
Michael A. Raithel 0
SAS and the city

One of the perks of being a SAS Press Author is being invited to give presentations at local SAS users group meetings.  There are over 70 registered local SAS users groups distributed throughout the United States, from sea to shining sea.  Local groups serve a given geographic area—often near a

Mike Gilliland 0
Charlie Chase receives IBF Lifetime Achievement Award

Live from the Institute of Business Forecasting conference in Orlando this week, where I'm excited to announce that my longtime SAS colleague Charlie Chase just received the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the IBF and the forecasting profession. More details and and pictures later this week... Reminder:

Jim Harris 0
The four noble truths of data quality

Loraine Lawson recently used the Eight-Fold Path of Buddhism, in which practitioners are encouraged to pursue right views, intentions, speech, actions, livelihood, efforts, mindfulness and concentration, as inspiration for her blog post The Five-Fold Path for Ensuring Data = Information. The post offered five recommendations for ensuring that data is transformed into

Rick Wicklin 0
How to specify mosaic plot colors in SAS

The mosaic plot is a graphical visualization of a frequency table. In a previous post, I showed how to use the FREQ procedure to create a mosaic plot. This article shows how to create a mosaic plot by using the MOSAICPARM statement in the graph template language (GTL). (The MOSAICPARM

Jason Burke 0
Transforming medicine: from antibiotics to analytics

Health reform incentives for the adoption of electronic medical records (EMRs) have created a watershed event for business analytics.  Whereas hospital EMR adoption was a paltry 12% less than 4 years ago, today more than 6,000 hospitals and 390,000 providers are participating.  Combined with Medicare/Medicaid incentives that require shared data

David Loshin 0
Big data and data enrichment

Last time we explored consumption and usability as an alternative approach to data governance. In that framework, data stewards can measure the quality of the data and alert users about potential risks of using the results, but are prevented from changing the data. In this post we can look at

Rick Wicklin 0
Create mosaic plots in SAS by using PROC FREQ

Mosaic plots (Hartigan and Kleiner, 1981; Friendly, 1994, JASA) are used for exploratory data analysis of categorical data. Mosaic plots have been available for decades in SAS products such as JMP, SAS/INSIGHT, and SAS/IML Studio. However, not all SAS customers have access to these specialized products, so I am pleased

Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: navigating SAS information Map Studio

This week's SAS tip is from Renu Gehring and her brand new book SAS Business Intelligence for the Health Care Industry: Practical Applications. Renu is a SAS instructor, consultant, and analyst at CareOregon, Inc. After reading this week's free excerpt, visit Renu's author page for additional good information including book reviews and more. The

uwegruenewald 0
Best of Business Analytics

Liebe Mitarbeiter der Telekom AG, das Beste aus dem Web, wenn es um Business Analytics geht - zusammengestellt für die Mitarbeiter der Telekom AG. Nur darum geht es in diesem Newsletter. Das Ziel: Für Sie die wichtigsten Meldungen herauszufiltern, nicht mehr Information, sondern nur die wichtigsten Informationen weiterzugeben und so

Shelly Goodin 0
SAS books are scary smart

While their fright factor is low, SAS books include a scary amount of knowledge. Regardless of your level of expertise, you're sure to find a book (or many) that jump out at you. Our SAS authors and publishing staff continuously work their magic to produce books filled with the kinds of examples,

Shelly Goodin 0
Bestselling SAS books: third quarter 2013

Find out which SAS books were bestsellers during the hottest months of the year. While our books aren’t typically beach-reads, we did see a nice spike in sales during this period. And if you’ve followed some of our posts featuring top selling SAS books in the past, you’ll recognize some

Jim Harris 0
Preventing the zombie data-pocalypse

Since tomorrow is How-long-has-it-been-since-you-used-this-data-ween, it’s time to review your organization’s preparedness for preventing the zombie data-pocalypse. (Please Note: This should not be confused with your organization’s preparedness for preventing the zombie apocalypse, for which check out the resources provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by ever-so-carefully clicking on

Thomas Keil 0
Großprojekte werden nie rechtzeitig fertig – oder?

Elbphilharmonie, Stuttgarter Bahnhof, Berliner Flughafen – das sind die drei prominentesten Beispiele für sich andauernd verzögernde und verteuernde Großprojekte. Gerade die politischen und personalstrategischen Auseinandersetzungen um BER haben das Thema in dieser Woche wieder auf die Agenda gebracht. Als unbefangener Bürger bekommt man den Eindruck, dass dies eine Grundregel sei.

Shelly Goodin 0
Get motivated to become a top SAS programmer

SAS author Michael Raithel says it best: “Why shouldn't you be the person who gets the most challenging assignments, who contributes the most to key projects, who gets the top pay, who is sent to training, who management counts on, and who junior programmers look up to? The answer to

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