An Essential Role for Intelligent Decisioning in Telecommunications
Tag: digital transformation
Intelligent decisioning can help telcos survive the retail shutdown by accelerating the shift to digital channels
The banking sector sets a benchmark for other industries in many areas. When businesses need to process large volumes of transactions reliably, maintain 24/7 availability, meet complex regulatory requirements, analyse risks or make financial plans, they often aim to follow the same practices and adopt the same technologies that banks
The CEO's themselves sponsor transformation projects, especially in the telecom branch because of the costs and level of influence required.
Why HR is key to driving change in the public sector – powered by data and analytics.
Two pieces of advice stood out for me in Tom Siebel's book: re-educate your leadership team and pick your partners carefully.
David Loshin gives CIOs 4 suggestions for shaping successful digital transformation initiatives.
In short, digital transformation concerns competition, speed, quality and costs. In the current connected world, the consumer has a lot of choices and is also less bound to a single provider. The customer expects immediate answers to rely on. Will someone wait two weeks for a loan approval, or will
La invitación a transformarse se hace cada día más fuerte y de eso fuimos testigos los más de 6 mil asistentes a EXMA 2019 en Bogotá, evento que, además de la presencia del expresidente Barack Obama, causó un impacto profundo entre analistas, periodistas y empresarios a través de los mensajes
Banks see open source as a hotbed of innovation – and a governance nightmare. Do the rewards outweigh the risks? Open source software used to be treated almost as a joke in the financial services sector. If you wanted to build a new system, you bought tried and tested, enterprise-grade
What is that makes some innovations "stick" and others disappear into the ether, never to be seen again? In a high-technology industry, it is tempting to say that the technology simply wasn’t right, or the timing was wrong. However, history suggests that this is probably not the case. Much of the
Deloitte’s 2019 Banking and Capital Markets Outlook begins by stating that “a decade after the crisis, the banking industry is on firmer ground.” Shortly after it asserts that “there may be no better time than now to reimagine digital transformation.” Having tinkered at the margins to keep the lights on,
El momento tecnológico actual y su acelerada evolución se soportan principalmente en el aprovechamiento de los datos. Sin embargo, si éstos no se procesan de manera oportuna y consistente, las tecnologías exponenciales tales como: la biotecnología, la robótica, la nanotecnología, la neurociencia, el Internet de las Cosas y la Inteligencia
I have good news to share about the future. Despite what you may have heard elsewhere, the future of work in a world with artificial intelligence (AI) is not all doom and gloom. And thanks to a research-backed book from Malcolm Frank, What to Do When Machines Do Everything, we
Las empresas que actualmente lideran la transformación digital entendieron que a partir del análisis de datos pueden obtener mayores ingresos, porque los nuevos modelos de negocio que surgen de la implementación de este tipo de tecnología, logran conocer muy bien a sus clientes y brindarles servicios y productos a la
La creación de un Viceministerio de Economía Digital adscrito al Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, ubica a Colombia en un nivel de liderazgo frente a la región, lo cual llevará al país a establecer bases importantes para la transformación de varias industrias y sectores económicos. Además, se podrán desarrollar
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), maschinelles Lernen (ML) und Analytics erleben zurzeit einen wahren Boom. Geht es nach den Anbietern, gelangen Produktionsabteilungen mithilfe von Industrie 4.0 und Digitalisierung in ein neues, goldenes Zeitalter, in dem Maschinen „selbstlernend“ für Qualitätsverbesserungen und Kostenreduktion sorgen. Doch anfänglichem Enthusiasmus und ersten positiven Erkenntnissen folgt meist Ernüchterung,
La economía analítica es una tendencia que evoluciona los procesos de transformación digital. De hecho, como parte de la agenda de países desarrollados en la que las organizaciones privadas y entidades públicas se diferencian, hace más eficientes sus labores y ayuda a alcanzar nuevos niveles de éxito con una combinación de gestión de
Todo lo digital es rastreable, medible, identificable y por ende, potenciable. El hecho de que los usuarios dejen huella en cada una de sus interacciones y que las empresas puedan tener en cuenta todos esos micromomentos para tomar mejores decisiones, es lo que ha llevado a que la transformación digital
Condivisione, responsabilità, restituzione alla società e diffusione della cultura digitale. Concetti il cui significato è radicalmente cambiato e, in alcuni casi, è nato, nel giro di pochi anni, spesso influenzando le strategie di molte aziende. Ho avuto il piacere di approfondire questi temi con Rudy Bandiera, docente, giornalista e blogger.
In the first half of 2017 and in my only domain – which is marketing – an announcement set the tone for a major change. How not to be stunned when “Coca-Cola ditches global CMO role in leadership shake-up”? If there is only one product you can find anywhere on
Am 20. Juni trafen sich in Wien 30 Vertreter von Banken, um neue Herausforderungen an Infrastrukturen von Banken zu diskutieren. Dr. Thomas Moosbrucker, Deloitte Deutschland, beleuchtete in dem ersten Vortrag die Herausforderungen von TRIM (Target Review of Internal Models). Seiner Meinung nach wird uns TRIM, welches das Vertrauen in die
È inutile negarlo, il digitale ha trasformato (e sta trasformando) il modo di fare impresa. I consumatori vogliono entrare in contatto con le aziende in ogni canale che hanno a disposizione (sito web, social, app, store fisico, call center, ecc…). E le aziende devono essere pronte a soddisfare e prevedere
Sagen wir es, wie es ist! Beginnt ein Text mit In Zeiten von Globalisierung und Digitalisierung, mag das bei vielen Lesern mittlerweile heftige Verstimmungen auslösen und wenig Lust auf Weiterlesen machen. Ständig wird von irgendwelchen Experten erklärt, dass es allerhöchste Eisenbahn für den nächsten digitalen Schritt sei. Im Grunde müsste
Regular readers will be aware that in my last post, I made the case for a win-win approach for mature organisations to successfully deliver digital transformation. I think there are many ways we could explain this. Established organisations infrastructure may be old, or their work processes may be complex and
Innovation and transformation of established companies needs to be through a collaborative model. Done right, it can be profitable for all players. I have always thought that human evolution and development is one of the most interesting and challenging processes in the world, especially in terms of innovation and investing.
Esiste una teoria filosofica molto profonda che viene definita "la legge del decimo uomo”, secondo la quale, quando dieci persone affrontano un fenomeno o una situazione, nove affermano la stessa cosa. È compito del decimo uomo investigare su quel fenomeno, col presupposto che gli altri nove siano in errore. In
It's that time of year again. Holidays, parties, gifts, cooking, closing annual business, hitting targets and preparing for 2017. Looking back on the year for the communication and media industries, it has been a year of transition for the industry and for many of the customers I work with in my role
As technology evolves, so do the c-suite roles related to technology. In particular, the roles of Chief Digital Officer and Chief Data Officer – both referred to as CDO – have seen rapid changes. This post will document the changes I've observed in these two roles, and answer questions I've heard as our customers have been navigating the
Impulse und Orientierung in Zeiten der Digitalisierung: über 300 Teilnehmer vor Ort, mehr als 250 Zuschauer im Livestream. Wer noch einen Beweis dafür brauchte, dass digitale Transformation und die Rolle, die Analytics dabei spielen kann, Unternehmen und Menschen in hohem Maße beschäftigen, der fand ihn am 22. November 2016 eindrucksvoll