
Mike Gilliland 0
See SAS (=Stark Industries) in Iron Man 3

When you work at headquarters of the leader in advanced analytics software, you never know who you'll encounter in the lobby. It might be celebrity statistician (and New York Times FiveThirtyEight blogger) Nate Silver, of The Signal and the Noise and election forecasting fame. It might be Donald Wheeler, giant

Thomas Keil 0
Als Business Analyst bereits jetzt die Zukunft erleben! Ein Blogbeitrag über Vollbeschäftigung #afa

Ein Beitrag zur Blogparade der FAZ "Vollbeschäftigung in Deutschland – was bedeutet das?" Deutschland steuert mit großen Schritten auf die Vollbeschäftigung zu: Die Babyboomer, die den Arbeitsmarkt gefüllt haben, gehen nach und nach in Rente. Gleichzeitig wachsen immer weniger junge Leute nach. Was bedeutet das? Wie wird sich Deutschland verändern?

Rick Wicklin 0
The new book on my desk

In my constant effort to keep pace with Chris Hemedinger, I am pleased to announce the availability of my new book, Simulating Data with SAS. Chris started a tradition for SAS Press authors to post a photo of themselves with their new book. Thanks to everyone who helped with the

Students & Educators
Nadja Young 0
Busting myths of education value-added analysis, Part 3: Simple growth measures provide better information to educators.

Welcome to Part 3 of the value-added Myth Busters blog series. I have heard a variation of this many times. “Why shouldn’t educators just use a simple gains approach or a pre- and post-test? They can trust simpler methodologies because they can replicate and understand them more easily.” Simple growth measures

Mike Gilliland 0
SAS / Foresight webinar series debuts April 24

This week Nate Silver, renowned election forecaster (fivethirtyeight blog) and top selling author (of the excellent The Signal and the Noise), spoke at an event here in my building on the SAS campus. Unfortunately, I wasn't considered a B enough of a FD to land an invite to Nate's presentation. However,

4 things you should know about Big Data

I recently attended the O'Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing Conference in New York, and I have to confess, I had a Twitter eureka moment. I was sitting in a conference room, waiting for the next session to start and reading tweets from a publishing industry contact I've longtime admired

Thomas Wende 0
Enterprise Guide vs. SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office

Geht es Ihnen nicht auch so? Ich liebe Excel! Von „Mal schnell was ausrechnen…“ bis  zur Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung für die Steuererklärung ein rundum gelungenes Programm, bei dem man komplexe Formeln direkt da hin schreiben kann, wo sie berechnet werden und man sogar noch genügend Formatierungsmöglichkeiten hat, um nachher was

Mike Gilliland 0
Is one-number forecasting a new worst practice?

The one-number forecasting concept has been debated for years. Advocates argue that having different groups within the same organization working to different forecasts is insane. You can't have the supply chain building to X, the sales force selling to Y, and the financial folks counting on revenue of Z. This

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