Tag: analytics

Stuart Rose 0
No more excuses.. Analytics IS a game changer

Good news...an analytics survey last year found that 72% of insurance executive agreed that analytics is the biggest game-changer in the next 2 years. Bad news...compared to other industries the adoption rates of analytics in the insurance has lagged other industries. To reverse this trend and help insurers travel down the

Maggie Miller 0
Explaining analytics with Jeff Zeanah

One of the most important skills for data scientists and business analytical professionals is communications. If decision makers and managers don't understand what the numbers mean -- results won't turn into action. Jeff Zeanah, President of Z Solutions, Inc. has been presenting on the topic of speaking “analytics” for many

Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Data Management
SAS Colombia 0
6 maneras de repensar su estrategia de gestión de datos y evitar los peores escenarios

“Aquellos que no conocen su pasado están condenados a repetirlo” La retrospección es un proceso lento. Así como en los seres humanos aún persisten en el tiempo comportamientos que no funcionan, en las organizaciones perduran procesos de información que se rompen y pueden causar grandes crisis ¿cómo evitarlo? En la

SAS Events
Maggie Miller 0
Vote on the Analytics 2015 sessions you want to hear

Update: The winning sessions are Data mining - open source integration with SAS and Forecasting - multistage models for highly seasonal and/or sparse demand series. Get registered for the conference today. We'll see you in Las Vegas! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Analytics 2015 conference in Las Vegas, Oct. 26 and 27 is designed for

Stuart Rose 0
Help wanted

The insurance industry is heading for a crisis. Depending on which report you read the insurance industry is facing a shortfall in job vacancy from anything from 40,000 to nearly half million in the next few years. Baby boomers in specialized jobs like underwriters and claims adjusters are retiring and insurers

Russ Cobb 0
Surfing big waves

I just spent much of the past week watching and trying to ride waves on the North Carolina coast. Small waves, mind you, nothing spectacular and certainly nothing that you would consider edgy or life-altering. Nothing that big wave surfers like Laird Hamilton, Garrett McNamara and others of their substance

Analytics | Data Management
Mark Torr 0
What’s the future of analytics within the enterprise architecture?

What does the future of analytics look like in your organizations enterprise architecture? Does it include thinking about a two speed approach to analytics which includes both: An agile rapidly changing analytics platform for innovation (a lab) seperated from operations and broad enterprise audience usage A slowly moving systematic enterprise analytics platform (a factory)

Stuart Rose 0
Customer experience conundrum

Who is your best customer?  The answer to this question can vary dramatically depending on your industry. A retailer’s best customer is someone who comes back to their store over and over again. A gym owner’s best customer could be considered consumer who pays their monthly on time but never

Amanda MacDowell 0
A case for real-world evidence

For health and life sciences organizations, discussions about big data include gaining value from that data in the form of real-world evidence. Consider for a moment the amount of healthcare data that exists today thanks to the adoption of electronic health records. Then think about the future with data from

Tobias Nittel 0
Software stirbt - alles wird zu Software

Alles wird zu Software : Wir hören es derzeit überall - Firmen erfinden sich neu. Ob Automobil, Kraftwerk oder Einzelhändler, alle Geschäftsmodelle sollen sich vom Produkthersteller oder -verteiler, hin zum Services-Geschäft bewegen. Über die USA weiss man ja, dass fast 80% des Bruttosozialproduktes aus den Dienstleistungen kommen. Oftmals weniger bekannt

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