Data Visualization

Get the right information, with visual impact, to the people who need it

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Schematic Plot

Recently a user chimed in on the SAS Communities page, requesting a way to add some observation level annotation to a box plot.  Wendy was delighted to see a graph created by the UNIVARIATE procedure called "Schematic Plot".  In this graph, the box plot of the analysis variable is shown with

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
BarLine Graphs

A Bar Line graph is commonly used in many domains.  The SGPLOT procedure makes it easy to create bar line graphs where the user can customize it in many different ways.  This post is prompted by a recent question on the communities page on creating such a graph, with one bar and

Data Visualization
Thomas Wende 0
An Apple a day... - SAS Mobile BI

Was ist das nur mit diesen iPads, "Samsungs", Galaxy Tablets und wie sie alle heißen? Keine Tastatur, kleiner Bildschirm und trotzdem will jeder ein Tablet haben. Wenn ich in meinem SAS Visual Analytics Kursen, die meines Erachtens unglaublich gelungenen und höchst intuitiven Data-Exploration- und Report-Möglichkeiten mit meinem Laptop zeige, so

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Animation using SGPLOT

Often we want to visualize the relationship between variables over time.  The understanding of such data can be improved by viewing the animated graph over time.  With SAS 9.4, you can create animated graphs using the new animation options on the OPTIONS statement and the PRINTER destination. A popular example an

Data Visualization
Andreas Becks 0
Heißes Herz und kühler Kopf - zwischen GWA Effie und Löwe

"And the winner is…" Ob der Branchen-Oskar für wirksame Marktkommunikationen, der "GWA Effie",  oder die "Löwen von Cannes" für inspirierende Kreativität: Im Frühsommer ist es traditionell wieder an der Zeit, Preise zu verleihen* in der Marketing- und Werbebranche! Sicher: Kreative Leistungen und erfolgreiche Zielgruppenansprachen in klassischen Medien, im Online-Bereich oder  im

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Report from PharmaSUG 2013

The PharmaSUG 2013 conference in Chicago this week was awesome.  From the perspective of graphics, there was great interest in using SG Procedures, Designer and GTL for building clinical graphs.  It was nice to see many papers by users on how they are using these tools for creating graphs on a daily

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