Tag: big data

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Modernization and data-driven culture – Part 2

Modernization is a term used to describe the necessary evolution of information technologies that organizations rely on to remain competitive in today’s constantly changing business world. New technologies – many designed to better leverage big data – challenge existing data infrastructures and business models. This forces enterprises to modernize their approach to data

Internet of Things
Thomas Keil 0
Why IoT deployments need design thinking

Design thinking is, broadly speaking, allowing user experience, or even users, to drive design. It’s a profoundly human-centered process, with commentators using words like ‘collaborate’, ‘experience’, and even ‘empathy’ in their descriptions. Steve Jobs is said to have used it in creating the iPod and iPhone, because it brings together

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Modernization and data-driven culture – Part 1

Modernization is a term used to describe the necessary evolution of information technologies that organizations rely on to remain competitive in today’s constantly changing business world. New technologies – many designed to better leverage big data – challenge existing data infrastructures and business models. This forces enterprises to modernize their approach to data

Leo Sadovy 0
Big: Data, model, quality and variety

The “big” part of big data is about enabling insights that were previously indiscernible. It's about uncovering small differences that make a big difference in domains as widespread as health care, public health, marketing and business process optimization, law enforcement and cybersecurity – and even the detection of new subatomic particles.

Karen Terrell 0
Analytics transforming the 2020 U.S. Census

One of our country's oldest institutions, the U.S. Census Bureau, is at the forefront of modern government efforts. Those efforts are numerous and disparate, from general directives to do more with less, to digitization and consolidation initiatives, to the “Cloud First” mandate, and the pushes for agile and open source development.

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