Las organizaciones de todos los sectores iniciaron un año 2023 más conscientes de que el entorno económico, político y social no permanece estático, y que las condiciones bajo las que operan a diario pueden cambiar con relativa frecuencia. Han aprendido a ser resilientes y prestar atención a lo que sucede
BayWatch uses AI to help coastguards to analyze, predict and optimize operations to detect false alarms and allocate people, boats and helicopters at times of maritime emergencies. Navigating the seas can be a daunting task. While a trip will likely go smoothly, that is not always the case. Along the
Fraud remains a huge challenge for governments and inspectors at all levels, as fraudsters today are more successful than ever. Because many cases are so difficult to detect, there is tremendous potential for technologies such as analytics and AI to support investigations. The social inspectorates in Belgium have recently set
SAS' Kirk Swilley and Tom Sabo showcase how you can use perform text analysis on minimal structured narrative data to spot patterns of possible human trafficking.
Sin importar el sector en el que se encuentre, los analistas coinciden en que el 2023 será un año de importantes retos para Latinoamérica. Los países y las organizaciones latinoamericanas deben procurar acelerar su innovación y avanzar en sus procesos de transformación digital, no solo para reducir las brechas con
Permettez-moi de vous présenter les 5 tendances des administrations fiscales que Shaun Barry a présentées lors du « Tax Summit in Madrid » en octobre dernier. Que signifie le Cloud Intelligent ? La Sécurité Les Stratégies Data ont le vent en poupe OSINT - L’open source intelligence La montée de la
Let me introduce you to the 5 trends in Tax Administrations that Shaun Barry presented at the “Tax Summit in Madrid” last October. What does Smart Cloud mean? Security Data Strategies are on the rise OSINT - Open Source Intelligence The Rise of Cryptocurrency My job today is to present
Los desafíos actuales de las organizaciones están claros, por lo menos en lo que tiene que ver con el objetivo de mejorar su llegada al mercado. Las empresas hoy están ante la necesidad de habilitar las plataformas y los datos adecuados para que los colaboradores puedan acceder a la información
Get educated about cryptocurrency to inform your decisions in this evolving space.
Las previsiones hablan de un 2023 desafiante. Muchos países vivirán tiempos de cambios y de ajustes económicos, de índices de inflación impensados años atrás, de incertidumbres en el manejo de las tasas de cambio y de restricciones a recursos vitales o materias primas producto de las guerras o de las
Durante mucho tiempo, los bancos han tenido dificultades para detectar las transacciones ilícitas entre la multitud de transacciones que procesan a diario. Esto pasa por lo general porque los delincuentes mueven el dinero de manera rápida de una institución a otra para cubrir sus huellas, dejando a los investigadores financieros
La corrupción sigue siendo uno de los principales obstáculos para el desarrollo social y económico de los países latinoamericanos, pero uno de los que más puede ser impactado por la analítica avanzada con inteligencia artificial. Cálculos del Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina CAF estiman que por este flagelo se
In the public sector, agencies and organizations are increasingly using analytics to prioritize and plan their activities. In a sector characterized by the need to get value for money for the public, and often with limited resources, using data-driven work processes is essential. The NVWA, Dutch Food and Consumer Product
Many EU institutions are discovering the benefits of analytics to support policy decisions. But ultimately, no one has more potential to enrich output quality than policymakers themselves. Therefore, the entire organization must understand AI and analytics well. We call this the democratization of AI, bringing together the ideas of data
Mesmo com a tecnologia disponível atualmente, é muito difícil prever quando, onde e como podem ocorrer danos causados pelo clima. Custos com inundações devem crescer exponencialmente nos próximos 20 anos e a crise climática é uma ameaça constante. Infelizmente, desastres naturais nunca deixarão de existir, mas podemos fazer nosso melhor
With dynamically changing revenue streams, critical infrastructure needs and current higher-than-average gas prices and inflation concerns, transportation agencies around the country are using data to enable analytically driven decisions while navigating complex business challenges. Today's transportation industry is ripe with opportunities for innovation and growth. And this is especially true
To ‘take the King’s (or Queen’s) shilling’ was the slang term once used when someone joined the British Armed Forces in return for payment. Reaching its height in the 18th and 19th centuries, the practice gave recruits an incentive to enlist – although, in the case of the Royal Navy,
September honors Recovery Month, emphasizing hope for recovery in behavioral health, especially from substance use disorders (SUD). A key motto of Recovery Month is that Recovery Happens, helping people know that even at rock bottom, things can improve. We all need that hope at various points in our lives. Often,
Quando a pandemia do COVID-19 atingiu a Indonésia, bloqueios e restrições de atividade fecharam grande parte do comércio, ameaçando o sustento de milhões de pessoas. Isso porque o país possui mais de 64 milhões de micro, pequenas e médias empresas (MPMEs), responsáveis por empregar 97% da força de trabalho do
Estudos indicam que, ao longo dos últimos anos, aumentaram os casos de propagação de discursos de ódio e de notícias falsas. Especialmente no ano de 2022 há uma preocupação muito grande quanto à utilização desses recursos ilegítimos para finalidades eleitorais. Técnicas analíticas podem ser empregadas para estimular campanhas eleitorais que
O escândalo de 2018 envolvendo a campanha do então candidato à presidência Donald Trump em 2016, o Facebook e a empresa Cambridge Analytica estimulou debates acerca da proteção e acesso aos dados. À época, foi revelado pela mídia que as informações de mais de 50 milhões de usuários do Facebook
Dedicated people, funding and data analytics can join forces to battle the opioid epidemic.
The IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) Challenge provides a great opportunity to validate our software against real-world scenarios using complex data sets. Not only do we learn from these projects, but we also send feedback to our development teams to further improve product capabilities for customers.
Having the right data analytics platform can help law enforcement solve crimes faster.
Across all industries and sectors, the volume and scope of data continues to increase exponentially. It shows no sign of slowing down or reducing. UK Defence, and the wider public sector, collect vast amounts of data. They have a desire to innovate and exploit that data through analytics, artificial intelligence,
See how analytics helps the police battle increasingly sophisticated fraud schemes and scams.
To help burgeoning data researchers apply data analysis skills across policy sectors in economic, health and social science-informed areas of study, they need both policy and data industry experts to help them develop these critical skills before they graduate. The National Policy Challenge was developed with this goal in mind.
La toma de decisiones es crucial en cualquier organización, pero si hablamos de los servicios de Seguridad Pública, éstas determinan cómo será el desenlace de una situación crítica. La integración de la analítica en sus procesos beneficia a los cuerpos de seguridad al poder evaluar miles o millones de alternativas
AI has, for many years, been the stuff of fantasy. From the monster in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to the dystopian futures depicted in films such as Metropolis, the Matrix and Minority Report, the idea of intelligent machines has been capturing the imagination of writers for centuries. Our ability to store
European agriculture is under enormous pressure to achieve the level of sustainability envisaged by EU initiatives such as the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy. Meanwhile, the international crisis in Ukraine also reminds us that we need to make our food system more resilient to shocks. Data-driven policy