
Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Category highlighting

When presenting information in form of a graph we show the data and let the reader draw the inferences.  However, often one may want to draw the attention of the reader towards some aspect of the graph or data.  For one such case, a user asked how to highlight one

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Data Science – Chance oder Scharlatanerie?

Es hat eine lange Tradition, teilweise freiwillig, teilweise aus der Not geboren: Dinge selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. „Do-it-yourself – Selbst ist der Mann/die Frau – wenn-du-willst-das-etwas-erledigt-wird-dann-mach-es-selbst“. Oder halt IKEA-Möbel, Brotbackautomaten beim Discounter, BI-as-a-self-Service, Online-Banking … Mit der Kommentarfunktion dürfen Sie später die Liste gerne ergänzen! Und das hat

Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
University of Idaho replaces legacy BI system with SAS Visual Analytics

When a busy university analytics team is tasked with creating a new, interactive way to share data with dozens of different constituents, data visualization from SAS is the obvious answer. The University of Idaho’s office of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation is the source for comprehensive information, analyses and university statistics.

Learn SAS
Dr. Jürgen Kaselowsky 0
Wegweiser Data Science Studium, 1. Ausfahrt: Albstadt-Sigmaringen

Wie versprochen beginnt heute eine kleine Blog-Reihe, in der ich ganz konkret Studiengänge zum Thema Data Science vorstellen möchte. Meine Quellen sind dabei nicht nur die reine Web-Recherche, sondern auch persönliche Gespräche mit Dozenten oder Studenten der jeweiligen Hochschulen. Ich erhebe keinerlei Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit, im Gegenteil, jeder Hinweis, Kommentar

Analytics | Data Visualization
Chauffeur und Data Scientist günstig abzugeben

1901 prognostizierte Gottlieb Daimler: „Die weltweite Nachfrage nach Kraftfahrzeugen wird eine Million nicht überschreiten – allein schon aus Mangel an verfügbaren Chauffeuren." Heute fahren die meisten selber und das selbstfahrende Auto scheint auch greifbar nah. Chauffeure braucht heute kein Mensch mehr. Wie sieht das, bei immer mehr Self-Service-Analytics und Machine

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Toby Text 0
Auf und ab wie im Paternoster - aktuelle Trends in Samt und Seide von der KSFE in Krefeld

Auf der diesjährigen KSFE (Konferenz für SAS Anwender in Forschung und Entwicklung) gab es wieder viele überraschende Entdeckungen zu machen: Zunächst lernten die von außerhalb anreisten Teilnehmer, dass Krefeld die „Samt- und Seidenmetropole“ Deutschlands war. In ihrer Blütezeit vor dem Strukturwandel der Jahrtausendwende wurden dort 90 % aller in Deutschland gefertigten

Analytics | Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
Data visualization helps University of Louisville achieve its 2020 strategic plan

When senior leaders at the University of Louisville (UofL) approached Vice Provost Bob Goldstein in early April 2016 with a request for a fully functioning data visualization platform by start of the 2016 fall semester—just four months away—he did not panic. Instead, Goldstein, along with Becky Patterson, Executive Director of

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Getting Started with SGPLOT - Part 4 - Series Plot

This is the 4th installment of the Getting Started series.  The audience is the user who is new to the SG Procedures.  Experienced users may also find some useful nuggets of information here. Series plots are frequently used to visualize a numeric response on the y-axis by another numeric variable on

Jennifer Bell 0
Rural school district wields predictive analytics to open doors for first generation college students

This predictive analytics post continues a blog series that highlights education leaders sharing successes and challenges of using data to drive school improvement. Sampson County Schools is a small rural school district in southeastern North Carolina. While overall graduation rates in the county were improving, one school wanted to do

Mauricio González 0
Cinco razones por las que su empresa debería contar con una solución como Viya

“La arquitectura abierta SAS Viya hace a la analítica accesible para todos, y queremos aprovechar esa apertura creando una comunidad para compartir el conocimiento”- Randy Guard, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Director de Marketing de SAS En SAS llevamos más de 40 años al servicio de su compañía y durante estas décadas

Data Visualization | Students & Educators
Katrina Miller 0
Dashboard vs. Scorecard: Measuring the Impact of Educator Preparation

With educator preparation programs (EPPs) under fire, states must make difficult decisions on how to hold EPPs accountable, provide information for program improvement, and offer consumer information to the public on EPP efficacy. In conversations I’ve had with state leaders grappling with this issue, I have seen a debate arise

Analytics | Students & Educators
Georgia Mariani 0
ESSA – accountability, indicators and analytics to drive informed decision making

Last December, The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law to ensure opportunity for all students in the United States. As part of this federal legislation, states now have the flexibility to design their own accountability systems following certain parameters outlined in ESSA. These accountability systems include academic and non-academic indicators. By

Analytics | Students & Educators
Jennifer Bell 0
From compliance to commitment: The power of student growth data

As teachers, we lean into our experience. We trust our judgment about students and our instruction. We trade teaching stories with colleagues. And increasingly, we examine student growth data that illuminates our practice and occasionally suggests we refine our approach to individual students. In the past decade, states and districts

Data Visualization | Students & Educators
Georgia Mariani 0
Community college answers complex ‘why’ questions with data visualization and analytics

Reporting can reveal last year’s graduation rates or this semester’s completion rates at a local community college. But drilling further into that data to ask why students aren’t graduating or why they aren’t enrolling requires more complex analysis. At Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio, college administrators and professors are

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