018 unveil for the data management market? I searched expert opinions on technology trends for 2018 and matched them against my own to uncover the five major trends that I think we’ll see in data management this year: 1. Data movement becomes more important. Cloud providers have proven
Four things clients say could go wrong when you're working to become a data-driven business.
David Loshin describes four key traits of fully data-driven businesses.
Data Preparation wird von Unternehmen bislang oft als Fleißaufgabe gesehen, die man gerne der IT überlässt. Doch weil die Fachabteilungen oftmals nicht lange auf ihre Daten warten wollen, haben dicke SQL-Bücher und Spreadsheet-Anwendungen immer noch Hochkonjunktur in den meisten Büros. Ist das sinnvoll? Nein, das ist nicht sinnvoll. Denn die
Behavioral health information technology (HIT) adoption efforts have struggled and are still plagued by a number of challenges. Since 2011, the federal government has incentivized the industry to the tune of $37 billion. However, according to US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) “psychologists, community mental health centers, psychiatric hospitals, and others
What's stopping you from being a data-driven business? Phil Simon points to four common stumbling blocks.
Der Datensee wird immer voller. Aus allen Himmelsrichtugen fließen die Daten ein, nicht nur aus Exceltabellen oder aus Datenbanken, sondern zu großen Teilen aus operativen Systemen wie SAP ERP oder SAP HANA. Aber nicht genug: Sie kommen natürlich auch aus dem Internet in unseren See. Mobilen Endgeräten oder auch Sensoren an Maschinen
SAS Data Preparation 2.1 is now available and it includes the ability to perform data quality transformations on your data using the definitions from the SAS Quality Knowledge Base (QKB). The SAS Quality Knowledge Base is a collection of files which store data and logic that define data quality operations
Jim Harris says a data-driven business can make decisions faster, using better data, with more transparency about results.
Joyce Norris-Montanari defines data-driven design and asks if it's more about technology, processes or mindset.
The primary obstacle to becoming a data-driven business is that data is not readily available, leaving valuable insights unused in data silos. To overcome this hurdle, today’s companies are creating a new role: Chief Data Officers (CDO). Responsible for unlocking insights hidden in data silos, the CDO is tasked with
With SAS Data Management, you can setup SAS Data Remediation to manage and correct data issues. SAS Data Remediation allows user- or role-based access to data exceptions. Last time I talked about how to register and use a Data Remediation service. This time we will look at how to use
Finding a pattern like a phone number or national ID number embedded in text can be difficult and time consuming.
A steady drumbeat of news coverage makes one thing clear: Opioid abuse is rising and has reached epidemic levels throughout our country. Overdoses from the diversion and abuse of prescription opioids are one cause of the surge in deaths. Overdoses from heroin and other illicit synthetic opioids (such as heroin,