
Learn SAS
Maggie Miller 0
Top 10 blogs of 2012

We decided to take a look back at our blogs in 2012 and see what piqued the interest of our readers. We had a little bit of everything from tricks to advice on all things SAS. Here’s the list of the Top 10 Blogs from 2012. Enjoy reading them again

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS Technical Support holiday hours

I'm on the SAS Technical Support list serve, so I get some very interesting information to pass along to you guys. Sometimes, I put the information in the SAS Tech Report -  Hot Fix and product roadmap information, executive briefings and maintanence releases - but sometimes the information needs a little broader

Learn SAS
Shelly Goodin 0
12 bestselling SAS books of 2012

With their mass SAS appeal, these twelve books packed a powerful punch in 2012. From SAS and JMP basics to more advanced applications, to SAS certification, to business intelligence - these titles cover a range of users' interests. Did you use any of these titles this year? Do you have any predictions for popular book topics

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Nele Coghe 0
Warming up for the International Year of Statistics with some “statistique à la française” on the Nobel Prize winners

Are you ready for the upcoming International Year of Statistics? I have prepared myself by doing a correspondence analysis. Excusez-moi? Correspondence analysis is a technique that has been very popular in France and is therefore sometimes referred to as French Statistics. Correspondence analysis is a technique for categorical data analysis.

Learn SAS
Dan Obermiller 0
How to make better data-based decisions

Many companies are stressing the use of analytics and have a desire to make data-based decisions. But what kind of training should one take to enhance their abilities to meet this broad objective? Certainly some advanced training on statistical techniques would be helpful. But understanding how to manage a project

Waynette Tubbs 0
Analytics 2013 Call for Papers

The first step toward a successful conference is selection of high quality papers. In the past, you have helped us with this important task and I now ask for your help to make the Analytics 2013 London conference a great success. The 4th International SAS Analytics Conference (Analytics 2013) in Europe

Rick Wicklin 0
A fractal Christmas tree in SAS

In my previous post, I described how to implement an iterated function system (IFS) in the SAS/IML language to draw fractals. I used the famous Barnsley fern example to illustrate the technique. At the end of the article I issued a challenge: can you construct an IFS whose fractal attractor

SAS Events
Steve Overton 0
The wait is killing me!

Once you have submitted your abstract for SAS Global Forum, the wait is on!  It can be very grueling, especially for first time presenters who don’t know the ropes yet. The key is not to second guess yourself or your idea. The wait can be long, weeks or even months,

Learn SAS
Maggie Miller 0
It’s war… Stat Wars!

There’s a new video series launching in the SAS Education department unlike anything that’s ever been done before.  It’s called Stat Wars. Here’s how it works… two SAS instructors go head-to-head and battle it out over a statistics challenge. (So far no injuries have been reported.)  It’s educational and engaging,

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Naomi's Graph Makeover Contest

Naomi Robbins has posted a contest, part 1 of which is to submit alternative representations for the following graph: Clearly, usage of two pie charts to represent the share of the B2B and B2C referrals will invite many responses.  To create the graph, I took the data shown in the Pie Charts themselves, so we are using percent

Waynette Tubbs 0
7 tips for finding big data talent

SAS has long believed that demand for people with analytics skills will continue to grow - especially given the big data challenges ahead. In fact, we love the way that Google's Chief Economist Hal Varian talks about this explosion in growth:  statisticians will be sexiest job of the next decade.  This

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