
Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
José Mutis O. 0
¿Cómo puede ayudar la IA responsable y humanista a construir mejores gobiernos?

La analítica, la inteligencia artificial, el machine learning y todas las nuevas ciencias encaminadas a aprovechar mejor los millones de datos que hay en la actualidad  tienen un gran impacto en el mundo -y lo tendrán aún más- en la medida en que incidan directamente en el progreso de la

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Luiz Malere 0
A hora e a vez dos cientistas de dados

Uma das profissões mais cobiçadas e bem remuneradas atualmente é a de Cientista de Dados. Grandes empresas de telecomunicações, instituições financeiras e redes de varejo estão formando times com estes profissionais, e o movimento não é restrito às grandes corporações. Empresas médias também estão sedentas em busca de cientista de

Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Tyson Echentile 0
Four technology tips for government leaders preparing for flood disasters

“What’s our plan if we get hit by a big flood?” While this question may be plenty familiar to emergency management professionals, city administrators, legislators, and other leaders in coastal regions that are known for their exposure to potentially disastrous weather events, these days it’s being asked in some unexpected

Analytics | Data for Good | Data Management
Ivan Fernando Herrera 0
Iniciativas de datos abiertos, una buena forma de impulsar la inteligencia analítica en los países

“En la era digital, la economía de los datos se está convirtiendo en el nuevo ´oro negro´ que aceita el motor del crecimiento económico. Los datos, masivos y abiertos, son esenciales para mejorar la confianza de los ciudadanos en sus estados y hacerles partícipes de la acción pública, facilitando el

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Olivia Ojeda 0
A conversation with Rijkswaterstaat: How SAS is helping keep the Netherlands waterways safe

Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) is the Netherlands main agency for design, construction, management and maintenance for waterways and infrastructure. Their mission is to promote safety, mobility and quality of life in the Netherlands. They are the masterminds behind some of the most prestigious water projects in the world. In a recent panel

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Aline Riquetti 0
Os desafios únicos da implantação de análises de Inteligência Artificial no setor público

Ao implantar projetos de inteligência analítica os governos enfrentam desafios não vistos no setor privado. Mas se os superarmos, a recompensa será ainda maior. Meu primeiro projeto de Ciência de Dados foi ainda durante minha graduação em Estatística. Embora não tivesse esse nome à época, o objetivo e os meios

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Caroline S Payne 0
Accelerate the UK forward with digital transformation across government #BuildBackBetter

Caroline Payne, Head of Customer Advisory, SAS UK Public Sector Team Digital innovation across governments around the world has accelerated in the last 18 months as leaders turn to data and technology to deliver rapid responses to the pandemic. Public organisations have had to move quickly, whilst being acutely aware

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data for Good
José Mutis O. 0
Colombia habilita un nuevo centro de monitoreo y analítica de conectividad y muestra el camino a otros países

Hace algunas semanas, el Gobierno colombiano y más exactamente el Ministerio TIC presentaron DataTIC. Según explicaron los representantes del gobierno, se trata de un centro de análisis de datos que va a estar ubicado en las instalaciones del Ministerio de las TIC y que usa los conocimientos y herramientas de la

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud
Santiago Fainstein 0
La nube potenciada con analítica: la manera más inteligente de impulsar la innovación empresarial

La nube potenciada con analítica, la propuesta de tecnología aplicada a los negocios que SAS y Microsoft han venido desarrollando de manera conjunta desde el 2020, tiene el potencial de convertirse en una de las soluciones empresariales más importantes de los últimos años y catalizador de los nuevos niveles de

Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Ivan Fernando Herrera 0
7 preguntas (y respuestas) clave para entender la Inteligencia Artificial

La Inteligencia Artificial es actualmente uno de los términos más mencionados en el mundo (la búsqueda de IA (iniciales de Inteligencia Artificial) en solo Google arroja más de mil millones de resultados). No debiera ser diferente: estamos en plena era de la cuarta revolución industrial y quien aspire por lo

Analytics | Data for Good | Students & Educators
Alex Coop 0
Join the ethical AI discussion at this social coding event

As organizations increasingly use artificial intelligence to collect and analyze data and identify individuals, the topic of ethical AI often rears its head. Last year, Michigan's Integrated Data Automated System flagged more than 540,000 unemployment claims as possibly fraudulent. Thousands of state residents’ accounts were inaccurately flagged, making it almost

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Lee Ann Dietz 0
Modern infrastructure must include analytics

Throughout its history, the United States has invested in infrastructure that leverages new technologies and helps society and its economy thrive. With the advent of trains in the early 1800s, four of the country’s five transcontinental railroads were built with assistance from the federal government. When cars replaced horses and

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Miriam Ramírez 0
Gestión efectiva de datos, fundamental para un gobierno efectivo

Durante la historia reciente, los gobiernos se han enfrentado a fenómenos económicos que amenazan su estabilidad financiera, creando desempleo y acelerando la urgencia de prestar servicios de apoyo social. Recientemente, una emergencia sanitaria, la de COVID-19, sacudió dicha estabilidad y disparó la demanda de recursos de salud debido a la

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud
Simon Overton 0
UK Government: Time to think again about the journey to digital transformation?

I’ve written before about how the COVID-19 crisis has forced UK government departments to accelerate their digital transformation, and proved that it’s possible to put policy into practice in weeks, rather than months or years. Amidst the dark cloud of the pandemic, it’s important to acknowledge silver linings where we

Analytics | Data Management | Students & Educators
Katrina Miller 0
Minnesota longitudinal data system exploring COVID's effects on pre-k to workforce journey

Minnesota's longitudinal data system integrates early childhood education, K-12, postsecondary and workforce data to create a panoramic view of education outcomes. The merging of systems results in data linking and improves the overall data quality and performance of the P-20 Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS) and Early Childhood Longitudinal

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