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SAS supports the ColorBrewer system of color palettes from the ColorBrewer website (Brewer and Harrower, 2002). The ColorBrewer color ramps are available in SAS by using the PALETTE function in SAS IML software. The PALETTE function supports all ColorBrewer palettes, but some palettes are not interpretable by people with color
“El fraude ya no es realmente el problema. Cuando los clientes nos preguntan sobre las novedades y tendencias en esta materia, les hablamos de algo que estamos evidenciado: ya no se trata de resolver temas de fraude, se trata de que las organizaciones puedan realmente autenticar, verificar y validar que
La analítica avanzada se ha posicionado como un gran aliado para todo tipo de empresas y sectores al ofrecer información basada en datos que permite incrementar los conocimientos y mejorar la toma de decisiones. El sector bancario no es ajeno a estas ventajas, por lo que hacen uso de la
Customers are more demanding than ever before. An effect of the pandemic is that brands had to go digital at any cost to survive and one of the side effects from this was an increase in customer personalization demand. Email inboxes are full of emails from all possible brands –
En noviembre de 2022, en Sharm el-Sheikh, Egipto, se realizó la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP27) para analizar las acciones que se están llevando a cabo a nivel mundial para reducir las emisiones de carbono y proteger el futuro del planeta. Esta cumbre se dio
Assessing a company from the outside can be tricky business – but it shouldn’t be. That’s why we’re kicking off a series to pull back the curtain on the #saslife. From our values to our vision and (almost) everything in between, we’re giving a transparent look at what it’s really like to
With so much complexity and change in the marketplace, organizations worldwide are leveraging opportunities to make better predictions, identify solutions and take strategic, proactive steps forward – which means that they increasingly depend on big data. In their quest for organizational resilience, however, companies find that numbers aren’t necessarily the secret
SAS 9.4M8 is available. Its focus is on security and updates to third-party technologies. It also updates the supported OS environments.
‘2023 SAS 해커톤 대회’ 참가자 모집 2월 28일 참가자 모집 마감! 당신의 아이디어를 기다립니다 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS가 매년 전세계적으로 진행하는 데이터 분석 아이디어 경진 대회 ‘2023 SAS 해커톤(SAS Hackathon)’의 참가 등록이 오는 2월 28일 마감됩니다. 누구에게나 열려있는 SAS 해커톤 대회에서 우리 사회를 이롭게 할 당신의 반짝이는 분석 아이디어를
Time series data is widely used in various fields, such as finance, economics, and engineering. One of the key challenges when working with time series data is detecting level shifts. A level shift occurs when the time series’ mean and/or variance changes abruptly. These shifts can significantly impact the analysis and forecasting of the time series and must be detected and handled properly.
Did you know that about 8% of the world's men are colorblind? (More correctly, 8% of men are "color vision deficient," since they see colors, but not all colors.) Because of the "birthday paradox," in a room that contains eight men, the probability is 50% that at least one is
“Así como los defraudadores comparten mucha información entre ellos, nosotros (los combatientes de los fraudes) también tenemos que compartir las buenas prácticas y los avances para hacer una mejor gestión”. Esta fue una de las reflexiones que Robson Ohosaku, Security Intelligence Solutions Manager para SAS Latam, nos compartió en un
Sauces, spreads and seasonings are a great way to add some zip to a meal, and it can be convenient to buy them instead of making them from scratch. Unfortunately, a lot of store-bought condiments and dressings (even many targeting health-conscious consumers) are filled will additives. From added sugars, MSG
I previously discussed how to use the PUTLOG statement to write a message from the DATA step to the log in SAS. The PUTLOG statement is commonly used to write notes, warnings, and errors to the log. This article shows how to use the PRINTTOLOG subroutine in SAS IML software
A lo largo de 2022, el mundo siguió enfrentando un entorno cambiante dominado por altibajos económicos, una crisis energética provocada por un conflicto bélico, una cadena de suministro que se reinventa, y recuperándose de los estragos de una larga pandemia global. Al mismo tiempo, los cambios culturales, ambientales y la