
SAS Events
Amanda Farnsworth 0
Bringing teams together

Editor's note: Amanda Farnsworth is Head of Visual Journalism at BBC News and a featured speaker at SAS Global Forum 2017, April 2-5, 2017 in Orlando. There was a best selling book some years ago called “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.” It’s a phrase I thought

Work & Life at SAS
Celeste Cooper 0
The Sound of Silence

The morning sunrises have been exceptionally beautiful this winter. Vibrant colors of fiery pinks and orange give way to bright blue skies and white fluffy clouds. There is something magical about being connected to nature, especially in the early morning before life has awoken. It takes me back to my

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
What does the requirement for data privacy mean for data scientists, business analysts and IT?

Corporate compliance with an increasing number of industry regulations intended to protect personally identifiable information (PII) has made data privacy a frequent and public discussion. An inherent challenge to data privacy is, as Tamara Dull explained, “data, in and of itself, has no country, respects no law, and travels freely across borders. In the

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