Tag: innovation

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Innovation | Machine Learning | Risk Management
Joe Nyangon 0
Managing stranded asset risks in the energy sector with analytics

As the world moves toward a low-carbon future, the power and utilities industry faces significant financial and reputational risks due to the potential stranding of resources and assets. This transition to carbon-free energy sources could render carbon-intensive assets – such as coal- and gas-fired power plants, coal mines and hydrocarbon

Lexi Regalado 0
3 ways Blyott and SAS are revolutionizing hospital operations with real-time location tracking

For hospitals, managing inventory is an ongoing logistical challenge. The right equipment in the right spot is essential for safe and efficient hospital operations. That's why hospitals around the world turn to Blyott. Blyott is a plug-and-play machine learning and modular real-time-location-services (RTLS) provider. Their technology tracks the location of

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good | Learn SAS | Students & Educators
Ricardo Galante 0
História do SAS LAB na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Origem e benefícios do Laboratório Científico criado pelo SAS, na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. No final do ano passado, o SAS Portugal anunciou a criação de um laboratório científico - designado SAS-FCUL Lab - na FCUL - Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, com o objetivo

Analytics | Cloud
Lindsay Marshall 0
4 ways software as a service is driving intelligent business decisions

Cloud technologies enable greater access to analytics. The shift to providing less complicated usability empowers decision-makers and offers a competitive advantage previously unattainable. Companies of all sizes and sectors embrace cloud technologies to address data and information challenges. IT departments are short-staffed and expected to support a large and varied

Kayla Woitkowski 0
6 reasons why hiring early-career talent may be a strategy to explore

Determining the “right” talent strategy for an organization isn’t easy. Diverse projects and priorities demand various levels of knowledge, skills and experiences to achieve the end goal. Talent planning requires assessing current employees and unearthing the gaps to identify what’s needed to meet business demands. Specific and extensive knowledge and

Analytics | Cloud
Gavin Day 0
How to overcome obstacles in moving to the cloud

As today’s analytics landscape evolves with impressive velocity, organizations are hungry for solutions to eliminate barriers to moving to the cloud. While the arguments for digital transformation are clear, many organizations hesitate to take the final step and migrate their businesses. It’s not hard to find supporting evidence on the

Arthur de Crook 0

SAS Summercamp brings innovations to next level The words curious, passionate, accountable and authentic best describe the atmosphere around the SAS office in Huizen during the SAS D[N]A Lab Summercamp 2022. From 16-19 August, the Dutch SAS office was transformed into a real Summercamp, including an actual campsite. During this

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