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International Women’s Day is an opportune moment to celebrate the achievements of women, specifically those combating climate change with technology. Among the inspiring stories is the women-led team of data scientists known as the StaSASticians, winners of the insurance track of the 2023 SAS Hackathon. No beginner’s luck, just accessible

When I first starting writing this blog, I thought that I’d share some information on being strong in a physical way…. building muscle, building bone and the benefits of being fit. Then I started to think differently. The world needs strong women and it has strong women. I have great

¿Cómo pueden las marcas mantenerse al tanto de lo que están haciendo sus clientes? Informes como el ‘Deloitte’s Digital Media Trends 2023’ son cruciales. En él se pone de manifiesto las diferencias que hay entre generaciones, además de ofrecer una serie de consejos para medios de comunicación y marcas. Estas

While no one currently alive witnessed the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in mid-18th century Britain, we’re all now spectators and participants in the AI revolution – AI is accessible and entrenched everywhere. While AI is not new, 2023 ushered in a tsunami of AI innovation with the emergence of

I recently wrote about the Number-Word Game, which is an iterative algorithm that generates a sequence of natural numbers by using the lengths of the words for the numbers. In English, the words are "one", "two", "three", and so on. You can play the Number-Word Game in any alphabetic language

The term “marketing cloud” became popular in the early 2010s with the promise that it could manage and automate marketing operations across numerous channels such as email, mobile, social and web. While marketing clouds have evolved over the years (mainly through acquisition), one thing has remained consistent: They do not

Have you heard about the Number-Word Game? This is a simple game that has the following rules: Start with any positive integer. Write down the English word for the integer. Count the number of letters in the word. This gives a new positive integer. Go to (2). Repeat until a

Hackathons continue to serve as bustling hubs where creativity meets problem solving. Among them is the SAS Hackathon, where teams collaborate to find the best solutions to a business or humanitarian challenge using SAS tools. During SAS Innovate in Las Vegas, participants can join the SAS Hackathon boot camps for

Most people associate generative AI (GenAI) with large language models (LLMs). While LLMs focus specifically on generating text, GenAI encompasses a wider range of content generation tasks beyond just language, including images, music and more. Broadly speaking, GenAI uses machine learning algorithms to analyze and learn from existing data sets

La inteligencia artificial se perfila como un aliado de gran valor en la lucha contra el crimen financiero. Su capacidad para detectar de forma temprana posibles actividades sospechosas, analizar grandes cantidades de datos en tiempo real o automatizar la detección de fraudes, la convierte en una herramienta indispensable para las

What is your greatest strength? And how has it helped you in your career? Understanding your strengths in the workplace helps your team thrive and can lead to a more fulfilling career and more meaningful contributions. This is the second post in a new series highlighting women from diverse backgrounds

As organizations infuse trustworthy practices into the fabric of AI systems, remembering that trustworthiness should never be an afterthought is important. Pursuing trustworthy AI is not a distant destination but an ongoing journey that raises questions at every turn. For that, we have meticulously built an ethical and reliable AI

I am routinely asked about what kind of protein powders, protein bars and protein shakes I recommend. While I encourage a “food first” approach, I can completely appreciate the convenience of these items on occasion. However, just like any other processed food, the quality can vary greatly. When it comes

I sometimes see analysts overuse colors in statistical graphics. My rule of thumb is that you do not need to use color to represent a variable that is already represented in a graph. For example, it is redundant to use a continuous color ramp to represent the lengths of bars

Learn how to fit a decision tree and use your decision tree model to score new data. In Part 6 of this series we took our Home Equity data saved in Part 4 and fit a logistic regression to it. In this post we will use the same data and