A pandemia trouxe grandes desafios crónicos e específicos à atividade das autoridades tributárias – como os atrasos ou mesmo suspensão do pagamento de impostos, a necessidade da digitalização de processos, o repensar formas de tributar novas atividades resultantes de empresas que começaram então a operar digitalmente, etc. – que exigiram
Tag: fraud detection
It is unfortunate, but the procurement process is rife with the potential for loss, waste, abuse, and fraud. It requires many different steps to be performed by different departments, including ethics and compliance, audit, procurement, and fraud investigation. Procurement has also been somewhat slower to develop and adopt the kind
La inteligencia artificial se perfila como un aliado de gran valor en la lucha contra el crimen financiero. Su capacidad para detectar de forma temprana posibles actividades sospechosas, analizar grandes cantidades de datos en tiempo real o automatizar la detección de fraudes, la convierte en una herramienta indispensable para las
La introducción de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en múltiples industrias a lo largo de los últimos años ha impulsado una auténtica revolución tecnológica, incluyendo en la detección e investigación de fraude u otros delitos financieros. A pesar de que los avances en esta materia varían según el sector o la
Tem alguma noção de onde estão os seus dados? Provavelmente não, mas os fraudadores certamente que sim! A fraude pode não ser algo que pensemos todos os dias, mas a verdade é que pode afetar todas as áreas da nossa vida, daí a sua relevância. Anualmente, durante a Semana Internacional de
K Nearest Neighbour is an algorithm that stores all the available observations and classifies the new data based on a similarity measure.
In principle, the best method of mitigating fraud is to set up a strong detection system. A system perceived as unbeatable will mean that potential fraudsters are discouraged from attempting anything and move on to easier targets. The premise of deterrence is that a system that detects fraud and abuse
A expectativa era grande em torno da comemoração do SAS Innovate Madrid, que aconteceu no passado dia 25 de maio. Ouvimos muitas conversas sobre o que as pessoas esperavam do evento, incluindo o desejo de uma vez mais encontrarem-se cara a cara com clientes, parceiros e colegas da área para falar
Había mucha expectación en torno a la celebración del SAS Innovate Madrid, que tuvo lugar el pasado 25 de mayo. Escuchamos muchas conversaciones sobre lo que la gente esperaba del evento. Estas incluían el deseo de volver a encontrarse cara a cara con clientes, partners y colegas del sector para
A Fraude no setor bancário não é um tema recente, mas a pandemia e, mais tarde, a guerra tiveram impacto no setor, como aliás demonstra a quarta edição do relatório sobre a cibersegurança em Portugal do Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança (CNCS) "A mitigação progressiva da pandemia e o surgimento de uma
Fraud remains a huge challenge for governments and inspectors at all levels, as fraudsters today are more successful than ever. Because many cases are so difficult to detect, there is tremendous potential for technologies such as analytics and AI to support investigations. The social inspectorates in Belgium have recently set
By Carl Eastwood, Fraud & Financial Crimes Domain Lead at SAS, and Katarina Garai, CFE - Retail & CSP Fraud Lead at SAS Managing fraud risks in the Communication Service Provider (CSP) industry is no easy task, not least because of the speed at which fraudsters adapt to exploit new
Fraud detection is becoming increasingly more complex. Customers are demanding a frictionless consumer experience. Luckily, SAS' advanced machine learning models can better prevent fraud and protect customers by analyzing behaviors and detecting suspicious patterns in real-time.
La analítica de datos es conocida porque permite detectar patrones y comportamientos para predecir situaciones. Gracias a ella, las instituciones tienen la capacidad de anticiparse a las necesidades de los ciudadanos y poder tomar decisiones. Otra de las aplicaciones que tiene para, por ejemplo, las marcas, es poder recomendar productos
Las aseguradoras afrontan desde hace tiempo una continua batalla contra diferentes tipos de fraude. Fraude en los siniestros, fraude en la suscripción de póliza, ciberataques, fraude interno, etc. En Estados Unidos, un estudio de la Coalition Against Insurance Fraud lo estima en un total de 80.000 millones de dólares. El
It's easy to get distracted by new developments in the fight against healthcare fraud. New services. New providers. Relaxation of rules. The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly revolutionized the healthcare landscape. For instance, the government made sweeping regulatory changes to accommodate a surge in patients. Healthcare delivery and payment organizations, commercial
Je m’appelle Franck. Je suis consultant. Depuis 2003, j’accompagne de grands établissements pour renforcer leurs dispositifs de lutte contre le blanchiment (AML) et le financement du terrorisme en déployant des progiciels. 17 ans sont passés, ils fonctionnent toujours. Problème : ils sont devenus des monstres ! Je prends conscience de
Fraud, waste and abuse (FWA) ravages the US health care system. Estimates from the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association show fraud costs health care organizations $70 billion to $230 billion each year. The precise figure is unknowable because only 3 to 10% of this fraud is ever detected. With more
Le point de vue et l’approche développée par SAS Toute entreprise ou organisation est confrontée au risque de contrepartie, dès lors qu’elle est en relation avec un tiers. Ce risque est inhérent à toute relation commerciale entre deux entités (personnes morales et/ou physiques), mais également aux dispositifs financiers tels que
The public sector is finally changing. Artificial intelligence is gradually finding its way into its administrative structures.
Analytics-based approaches in healthcare offer a new way of thinking about fraud. They are able to predict potential events.
New payment methods will deliver huge improvements in speed of transaction, but also provide challenges.
Customer identity is a precious asset and a highly prized commodity. As the financial services industry has become more digitised down the years, customers' digital identity decides what they can do and what online services they have access to. This has been revolutionary for the customer experience. So long as
Around the world, combating public sector fraud is a major problem. "Benefits cheats" get the most media attention, but are by no means the biggest loss. Tax fraud is also a huge issue. And some estimates suggest that procurement fraud could dwarf both in terms of both scale and complexity.
The financial services industry has witnessed considerable hype around artificial intelligence (AI) in recent months. We’re all seeing a slew of articles in the media, at conference keynote presentations and think-tanks tasked with leading the revolution. AI indeed appears to be the new gold rush for large organisations and FinTech
In the medical field, an autopsy is valuable because it helps you understand the cause of death. But, what’s more valuable is identifying the leading indicators of an illness so that you can address it before the Grim Reaper comes knocking. Best in class organizations are taking a similar approach
Today, fraud detection in the areas of financial services, citizen services and national security is becoming an increasingly relevant challenge for both private organisations and government agencies. The ubiquity of the internet, the e‑commerce boom and growing volumes of data processed in clouds necessitate the implementation of advanced IT tools.
This is the second of the seven parts of blog post series “A practical guide to tackle auto insurance fraud”. While Data Management and Data Quality are the basis for every analytical journey, and this becomes even more true for fraud detection analytics, the domain knowledge and business expertise plaid
To some people, electricity is like air: There for the taking. For others, circumventing paying a utility bill is a just cause, sticking it to “Big Energy” for their perceived transgressions against customers. In either case, not paying for energy is considered fraud and a crime. In some states, energy