Tag: big data

Customer Intelligence
Fernanda Benhami 0
Big Data en Bancos 3.0

Por Fernanda Benhami, Gerente de Customer Intelligence de SAS Tecnologías de Big Data están dando más agilidad para entender las necesidades de los clientes de empresas de diferentes sectores. En el sector financiero no es diferente, con la ampliación de los canales de comunicación y atención a los titulares de

Ryan Thomas 0
Asylum seekers needn’t cause Home Office headaches

Asylum seekers not causing headaches for the UK’s Home Office may be hard to imagine. There are regular scare stories about asylum seekers and budget cuts, amid rising concerns over immigration and the strain its putting on the national infrastructure. But it needn’t mean headaches for policy makers and officials.

Data Management
Stuart Rose 0
Big data – game changer for insurers.

A recent survey by Capgemini found that 78% of insurance executive interviewed cited big data analytics as the disruptive force that will have the biggest impact on the insurance industry. That’s the good news. The bad news is that unfortunately traditional data management strategies do not scale to effectively govern

Elizabeth Bautista 0
La importancia de Big Data

En México se desarrolla el proyecto Sistema de Protección Social 2014-2018, en donde el Banco Mundial otorgó un préstamo a la Sedesol para aumentar el acceso de los beneficiarios de Prospera a programas sociales y productivos, así como para desarrollar instrumentos para un Sistema Integrado de Protección Social de largo

Stuart Rose 0
Risk and rewards for insurers

The role of insurance is to bring some predictability, manageability and stability in what is in essence, a chaotic and uncertain world. So as we head into 2016, what are the big issues for insurers in the next 12 months? Below is just a selection of some of these issues:

Alex Barnes 0
Data readiness: Step one to a successful pricing journey

Are you drowning in data? Do you feel overwhelmed -- or underwhelmed -- with the myriad of options available to deal with your data problems? (especially in the area of pricing?) It's the era of big data, and many retailers are discovering that hope is found through new technologies like event stream processing or Hadoop. However, as

Krisa Tailor 0
2016: Revolutionizing the patient experience

Health care is undergoing exponential change, and this year we’ll continue to see the industry launch bold missions to improve the patient experience. With new types of data and technologies, the vision of making health care more personalized and proactive is becoming closer to reality. In my new book “The

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