Search Results: transport (327)

Lee Ann Dietz 0
Earth Day 2022 – an interview with SAS specialists about analytics and climate resilience

Leaders from businesses and governments across the world continue to show progress on a range of critical environmental topics, addressing climate resilience and taking actions to ensure a more sustainable and thriving planet. Advancements and innovations continue to open new avenues for environmental leadership – and the use of data

Analytics | Data for Good | Students & Educators
Alyssa Farrell 0
Addressing health inequities and closing the cancer care gap with data and technology

Inequities in cancer care cause specific populations in the U.S. and worldwide to bear a more significant burden of disease than the general population, based upon barriers. These barriers to prevention and care have long existed but were undeniably exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. February 4 marks World Cancer Day, which

Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Tyson Echentile 0
Four technology tips for government leaders preparing for flood disasters

“What’s our plan if we get hit by a big flood?” While this question may be plenty familiar to emergency management professionals, city administrators, legislators, and other leaders in coastal regions that are known for their exposure to potentially disastrous weather events, these days it’s being asked in some unexpected

Analytics | Data for Good | Data Management
Ivan Fernando Herrera 0
Iniciativas de datos abiertos, una buena forma de impulsar la inteligencia analítica en los países

“En la era digital, la economía de los datos se está convirtiendo en el nuevo ´oro negro´ que aceita el motor del crecimiento económico. Los datos, masivos y abiertos, son esenciales para mejorar la confianza de los ciudadanos en sus estados y hacerles partícipes de la acción pública, facilitando el

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Internet of Things
Ernesto Cantu 0
Resiliencia, la fortaleza de la cadena de suministro del futuro

A lo largo de 2020, las cadenas de suministro estuvieron bajo gran estrés. La pandemia y los altibajos del entorno económico hicieron que las empresas enfrentaran complicados desafíos para seguir produciendo y satisfacer los nuevos patrones de demanda. Si bien privó la incertidumbre, también fue una oportunidad para que las

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Lee Ann Dietz 0
Modern infrastructure must include analytics

Throughout its history, the United States has invested in infrastructure that leverages new technologies and helps society and its economy thrive. With the advent of trains in the early 1800s, four of the country’s five transcontinental railroads were built with assistance from the federal government. When cars replaced horses and

Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Data Management | Internet of Things
Victoria Silva 0
Como os dados e a internet das coisas impactam o mercado de seguros agrícola e de saúde

Eduardo Polidoro, diretor de negócios de IoT da Claro, falou sobre o potencial da internet das coisas na digitalização dos negócios e o impacto no setor de seguros Keynote speaker da primeira edição do SAS Insurance Summit, Eduardo Polidoro, diretor de negócios de IoT da Claro, abordou em sua palestra

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