Se trata de una cadena. 2022 ha sido declarado el año de la recuperación económica por parte de las Naciones Unidas. Es bien sabido y lo repetimos a cada rato que “no se pueden hacer cosas iguales y pretender resultados diferentes”. Así que para que podamos hacer realidad esa recuperación,
Die Globalisierung ist längst bei den Sicherheitsbehörden angekommen. In vielen Phänomenbereichen nehmen der Vernetzungsgrad der beteiligten Akteure und damit die Komplexität der Ermittlungen zu. Damit steigt die Menge an Daten, die während der Ermittlungen ausgewertet werden müssen. Verfahrensübergreifende Recherchesysteme geben einen Überblick über Informationen, die in unterschiedlichen Datenquellen liegen. Daneben
Ermittlungen im Umfeld der organisierten Kriminalität sind komplex und zeitaufwändig. Kriminelle Aktivitäten und Verflechtungen erstrecken sich oft über Landes- und Staatsgrenzen hinweg. Damit steigt die Zahl der Datenquellen und der Aufwand, die Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Daten zu sichten und die relevanten Informationen in einen Zusammenhang zu setzen. Ermittler müssen oftmals Chatverläufe
El sector de la Seguridad Pública ya es plenamente consciente del potencial que le ofrece la analítica para mejorar su eficiencia y optimizar sus recursos pero, al mismo tiempo, se enfrenta a una serie de retos para poder implantarla. Ahora bien, ¿de qué forma se aplica la analítica a la
A delegation of 26 members of the American Chambers of Commerce of the European Union (AmCham EU) made their way to the Research Triangle. Representatives learned about local methods and best practices for developing the American economy and locating potential business partners. Leaders from countries across Europe first met with
They look the same, don’t they? It can be hard to tell one duck from another, but one of them is from a bad egg (I’ll tell you which one at the end of the article). Business rules are a bit like this. They find you lots of alerts, but
Poseer la información adecuada en el momento preciso puede ser determinante en la resolución de un delito. Es por eso que una gestión de los datos que permita extraer de ellos el máximo valor se ha convertido en un aspecto fundamental para el sector de la Seguridad Pública. Información en
As a former police commissioner, I can testify that public-sector fraud is a global problem. Government fraud is becoming bigger and more dangerous every year, especially in the COVID-19 era. Governments view the pandemic as a public health emergency and a severe threat to economic stability. But it’s also important
The city of Heidelberg, Germany is known for its romantic cityscape, which attracts tourists from all over the world. It also has the youngest population in Germany, thanks largely to the many students at one of Europe's oldest and largest universities. Perhaps less well known is that Heidelberg is twinned
Die Stadt Heidelberg ist bekannt für das romantische Stadtbild, das Touristen aus aller Welt anzieht. Außerdem verfügt sie über die jüngste Bevölkerung in ganz Deutschland, was sie vor allem den vielen Studierenden an einer der ältesten und größten Universitäten Europas verdankt. Weniger bekannt ist vielleicht, dass Heidelberg eine Städtepartnerschaft mit
Leaders from businesses and governments across the world continue to show progress on a range of critical environmental topics, addressing climate resilience and taking actions to ensure a more sustainable and thriving planet. Advancements and innovations continue to open new avenues for environmental leadership – and the use of data
When Los Angeles County invested in Whole Person Care (WPC) it could not have known just how important the system’s flexibility would be. Anyone who has had an interface with health care delivery, policy, oversight and management know things change quickly. As data becomes a priority, expectations of the use
During a SAS Hackathon, Zencos set out to help veterans reintegrate into a rapidly changing job market and discover potential career paths. Life after the military can be challenging, especially when it comes to finding meaningful employment that utilizes a returning service member’s unique knowledge and skills. Veterans must navigate the
Traditionally, banks have been seen as the front line in anti-money laundering activity. They have increasingly been subject to regulatory requirements to check customers, transactions and activity. However, as governments have required banks to make fraudulent activity harder, criminals have evolved their tactics. And the financial sector needs to keep
This blog post was written by Dr. Maryam S. Jaffer, Director Data and Statistics, Emirates Health Services; Dr. Bashar Balish, Senior Director, Cerner; and Michel Ghorayeb, UAE Managing Director, SAS. The future of health care has never been more exciting. Artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics have captured center stage
“Diga-me com quem andas e te direi quem és” é um provérbio popular vastamente conhecido e um consenso entre várias pessoas. Porém, será que essa máxima é verdadeira em todas as situações? Se assim o for, como poderíamos empregar essa relação nas atividades de prevenção a fraude e outros crimes
Using data has become more and more important to HR teams where they are recruiting, managing or retaining employees. This has been particularly true during the last two years, as remote working became the norm, and many of the standard recruitment practices were simply not possible. As we move beyond
In the early days of COVID-19, we heard a lot about how working practices were changing, probably forever. People would no longer want to crowd into the office every day. And employers would no longer need to pay for expensive city-centre real estate. Instead, remote working would become the norm
Die Radikalisierung in Teilen der Querdenker-Szene nimmt zu, ebenso deren Gewaltbereitschaft. Stellvertretend für diese Entwicklung seien hier der tödliche Angriff auf einen Tankstellenkassierer in Idar-Oberstein.
No es solo percepción: la seguridad en algunas de las principales ciudades se ha visto deteriorada en el último año. Según cifras del Concejo de Bogotá, los casos reportados de robo a personas en la capital de Colombia aumentaron un 25% entre marzo de 2020 a igual mes de este
„Eine automatisierte Extraktion von Informationen aus unstrukturierten Daten wie Texte, Bilder und Videos hilft den Ermittlern die große Menge an Daten gezielt zu durchsuchen und auszuwerten.“
It is increasingly possible to use text analytics to explore different types of data. When a news story this summer caught my eye, I decided to see if I could use SAS Visual Text Analytics (VTA) and SAS Visual Analytics (VA) on customer complaints to provide information that might be
Skąd się wzięła i czym jest analiza śledcza, zwana także analizą kryminalną? Potrzeba stworzenia takiego narzędzia zaistniała w końcu lat 60-ch w USA i została wyartykułowana przez organy ścigania. Była ona spowodowana rozwojem przestępczości zorganizowanej, dużą liczebnością i skomplikowaną strukturą grup przestępczych oraz transgranicznym charakterem przestępstw, w czym przodowała włoska
La analítica, la inteligencia artificial, el machine learning y todas las nuevas ciencias encaminadas a aprovechar mejor los millones de datos que hay en la actualidad tienen un gran impacto en el mundo -y lo tendrán aún más- en la medida en que incidan directamente en el progreso de la
See how analytics fights back against ever-changing fraud trends.
Uma das profissões mais cobiçadas e bem remuneradas atualmente é a de Cientista de Dados. Grandes empresas de telecomunicações, instituições financeiras e redes de varejo estão formando times com estes profissionais, e o movimento não é restrito às grandes corporações. Empresas médias também estão sedentas em busca de cientista de
“What’s our plan if we get hit by a big flood?” While this question may be plenty familiar to emergency management professionals, city administrators, legislators, and other leaders in coastal regions that are known for their exposure to potentially disastrous weather events, these days it’s being asked in some unexpected
With the 2020 Census numbers starting to come out, it's interesting to look at what states are gaining (or losing) people. In this example, I create a custom map similar to the ones the US Census Bureau likes to use, and plot the 10-year change in population. But before we
“En la era digital, la economía de los datos se está convirtiendo en el nuevo ´oro negro´ que aceita el motor del crecimiento económico. Los datos, masivos y abiertos, son esenciales para mejorar la confianza de los ciudadanos en sus estados y hacerles partícipes de la acción pública, facilitando el
Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) is the Netherlands main agency for design, construction, management and maintenance for waterways and infrastructure. Their mission is to promote safety, mobility and quality of life in the Netherlands. They are the masterminds behind some of the most prestigious water projects in the world. In a recent panel