Tag: ods graphics

Data Visualization
Dan Heath 0
The Power of Stacking

Amazing things can be created when you start with small pieces and stack them together. Just ask Bryan Berg. He is the current world record holder for the tallest house of cards. This same principle can be applied to the SGPLOT and SGPANEL procedures. You can take the individual plot

Data Visualization
Dan Heath 0
Area Bar Charts using SGPLOT

The SGPLOT procedure supports a wide variety of plot types that you can use directly or combine together to create more complex graphs. Even with this flexibility, there might be times you run across a graph that you cannot create using one of the standard plot types. An "area" bar

Data Visualization
Dan Heath 0
Optimizing bar label placement

When creating bar charts, it is very common to display labels with the bars to make it easier to determine the bar values or to provide additional information in the chart. However, these labels can take away valuable data space, particularly if you generate a smaller-sized graph. As you see

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Video says it better

SAS 9.4 was released a month ago, and we are excited about all the new features in SG Procedures, GTL and Designer.  I wrote an article on SAS 9.4 graph features last month, and promised more to come. What then could be better than this Tech Talk video hosted by our