
Rick Wicklin 0
Append data to add markers to SAS graphs

Do you want to create customized SAS graphs by using PROC SGPLOT and the other ODS graphics procedures? An essential skill that you need to learn is how to merge, join, append, and concatenate SAS data sets that come from different sources. The SAS statistical graphics procedures (SG procedures) enable

Work & Life at SAS
Lisa Allred 0
Selfies and Parenting

  “Omg, Mom, people are going to think you actually look like that!”  My 16 y/o recently got a Facebook account (apparently passé for teens in US but not in Europe and as her circle expands…).  So, now she has a front row seat to my (apparently embarrassing) selfies.  It’s

Data Management | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Leonid Batkhan 0
Modifying variable attributes in all datasets of a SAS library

Using the DATASETS procedure, we can easily modify SAS variable attributes such as name, format, informat and label: proc datasets library=libref; modify table_name; format var_name date9.; informat var_name mmddyy10.; label var_name = 'New label'; rename var_name = var_new_name; quit; We cannot, however, modify fixed variable attributes such as variable type

Rick Wicklin 0
Sampling variation in small random samples

Somewhere in my past I encountered a panel of histograms for small random samples of normal data. I can't remember the source, but it might have been from John Tukey or William Cleveland. The point of the panel was to emphasize that (because of sampling variation) a small random sample

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
The growing importance of big data quality

Our world is now so awash in data that many organizations have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to available data to support operational, tactical and strategic activities of the enterprise. Such a data-rich environment is highly susceptible to poor-quality data. This is especially true when swimming in data lakes –

Rick Wicklin 0
Highlight forecast regions in graphs

A SAS customer asked how to use background colors and a dashed line to emphasize the forecast region for a graph that shows a time series model. The task requires the following steps: Use the ATTRPRIORITY=NONE option on the ODS GRAPHICS statement to make sure that the current ODS style

Juan Montero 0
How do you feel about analytics?

People say that the world has changed, but I think it'd be more accurate to say that people that have changed the world. Social media, big data, big analytics, internet of things … whether you're an executive, a data scientist, or a student, when you hear these buzzwords, you have

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