Can you use a data visualization tool to display building maps, floor designs and other Esri data? With the recent addition of custom polygon support in SAS Visual Analytics 8.2, customers wondered if this feature can be utilized to render different types of regional overlays. A common request is to
The flu seems to be especially potent this year. "How potent is it," you might ask? ... Well, let's plot some data on a map to help find out! Here in the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) compiles data about diseases, and provides reports and graphs
금융감독원에 따르면 2017년 상반기 적발된 보험 사기 금액은 전년 동기 대비 6.4% 증가한 3,703억원으로 역대 최고치를 기록했습니다. 또한 보험연구원은 2014년 기준 보험 사기로 인한 누수 금액이 무려 4조5,000억원에 달하는 것으로 발표했는데요. 특히 전문 브로커가 연루되는 등 사기 수법 또한 지능적, 조직적으로 진화함에 따라 보다 체계적인 조사 방식과 분석 시스템의 필요성이 높아지고
Have you, or someone you know, gotten the flu this year? Word on the street is that this year's flu might be particularly bad, and the data seem to be corroborating that so far. You don't want to take my word for it? -- well then, let's have a look
I ran across an interesting conundrum the other day. The intent was to compare the value of X to a list of desired values, and if X matched one of the values in the list, set Flag to 1, otherwise set Flag to 0. I wrote and executed this test program,
Enochlophobia. It means “fear of crowds,” and I have it. I wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere near Times Square on New Years’ Eve, and how did I ever endure the stadium-sized rock concerts of my youth? I’m thinking all this as I navigate the sea of people at the National
What is a random number generator? What are the random-number generators in SAS, and how can you use them to generate random numbers from probability distributions? In SAS 9.4M5, you can use the STREAMINIT function to select from eight random-number generators (RNGs), including five new RNGs. After choosing an RNG,
SAS University Edition や SAS OnDemand for Academics は、教育・研究・学習目的に無償で使えるソフトウェアですが、使い方の学習には教材が必要だという方もおられると思います。もちろん、SASはソフトウェアに関する膨大なドキュメントをご用意していますが、「どこから始めたらいいの?」「英語ではちょっと…」という声もあるでしょう。 SAS Japanでは、SAS入門者の方向けに日本語字幕をつけたチュートリアル・ビデオ群をご用意しています。このビデオは、ほとんどが5~10分の短いもので、SASとは何かから始まり、SAS University Edition や SAS OnDemand for Academics のインターフェイスである SAS Studio の解説、他の環境との差、データへのアクセス、データの操作、グラフの作成、基本的な統計解析、時系列分析の手法をサンプルデータを使いながら説明しています。サンプルデータは、標準でSASに付属しているものや、オンラインドキュメントを参考にして作成するものなどがあり、どなたでも、どんな環境でも学習を開始することができます。 これらの SAS Studio の使用法の解説では、主に「タスク」とよばれる機能を用いた操作を行います。「タスク」は、「棒グラフの描画」や「分散分析」などの機能をプログラミングなしで利用するためのインターフェイスで、データやパラメータをマウス等で指定することで、SASのプログラム・コードが自動生成されます。もちろん、SASの機能を最大限引き出すために、ゼロからプログラムを書くことも可能です。自動生成されたプログラムを参考にしながら、SASプログラミングを学習することにも適しています。 実は、これらの日本語字幕付きのビデオは、SASのチュートリアル・ビデオのごく一部で、SAS Video Portal にはより多くのビデオが用意されています。ここでは、SAS製品の紹介や、操作法・プログラミングのチュートリアルに加え、SASのアナリティクスが実際の活用事例を紹介する Analytics in Action ビデオもご覧になれます。音声は英語のみですが、英語や日本語の字幕を表示できるものもあります。まずはビデオから、SASアナリティクスの世界を覗いてみませんか?
前回、SAS OnDemand for Academics (SODA) の Course 機能を活用することで、授業準備の手間が軽減されることをご紹介しましたが、実は、Cource 登録にはもう一つのメリットがあります。 SODA は、SAS Studioを基本のインターフェイスとしていますが、Course 登録により使用できる製品が増えます。 SAS Enterprise Guide : ポイント&クリック操作によるWindowsアプリケーション SAS Enterprise Miner : GUIによるデータマイニング・ツール SAS Forecast Server : 時系列予測の自動作成ツール これらは、統計の学習よりも、実際のビジネス等の現場で素早く統計手法を適用するためのツールで、基礎を学習した上で、より応用に際して活用できるものです。
Let’s lay down some fundamentals. In business you want to achieve the highest revenues with the best margins and the lowest costs. More specifically, in manufacturing, you want your products to be the highest quality (relative to specification) when you make the item. And you want it shipped to the
A chatbot is a computer program that uses natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence to simulate human conversation and derive a response. Essentially, it’s a machine that can chat with you or respond to your chatter. Chatbots can save time and money when used to handle simple, automated tasks.
The 38th International Symposium on Forecasting will be held June 17-20 in Boulder, Colorado, USA. Registration is now open. This is the last ISF in North America until at least 2022. The ISF is the premier forecasting event for researchers, with academic attendees from all over the world. Yet it
Data doesn't always have to be 'big data' to be interesting. For example, I recently ran across a small, but very interesting, database containing all of North Korea's missile tests. The data was a bit difficult to digest in the formats provided, therefore I decided to try my hand at
자율주행차, 커넥티드 기기, 디지털 트랜스포메이션, 사물인터넷(IoT), 머신러닝, 인공지능(AI), 자동화 등 2017년 한 해를 주도해온 기술 트렌드는 2018년은 물론 그 미래에까지도 계속될 것입니다. 실질적인 차이는 이 기술들의 결합에서 찾을 수 있는데요. 한 예로, 인공지능과 사물인터넷은 그 자체로 트랜스포메이션의 성격(transformative)을 지닙니다. 사물인공지능(artificial intelligence of things)으로 구현될 연결되고 자동화된 세상의 디지털 트랜스포메이션을 상상해보세요. 2018년에는 지능(intelligence)과
David Loshin says the hardest part of compliance is knowing if a data asset contains personal data, and ensuring you can protect it.
A popular way to use lists in the SAS/IML language is to pack together several related matrices into a single data structure that can be passed to a function. Imagine that you have written an algorithm that requires a dozen different parameters. Historically, you would have to pass those parameters
Using SAS with REST APIs is fun and rewarding, but it's also complicated. When you're dealing with web services, credentials, data parsing and security, there are a lot of things that can go wrong. It's useful to have a simple program that verifies that the "basic plumbing" is working before
My fear of headstand took me years to overcome. I had to learn to be safe and protect my neck. I had to learn about structurally positioning my limbs in alignment to prevent injury. I had to overcome my mental fear of being upside down which is quite different from
Are you in the early stages of your Internet of Things (IoT) strategy? According to new IoT research done by the Internet of Things Institute on behalf of SAS, you are not alone. There's been a lot of buzz in the market for several years around IoT and how it's
Jahreswechsel bieten sich für Bestandsaufnahmen an. Mit ein wenig Abstand betrachtet fällt mir auf, dass die Spezialisten-Themen „Analytics“, „Big Data“ und vor allem „künstliche Intelligenz“ (KI) längst im publizistischen Mainstream angekommen sind. Täglich erscheinen in allen möglichen Publikumszeitschriften neue Artikel, die zwischen Euphorie und Pessimismus jede Facette anbieten. Grund genug,
統計ソフトを大学等の授業で用いる際に問題となるのが、統一的な環境を用意することの難しさです。受講者全員が同じバージョンのソフトウェアを同じ設定で利用し、同じ場所にあるデータにアクセスするような環境を準備しないと、個々の環境の差異から発生する問題に対処するだけで授業時間が終わってしまうでしょう。 また、統計ソフトを利用した演習講義では、プログラミングが必要になる場面が多いと思います。しかし、少ない授業時間を割いてプログラミングに慣れていない学生にコーディングを教えることは、本来その講義で教えるべき内容を削ってしまいかねません。 ご存知の方も多いと思いますが、SASでは、教育・研究および個人学習目的の利用に限り、無償ソフトウェアを提供しています。ダウンロードしてローカルPCの仮想マシンにセットアップするタイプの SAS University Edition と、クラウド上のアプリとして実行するタイプの SAS OnDemand for Academics がありますが、後者を使うと、上述した統計ソフトを利用した講義における統一環境の準備の問題およびプログラミングの問題を解決することができます。 SAS OnDemand for Academics (以下、SODAと略します) の特徴は以下のとおりです。 クラウド上で実施するソフトウェアなので、インターネット接続さえあれば、PC環境を統一させる必要がありません。 教員はWebページ上で「Course」を作成することができ、学生がその「Course」に登録することで、教員が用意したデータに学生の環境からアクセスすることができます。 ポイント&クリックで操作できるインターフェイスにより、プログラミングせずに統計やデータマイニングの機能を利用することができます。 SODAの利用手順: まずはSODAに登録します。登録の方法は、SlideShareの資料を参考にしてください。(※Analytics Uのページがなければ、SODAのページにアクセスし、上記のスライド4から開始してください。) 教員の方は「Course」を作成してください。こちらのページのInstructorsセクションのドキュメントおよびビデオ「Upload Your Course Data」「Invite Students to Your Course」を参考にしてください。 学生は教員から「Course」に参加するためのリンクを取得し、こちらのページのStudentsセクションを参考にCourseに参加してください。 SODAを利用すれば、無料で環境構築・プログラミング教育のためのコスト・リソースを削減し、統計スキルの教育・学習に集中できます。Let’s teach & learn data science!
Amazon recently announced the 20 finalists in their search for a location to house their new 2nd headquarters (nicknamed 'hq2'). They showed a map on their web page, but I wanted to create my own map, with a few improvements ... Here's their official map. It's not terrible, but it
SAS/IML 14.3 (SAS 9.4M5) introduced a new syntax for creating lists and for assigning and extracting item in a list. Lists (introduced in SAS/IML 14.2) are data structures that are convenient for holding heterogeneous data. A single list can hold character matrices, numeric matrices, scalar values, and other lists, as
With all the talk about Bitcoin in the news lately, I decided it was time I created a Bitcoin graph! Follow along as I track down the data, create a graph, and then polish up that graph to make it shine. But before we get started, here's a little example
여전히 많은 금융 기관들이 국제회계기준(IFRS; International Financial Reporting Standard) 9를 준수하기 위해 애쓰는 가운데, 2021년부터 시행될 새로운 규정인 IFRS 17에 대한 부담이 보험 업계 전반에 긴 그림자를 드리우고 있습니다. 이미 IFRS 9의 새로운 보고 기준은 은행과 금융 기관에 전혀 새로운 차원의 거버넌스와 통제를 요구하고 있으며, 각 기관은 이를 지원하기 위해 IT
음악 추천부터 대출 심사, 직원 평가, 암 진단까지 현대 사회는 인공지능(AI)과 머신러닝 기반의 애플리케이션에 둘러싸여 있습니다. 기계가 사람을 대신해 내린 의사결정에 점점 더 많은 영향을 받고 있는데요. 일상적인 것부터 사람의 목숨이 걸린 중대한 의사결정에 이르기까지 우리는 머신러닝 모델에 수많은 질문을 던집니다. 이때 질문에 대한 답변은 ‘예측 모델’이 결정합니다. 생소하고 어려운 개념인데요. 데이터
Have you ever played the lottery? Have you ever heard people bragging about all the money they've won? Does it make you want to play? ... We've had an Education Lottery here in North Carolina for over 10 years, but I still didn't really know much about it - therefore I
Wherever there is uncertainty there has got to be judgment, and wherever there is judgment there is an opportunity for human fallibility. Donald Redelmeirer, physician-researcher Recently, I read a fascinating book titled The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Mind by Michael Lewis (W.W. Norton & Company, 2017). Lewis
@philsimon chimes in on a massive opportunity for organizations that process the data of EU residents.
Money magazine (Jan/Feb 2018) contains an article about how much it costs to give birth in the US. The costs, which are based on insurance data, include prenatal care and hospital delivery but exclude infant care. The data are compiled for each state (including Washington, DC) and by type of