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Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Héctor Cobo 0
Detección y prevención, el mecanismo para reducir los riesgos en el sector gobierno y la banca

Las organizaciones de todos los sectores iniciaron un año 2023 más conscientes de que el entorno económico, político y social no permanece estático, y que las condiciones bajo las que operan a diario pueden cambiar con relativa frecuencia. Han aprendido a ser resilientes y prestar atención a lo que sucede

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Olivia Ojeda 0
Use-based insurance helps fleet operators obtain better rates

SAS Hackathon team, Data Hack Freaks, created an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) based dynamic pricing approach that allows insurance providers to adjust pricing based on the changing nature of the risk behavior of their customers. This solution has three major components: The loss ratio score, telematics score

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Bryan Harris 0
From data-driven to AI-driven: Scaling human productivity and decision making

Given the headlines each week, it is clear that global disruption and economic volatility are not slowing down. At the same time, information overload is far exceeding human capacity. Despite these pressures, business goals remain the same: improve revenue, increase margins, operate more efficiently and meet customer expectations. So, how do

Benelux Resiliency Rules Report

The SAS Resiliency Rules report explores the global resiliency landscape. This report highlights country-specific findings about the ongoing market challenges, the difference between an importance in attaining resiliency versus perceived resiliency, and the principles companies need to follow to drive business resiliency. Our research defines resiliency as the ability of

탄력적인 SAS Viya 운영을 통한 Microsoft Azure 클라우드 비용 절감

점점 더 많은 고객이 클라우드로 이동함에 따라 클라우드 인프라 비용이 중요한 요소가 되었습니다. 최초 클라우드 표준 가격 모델은 "종량제"(Pay-As-You-Go, 시간당 고정 가격) 모델이었습니다. 이 모델의 장점은 실제 사용량에 대해서만 비용을 지불하고 필요할 때 리소스를 축소할 수 있다는 것입니다. 하지만 운영환경(production environment)은 연중무휴 24시간 사용 가능한 상태를 유지해야 하는 경우가 많습니다.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Machine Learning
Rubén Valdovinos 0
Modernización, un impulsor del cambio y la innovación en las empresas

Las organizaciones saben que este proceso es una tarea continua y una condición para seguir compitiendo y creciendo en sus respectivos mercados. Cómo abordar el proceso de modernización, sin embargo, requiere una planeación minuciosa, y no está exento de desafíos. Más aún, cuando involucra la adopción de tecnologías y procesos

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