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By Carl Eastwood, Fraud & Financial Crimes Domain Lead at SAS, and Katarina Garai, CFE - Retail & CSP Fraud Lead at SAS Managing fraud risks in the Communication Service Provider (CSP) industry is no easy task, not least because of the speed at which fraudsters adapt to exploit new

It’s no secret that the big communication service providers (CSPs) companies have seen their traditional revenue streams hit in recent years by a never-ending race to the bottom on pricing. Competition in the market, along with the mass adoption of web-based communications tools (and competitively priced data packages), have made

Many experienced SAS programmers use the PUT statement to write messages to the log from a DATA step. But did you know that SAS supports the PUTLOG function, which is another way to write a message to the log? I use the PUTLOG statement in the DATA step for the

The perfect storm of challenges facing insurers is well-known to anyone working in the industry today. Some have been bubbling away for years – such as the competition from insurtech companies and non-insurance firms like manufacturers, the rising cost of claims, and internal inefficiencies. As the tough economic climate continues

If Fabrizio Biscotti, vice president at US research and consultancy firm Gartner, is correct that hyperautomation is no longer optional but a ‘condition of survival’ for businesses, then we are indeed entering a new era of retail. It’s a theme we’ve discussed throughout our blog series on hyperautomation – but

SAS' Kirk Swilley and Tom Sabo showcase how you can use perform text analysis on minimal structured narrative data to spot patterns of possible human trafficking.

A previous article shows that you can use the Intercept parameter to control the ratio of events to nonevents in a simulation of data from a logistic regression model. If you decrease the intercept parameter, the probability of the event decreases; if you increase the intercept parameter, the probability of

Sin importar el sector en el que se encuentre, los analistas coinciden en que el 2023 será un año de importantes retos para Latinoamérica. Los países y las organizaciones latinoamericanas deben procurar acelerar su innovación y avanzar en sus procesos de transformación digital, no solo para reducir las brechas con

Para millones de personas, además de obtener los servicios y productos que prefieren, la experiencia que les puedan ofrecer las marcas es cada vez más relevante y puede marcar la diferencia entre seguir siendo leales a ellas o abandonarlas. Hoy, las organizaciones están conscientes de esto, por lo que

ChatGPT from OpenAI has changed how the general public thinks about AI. What does this mean for analytics practitioners?

Welcome to the continuation of my series Getting Started with Python Integration to SAS Viya. In previous posts, I discussed how to connect to the CAS server, working with CAS actions and CASResults objects, and how to summarize columns. Now it's time to focus on how to get the count of unique values

This article shows that you can use the intercept parameter to control the probability of the event in a simulation study that involves a binary logistic regression model. For simplicity, I will simulate data from a logistic regression model that involves only one explanatory variable, but the main idea applies

Determining the “right” talent strategy for an organization isn’t easy. Diverse projects and priorities demand various levels of knowledge, skills and experiences to achieve the end goal. Talent planning requires assessing current employees and unearthing the gaps to identify what’s needed to meet business demands. Specific and extensive knowledge and

The past few years have been ripe with uncertainty, further proving the necessity of resilience across industries. While the hospitality sector has faced significant disruption over the last two years, it also faces several new opportunities. Consumers are turning their focus to self-improvement. Wellness trends continue to grow in popularity.

Permettez-moi de vous présenter les 5 tendances des administrations fiscales que Shaun Barry a présentées lors du « Tax Summit in Madrid » en octobre dernier. Que signifie le Cloud Intelligent ? La Sécurité Les Stratégies Data ont le vent en poupe OSINT - L’open source intelligence La montée de la