Tag: natural language processing

Analytics | Machine Learning
Sylvie Faucillon 0
Les Bots : nouvelle vague de la 4ème révolution industrielle

Et si, en dehors de la nouvelle organisation des moyens de production, la 4ème révolution industrielle induisait également une évolution significative dans la gestion de la connaissance intrinsèque à chaque domaine ? Et si les nouvelles technologies numériques permettaient aux acteurs opérationnels d’accéder simplement à cette connaissance, le plus souvent fruit de méthodes

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
Practical approaches to new product forecasting using structured and unstructured data

When it comes to forecasting new product launches, executives say that it's a frustrating, almost futile, effort. The reason? Minimal data, limited analytic capabilities and a general uncertainty surrounding a new product launch. Not to mention the ever-changing marketplace. Nevertheless, companies cannot disregard the need for a new product forecast

Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Mary Beth Moore 0
NLP for military intelligence

Every day, military intelligence analysts sit behind computers reading a never-ending stream of reports, updating presentation templates and writing assessments. But intelligence is more than documenting events and sharing breaking news. It involves understanding and predicting complexities in human behavior across various organizational constructs and using facets of information to

Artificial Intelligence
Wayne Thompson 0
Let's chat about chatbots

A chatbot is a computer program that uses natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence to simulate human conversation and derive a response. Essentially, it’s a machine that can chat with you or respond to your chatter. Chatbots can save time and money when used to handle simple, automated tasks. 

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management
Sylvie Faucillon 0
Could text analytics be the cutting-edge technology the oil and gas industry was waiting for?

  Small causes can have large effects; or how a discovery in the Barnett Shale can spike some interest in the rest of the world and change the face of the industry. This article is co-written by Sylvie Jacquet-Faucillon, Senior Analytics Presales Consultant, SAS France; and David Dozoul, Senior Adviser

Machine Learning
Cognitive Computing - Part 1

Is cognitive computing an application of text mining? If you have asked this question, you are not alone. In fact, lately I have heard it quite often. So what is cognitive computing, really? A cognitive computing system, as stated by Dr. John E. Kelly III, is one that has the