Tag: analytics conference

SAS Events
Jenn Chase 0
Unite, cultivate, replenish: 3 lessons from Doris Kearns Goodwin

Let’s flash back to a simpler year. I don’t want to date myself, so think circa 1990s. I remember sitting with my now husband watching Ken Burns’ documentary Baseball when I was first introduced to Doris Kearns Goodwin. She didn’t just know baseball – it was part of her DNA. She was smart, funny and a storyteller. I became a fan that day, and only came

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Olivier Zaech 0
Unterstützung statt Bedrohung: Wie KI das Gesundheitswesen verbessern kann

Fest steht: Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird unser aller Leben verändern – und tut es schon. Weniger klar ist, in welcher Weise und in welchem Zeitrahmen diese Veränderungen passieren – und was am Ende dabei herauskommt. In vielen Bereichen gibt es wilde Spekulationen. Bei Life Sciences und im Gesundheitssektor lichtet sich

Analytics | SAS Events
Kristine Vick 0
4 resources to help convince your boss to send you to SAS Analytics Experience

Wondering what makes this conference special?  Over the years I’ve heard from many attendees that it’s the best way to get the most out of their analytics investments. Analytics Experience is a learning-focused conference featuring networking opportunities, training, certification exams and analytics presentations for all skill levels. #AnalyticsX will give you