El éxito en el desarrollo e implementación de las iniciativas analíticas empresariales requiere que se tengan propósitos claros, una alineación con los objetivos del negocio, una adecuada captura y calidad de datos, una gestión y mejoramiento continuo de los modelos analíticos desarrollados y no menos importante, la operacionalización o puesta
Tag: data
Summarizing numeric data is an important step in analyzing your data. CASL provides multiple actions that generate summary statistics. This blog provides a quick overview of three of those actions: SIMPLE.SUMMARY, AGGREGATION.AGGREGATE, and DATAPREPROCESS.RUSTATS.
For many years now, companies have been seeking to understand the views of their customers by asking them for direct feedback. Market research, in the form of interviews or focus groups, has tried to understand customers’ wants and needs. And who has not sighed as yet another recorded voice informed
Las estadísticas demuestran que para más de 2/3 partes de nuestros clientes, el momento de mayor preocupación es el de la transición, es decir, cuando tienen que pasar la información de sus servidores a la nube. Se podría decir que se encuentra en el primer lugar de nuestro ranking de
Los avances tecnológicos, las expectativas de los clientes y las regulaciones que redefinen el mercado, han sido puntos clave para que el sector de los seguros se enfoque en el crecimiento de sus ventas, su rentabilidad y la lealtad y el cuidado de sus clientes. ¿Qué ha pasado entonces? las
El popular dicho español ‘El que mucho abarca poco aprieta’ ha cobrado gran relevancia en la era del análisis de datos. Cuando los data scientists, data analysts, y analistas en general realizan modelos para predecir comportamientos, tendencias, patrones, etc. se enfrentan ante el desafío de abarcar lo suficiente para apretar
„Hiermit beschwere ich mich!“ Auf Kundenbeschwerden schnell, präzise und im Idealfall im ersten Wurf problemlösend zu reagieren, das ist eine Königsdisziplin im Kundenerlebnis-Management. Zeige mir, wie du mit Beschwerden umgehst, und ich sage dir, ob du eine Zukunft hast! Gerade für Konzerne mit einer großen heterogenen Kundschaft, zum Beispiel im
Con los años, y debido a la amplia oferta de ciertos productos y servicios, el reto de llegar a nuevos clientes y fidelizar a los actuales ha crecido. Esto ha llevado a las empresas a buscar diferentes tecnologías que les permitan saber más de sus clientes. Dicha adopción, en la
La evolución tecnológica a la que nos enfrentamos a diario ha generado grandes cambios en los hábitos de consumo. Estas transformaciones han llevado a las organizaciones a atravesar por un momento en el que si no evolucionan no podrán optimizar, por ejemplo, la experiencia al cliente que ofrecen, y de
Las empresas minoristas quieren vender; de eso se trata su negocio. Implementan mecanismos y estrategias para lograrlo y así atraer a un número mayor de clientes, tener precios competitivos y elevar su rentabilidad, ofrecer los productos que los consumidores quieren y ganarse su lealtad y estar en el top of
Hace un poco más de un lustro, cuando las Fintech –startups tecnológicas que operan en el sector financiero- comenzaron a sonar fuerte en el mercado, se creyó que eran una amenaza para el tradicional sector financiero, su modelo de negocio y las compañías que allí operaban; hoy, lejos de ser calificadas como el enemigo, se han convertido en el
In a recent presentation, Jill Dyche, VP of SAS Best Practices gave two great quotes: "Map strategy to data" and "strategy drives analytics drives data." In other words, don't wait for your data to be perfect before you invest in analytics. Don't get me wrong -- I fully understand and
Si se desea comprender cómo se desarrollan los procesos de Data Management y con ello poder hacer uso de todos los beneficios que éstos ofrecen, como primera instancia debemos clarificar qué es el Data Management y cómo está integrado. De acuerdo a la DAMA, Data Management Association, este concepto engloba
While men still outnumber women in the analytics field, there are plenty of opportunities available for women. At a recent Chief Data and Analytics forum, I was encouraged to see a well-balanced number of senior executives presenting about the business of analytics. Speakers included 12 women and 14 men, which indicates a
Las industrias de los diversos sectores, frecuentemente se enfrentan a una serie de cambios que los mantienen en constante movimiento. Adoptar una cultura dinámica, que les permita reaccionar oportunamente ante situaciones inesperadas y fuera de su control, es de suma relevancia. Uno de los escenarios más importantes por su impacto
Recently, I was talking to a director of analytics from a large telecommunications company, and I asked her, “Do you think we have a skills shortage?” She replied, “NO, I think we’re just looking in the wrong place.” I wanted to hear more as this analytics expert may have just
Regardless of the industry and the company size, companies today have access to a huge amount of data. In order to convert this Big Data into useful insights, analytics strategies aligned with business objectives are required, supported by technology, commitment of the top management and a cultural shift that involves the entire organization. A
En el mundo se vive una carrera vertiginosa contra el resultado y las acciones que se toman. Día a día, los objetivos que se plantean pueden alejarse o acercarse y ya nadie puede garantizar el control absoluto de las situaciones. Las decisiones de negocio, la manera en que se aborda
As support analysts in the SAS Technical Support division, we answer many phone calls from SAS customers. As members of the SAS Foundation team, we get questions that vary significantly in content from all of the areas that we support. We offer coding tips and suggestions as well as point
People encounter stress in all types of situations. Positive stress occurs when we are exposed to new situations or challenges, perhaps a new job or attending a new school – this type of stress is typically short term and is a necessary factor in healthy development. Tolerable stress results from
Healthcare IT News recently published an article on 18 health technologies poised for big growth, a list culled from a HIMSS database. The database is used to track an extensive list of technology products that have seen growth of 4-10 percent since 2010, but have not yet reached a 70
Healthcare IT News recently published an article on 18 health technologies poised for big growth, a list culled from a HIMSS database. The database is used to track an extensive list of technology products that have seen growth of 4-10 percent since 2010, but have not yet reached a 70
A Vermont Department of Children Families (DCF) worker was murdered last month. The lead suspect is the mother of a child that was previously removed from her care and placed in foster care. This tragedy illustrates the challenges and risks that workers have in the field of serving at risk
The amount of data being produced and captured from the plant floor today is staggering. When you add it all up, a factory can easily generate over 34 Terabytes of data per day, or nearly 9 Petabytes a year - that's 9 Million Gigabytes! Yet, with all of those systems, and all
After doing some recent research with IDC®, I got to thinking again about the reasons that organizations of all sizes in all industries are so slow at adopting analytics as part of their ‘business as usual’ operations. While I have no hard statistics on who is and who isn’t adopting
You've probably heard many times about the fantastic untapped potential of combining online and offline customer data. But relax, I’m going to cut out the fluff and address this matter in a way that makes the idea plausible and its objectives achievable. The reality is that while much has been
It seems like everyone is searching for ‘best practice’ these days. We are constantly looking to learn from what is being held up as good, leading and perhaps even the best itself. While this is a valid exercise, I believe we are missing an opportunity to take a closer look
I have participated in many discussions about master data management (MDM) being “just” about improving the quality of master data. Although master data management includes the discipline of data quality, it has a much broader scope. MDM introduces a new approach for managing data that isn't in scope of traditional data quality
Flexibility and nimbleness are terms synonymous with small and mid-sized businesses. They have the ability to react quickly to changing market conditions as they are made aware of them. Traditionally these businesses have lived in the world of spreadsheets - and why not? They are easy to use, very affordable
SAS University Edition has been available for free download for six months – in that time we’ve seen 50,192,670 PROCs or DATA steps executed globally – that’s almost 4,000 hours duration! Now, we were founded on stats so we thought we’d bring you some of the key metrics we’ve discovered over