Artificial Intelligence

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Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things | SAS Events
Einar Halvorsen 0
Why hack? 10 reasons why the SAS Hackathon is more than a competition

In a hackathon, teams of participants collaborate and compete to find the best solutions to a business or humanitarian challenge using technology. But unlike many traditional hackathons where participants meet in person for a couple of days, the SAS Hackathon is all-digital and lasts for a month. Prior to the

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Visualization
Joon-Hyung Koh 0
AI 기반의 쉽고 간단한 Clinical Data 탐색 및 시각화 #1편

임상시험을 비롯한 모든 업무에서 분석은 필수이며, 점점 고급분석을 필요로하고 있습니다. 이번 블로그 포스팅은 2편으로 나누어 1편에서는 임상시험 전 과정에 참여한 내.외부 모든 이해관계자가 임상시험 데이터에 쉽게 접근하여 진행 상황을 파악할 수 있도록 지원하는 SAS Visual Analytics 솔루션의 기능을 소개합니다. 이어 2편에서는 임상시험의 SDTM 데이터를 활용하여 SAS Visual Analytics 솔루션에 어떻게

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
José Mutis O. 0
¿Cómo la analítica y la inteligencia artificial pueden salvar vidas y reducir los delitos en las ciudades?

No es solo percepción: la seguridad en algunas de las principales ciudades se ha visto deteriorada en el último año. Según cifras del Concejo de Bogotá, los casos reportados de robo a personas en la capital de Colombia aumentaron un 25% entre marzo de 2020 a igual mes de este

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Harry Snart 0
Transforming public sector customer experience with composite AI

Introduction In an era of high connectivity and instant gratification, the expectations of customer experience have never been higher. Customers do not simply want but rather expect accessible and responsive communication across a variety of channels. And for organisations, the risks have never been higher. Disgruntled users now have the

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud
Santiago Fainstein 0
Analítica, nube e inteligencia artificial, tres de las tecnologías en las que más invertirán las empresas en el 2022

La acelerada digitalización de los servicios y el cambio definitivo en el comportamiento de los clientes son algunas de las razones que llevarán a las empresas a aumentar sus inversiones en tecnología en el 2022. Aunque la tecnología no lo es todo en los procesos de transformación digital, sí es

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
José Mutis O. 0
¿Cómo puede ayudar la IA responsable y humanista a construir mejores gobiernos?

La analítica, la inteligencia artificial, el machine learning y todas las nuevas ciencias encaminadas a aprovechar mejor los millones de datos que hay en la actualidad  tienen un gran impacto en el mundo -y lo tendrán aún más- en la medida en que incidan directamente en el progreso de la

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Adrian Niga 0
Anti-money laundering measures need to go beyond banks

When considering anti-money laundering operations, it’s not unreasonable that most people would probably think first of banks and other financial institutions. These organizations are probably the most obvious place to deposit large sums of money, including those obtained from criminal activities. And are therefore the most important first line of

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Customer Intelligence | Machine Learning
Lisa Loftis 0
Out with the old, in with the new: 3 strategies for addressing the demise of cookies

The clock is ticking as the end of third-party data is near. Safari and Firefox have eliminated third-party cookies and Google Chrome is not far behind. Below are three steps marketers can take to address the changing cookie landscape: Create moments that matter by providing a digital experience that convinces

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Andrés Mauricio Torres 0
Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, la inteligencia artificial en la era de los metaversos

Recientemente el mundo empezó a hablar con mayor frecuencia de los metaversos, una nueva experiencia en materia de conectividad que llevará a los usuarios a vivir asombrosas experiencias inmersivas y multisensoriales a través de novedosos dispositivos y plataformas tecnológicas. Aún cuando todavía hay muchos interrogantes y alternativas de cómo es

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
José Mutis O. 0
10 cambios basados en datos que pueden hacer las empresas para impulsar su reactivación

En varios de los países latinoamericanos, los gobiernos nacionales y departamentales han venido presentando diversas agencias analíticas y nuevos centros de monitoreo especializados en estas últimas semanas. Esta es una muestra más de cómo lo ocurrido en este último tiempo ha hecho que se tenga mucho más presente la inteligencia

Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things
Tyson Echentile 0
Four technology tips for government leaders preparing for flood disasters

“What’s our plan if we get hit by a big flood?” While this question may be plenty familiar to emergency management professionals, city administrators, legislators, and other leaders in coastal regions that are known for their exposure to potentially disastrous weather events, these days it’s being asked in some unexpected

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Visualization
Mark Demers 0
How analytics helps move organizations to a 'new normal'

Industries including sports and entertainment, travel, manufacturing, education and government benefit from analytical insights In the United States and other parts of the world, there are signs. Record automobile traffic. Surging demand for workers. And a continued push to vaccinate. The pandemic and its effects are still very much with

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Customer Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Machine Learning
Alice Correa 0
Executivo da Via Varejo fala em palestra no Retail Summit 2021 sobre a transformação digital no setor

Com metáforas interessantes, comparando dados e tecnologia com fazendas e foguetes, Kendji Wolf se orgulha dos algoritmos e das conquistas na Via Varejo. Atualmente a companhia conta com a Via Hubby, que administra toda parte tecnológica da empresa, como sistemas, arquitetura e dados. O executivo abre um parênteses para reflexão:

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Customer Intelligence | Machine Learning | SAS Events
Alice Correa 0
Executivos falam sobre tendências para o setor de varejo no Retail Summit 2021

Vitor Vicente, head de vendas para telecom e varejo do SAS, e Eduardo Yamashita, diretor de operações do Ecossistema Gouvêa, abrem o SAS Retail Summit Brasil falando sobre as tendências para o setor de varejo. Vicente explica que a visão do SAS permeia a estratégia da digitalização em três grandes

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Customer Intelligence
Leticia Medeiros 0
SAS Retail Summit 2021 traz diretora do Rappi para abordar a ascensão dos “superapps” durante a pandemia do coronavírus

Ana Szasz, diretora de Data & Insights do Rappi, iniciou sua apresentação abordando a ascensão dos superapps, como são conhecidos os aplicativos que atuam como um “centro comercial projetado dentro de uma plataforma digital”, como explicado pela executiva, durante o cenário pandêmico em que o mundo se encontra há quase

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