Tag: big data

Jim Harris 0
The dark side of the mood

As an unabashed lover of data, I am thrilled to be living and working in our increasingly data-constructed world. One new type of data analysis eliciting strong emotional reactions these days is the sentiment analysis of the directly digitized feedback from customers provided via their online reviews, emails, voicemails, text messages and social networking

Jim Harris 0
Lean against bias for accurate analytics

We sometimes describe the potential of big data analytics as letting the data tell its story, casting the data scientist as storyteller. While the journalist has long been a newscaster, in recent years the term data-driven journalism has been adopted to describe the process of using big data analytics to

Vincent Cotte 0
Taking the big data dive with Hadoop

Demand for analytics is at an all-time high. Monster.com has rated SAS as the number one skill to have to increase your salary and Harvard Business Review continues to highlight why the data scientist is the sexiest job of the 21st century.  It is clear that if you want to be

Jim Harris 0
Big data hubris

While big data is rife with potential, as Larry Greenemeier explained in his recent Scientific American blog post Why Big Data Isn’t Necessarily Better Data, context is often lacking when data is pulled from disparate sources, leading to questionable conclusions. His blog post examined the difficulties that Google Flu Trends

Jim Harris 0
What magic teaches us about data science

Teller, the normally silent half of the magician duo Penn & Teller, revealed some of magic’s secrets in a Smithsonian Magazine article about how magicians manipulate the human mind. Given the big data-fueled potential of data science to manipulate our decision-making, we should listen to what Teller has to tell

Jim Harris 0
What Mozart for Babies teaches us about data science

Were you a mother who listened to classical music during your pregnancy, or a parent who played classical music in your newborn baby’s nursery because you heard it stimulates creativity and improves intelligence? If so, do you know where this “classical music makes you smarter” idea came from? In 1993, a

SAS Colombia 0
Todo lo que usted debe saber acerca de la gestión de datos

La tendencia del big data hoy refleja una dura realidad: las compañías tienen grandes cantidades de datos, pero luchan por convertirlos en conocimiento y valor. Nuevas tecnologías permiten a las organizaciones alcanzar ese desafío. La gestión de datos posibilita que las compañías, agencias gubernamentales y universidades puedan consolidar y transformar

David Pope 0
Twas the night before big data

Twas the night before "big data," when all through the data center Not an IT supervisor was stirring, not even the help desk on-call. The servers where all humming along nicely in hopes Big data would soon be there.   The business users were nestled all snug in their offices

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Why can’t we predict the weather?

This is the time of year when we like to make predictions about the upcoming year. Although I am optimistic about the potential of predictive analytics in the era of big data, I am also realistic about the nature of predictability regardless of how much data is used. For example, in

David Loshin 0
Data governance and big data

The data quality and data governance community has a somewhat disconcerting habit to want to append the word “quality” to every phrase that has the word “data” in it. So it is no surprise that the growing use of the phrase “big data” has been duly followed by claims of

Phil Simon 0
On LeBron, big data and investing

"Big data isn't useful for investment purposes." So said my friend Walt during one of our recent arguments discussions. By way of background, Walt is not an über-successful 70-year-old investor who earned his chops well before the advents of Twitter, Facebook and their ilk. Rather, he's a man of a similar age to

David Loshin 0
Big data and data enrichment

Last time we explored consumption and usability as an alternative approach to data governance. In that framework, data stewards can measure the quality of the data and alert users about potential risks of using the results, but are prevented from changing the data. In this post we can look at

Jim Harris 0
The architects of the invisible

In the era of big data, Kenneth Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schonberger noted in their book Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, “we are in the midst of a great infrastructure project that in some ways rivals those of the past, from the Roman aqueducts

Phil Simon 0
Big data and the project mentality

Is big data becoming too big to ignore? An increasing number of organizations seem to think so. As Matt Asay on ReadWriteWeb writes: According to a recent Gartner report, 64% of enterprises surveyed indicate that they're deploying or planning Big Data projects (emphasis mine). Yet even more acknowledge that they

Elizabeth Bautista 0
Economía Digital: nuevos mercados por explorar

La Economía Digital, uno de los pilares de la Estrategia  Digital Nacional (EDN), consiste estimular el aumento de la productividad y el desarrollo de nuevas empresas a través de la implementación de las tecnologías digitales, las cuales representan una inmensa área de oportunidad para consolidar la relación entre cliente y empresa. Para

Chris Hemedinger 0
A weekend full of bad decisions

Most people try to hide the evidence of their bad decisions. But this weekend I decided to share mine to social media. I hope that it's not a career-limiting move. Actually, I made quite a few good decisions as well, outnumbering the bad ones. Still, I had many missed opportunities,

Waynette Tubbs 0
7 tips for finding big data talent

SAS has long believed that demand for people with analytics skills will continue to grow - especially given the big data challenges ahead. In fact, we love the way that Google's Chief Economist Hal Varian talks about this explosion in growth:  statisticians will be sexiest job of the next decade.  This