Tag: data visualization

Data Visualization
Ian Jones 0
Time for VirtualOil 2.0?

Since our last VirtualOil update in May, oil prices have continued to take a beating. As the chart of the rolling five-year portfolio shows, much of our strip of options is now out-of-the-money and the average value per barrel of that optionality has sunk below $7. No surprise then that

Data Visualization
Leo Sadovy 0
Visualization – Worth a thousand words

Why visualization? Several reasons, actually, the most compelling being that sometimes visualization literally solves the problem for you. I remember an exercise in eighth grade English class where we were asked to describe, in words only, an object set in front of us with sufficient clarity such that our classmates,

Analytics | Data Visualization
Leo Sadovy 0
Why build models?

We are all modelers.  Whenever you plan, you are building a model.  Whenever you imagine, you are building a model. When you create, write, paint or speak, you first build in your head a model of what you want to accomplish, and then fill in the details with words, movements