Tag: innovation

Federico Aguggini 0
The midfield of innovation

July 16, 1950, Rio de Janeiro. Jules Rimet, the creator of the soccer world championship, walks through a long dark subway that runs under one of the most famous soccer fields in the world, loaded with poetry, energy and the magic of football: the Maracanà. Above his head, he can

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Matthias Piston 0
„Innovation braucht Fehlertoleranz und Risikobereitschaft“

Exnovation – wissen Sie was das ist? Das ist das Gegenteil von Innovation. Nein, das wollen wir nicht haben. Wir wollen Innovationen, und die bitte am laufenden Band. Koste es, was es wolle. Gerade im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Innovation ist irgendwie zum Zwang geworden. Denn wer sich nicht innerhalb kürzester

Analytics | Data Management
Suzanne Clayton 0
Be proactive. Be a trailblazer with data.

For many industries, big data analytics have opened numerous doors for more employees to be groundbreaking and to challenge the corporate status quo. Prior to big data technologies, risk taking behaviors were primarily reserved for provocative souls who stretched organizational boundaries to disrupt industries, such as airline revenue management. There were winners and losers

Timothy K. Wilson 0
Patent trolls threaten all industries, not just tech

Patent trolls, aka Non-Practicing Entities (NPE), assert patents against companies in an attempt to collect license fees, but do not otherwise manufacture products or provide services themselves. They use the cost of the litigation as leverage to force settlements from the operating companies. For small companies, it could mean closing their doors.

Leo Sadovy 0
Unique business models, but common problems

Twenty-four sessions, twenty-four speakers, twenty-four different topics over just two days, and I didn’t just sit through the convention as a participant, no, I moderated the entire two day event as its Chairman. The Financial Forecasting and Planning Summit, organized by the IE Group, and held at the DoubleTree Mission

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