Watch list screening has been one of the rules with highest false-positive rate. Watch list screening has been one of the pillars for know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) regulatory requirements since the beginning. It was introduced to prevent known criminals (or known high risk entities) from utilizing
At SAS Press, we agree with the saying “The best things in life are free.” And one of the best things in life is knowledge. That’s why we offer free e-books to help you learn SAS or improve your skills. In this blog post, we will introduce you to one
Work/Life wanted to know the creative ways SAS employees are coping with the temporary changes caused by Coronavirus precautions. We asked how you are coping with working from home, working from home with kids, keeping entertained at home, and how you are staying centered and connected with others. Here is
Analytics makes it possible to uncover complex or organized fraud that rules-based systems would miss.
Let’s be honest, there is a lot of SAS content available on the web. Sometimes it gets difficult to navigate through everything to find what you need, especially if you are looking for complimentary resources. Training budgets can be limited or already used for the year, but you’re still interested
A SAS/IML programmer asked about the best way to print multiple SAS/IML variables when each variable needs a different format. He wanted the output to resemble the "Parameter Estimates" table that is produced by PROC REG and other SAS/STAT procedures. This article shows four ways to print SAS/IML vectors in
And as survey fatigue kicks in, challenges in customer satisfaction and NPS scoring abound: will data be still representative or will it become increasingly biased?
Data management has never been the shiny object that caught the imagination of the mainstream. And let’s be honest, it's not nearly as interesting as analytics, machine learning or artificial intelligence. In fact, entire movies get created about analytics, and people actually pay to see them! Data management? Not so
As a long-time SAS 9 programmer, I typically accomplish my data preparation tasks through some combination of the DATA Step, Proc SQL, Proc Transpose and some housekeeping procs like Proc Contents and Proc Datasets. With the introduction of SAS Viya, SAS released a new scripting language called CASL – a
Books about statistics and machine learning often discuss the tradeoff between bias and variance for an estimator. These discussions are often motivated by a sophisticated predictive model such as a regression or a decision tree. But the basic idea can be seen in much simpler situations. This article presents a
Fildes and Goodwin (F&G) observed the subject (the regional subsidiary of a pharmaceutical company) was using a statistical forecasting system, but not fully trusting its output. Forecasters were making overrides to the system generated forecast to make it look like what they believed it should (e.g., following a life-cycle curve
Everyone's thinking about the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), and wondering if there are any cases near where they live. I recently used SAS Software to create a dashboard with a world map showing which countries had reported cases. And now that the virus has spread around the world, a world/country-level
Join the Recreation & Fitness Center and have some fun celebrating #PiDay2020 by "baking apple pie" in this workout! Complete 3(.14) ;) rounds of 1 minute of each exercise. --> Please check with your physician before participating in any exercise program. Picking apples – Alternating Overhead Shoulder Press Flour Bag
Mathematical optimization can help business leaders make better decisions in every aspect of their business. After a model has been built, end users are usually interested in doing some sort of scenario analysis to test its robustness and visualizing key performance metrics. SAS has various products that can work with
As AVT expands into domain specific topics, the shape of the programme will evolve. I am looking forward to seeing what the next cohort of participants will choose to love about AVT.
Whether you are a regimented breakfast eater, a breakfast skipper or fall somewhere in between, we could all use some new ideas for breaking our overnight fast with something besides a pastry, a bowl of cereal or a bagel. All too often people grab what is most convenient during their
Recently, I saw a graphic on Twitter by @neilrkaye that showed the rapid convergence of a regular polygon to a circle as you increase the number of sides for the polygon. The author remarked that polygons that have 40 or more sides "all look like circles to me." That is,
SAS' Leonid Batkhan shows you how to automate creation of SAS variable labels so tables and reports are easier to read.
In the early days and weeks of any widespread global health concern, particularly in a fast-moving outbreak like the coronavirus, there are many unknowns. Data visualization can be a good starting point to understand trends and piece data points together into a meaningful story. The ability to visualize the spread
Almost five years ago I took a big leap and changed jobs. After interning and then four years working as a hospice social worker, I was ready for something different. My heart was and will always be with hospice work, but I wanted to learn something new. When you work
If you have been using SAS for long, you have probably noticed that there is generally more than one way to do anything. (For an example, see my co-author Lora Delwiche’s blog about PROC SQL.) The Little SAS Book has long covered reading and writing Microsoft Excel files with the
In a previous article, I discussed the binormal model for a binary classification problem. This model assumes a set of scores that are normally distributed for each population, and the mean of the scores for the Negative population is less than the mean of scores for the Positive population. I
I caught up with Jaimy van Dijk, one of our youngest female SAS Data Scientists who has proven herself to be a true Rockstar.
While I am a woman in computer science, let me start by saying that I’m a reluctant coder. I have an eye for data but find the abstract nature of many computer languages to be very challenging and not something I typically love. My first experience with coding was in
Two weeks ago we looked at the first two steps in effecting forecasting process change: Justify your suspicions with data Communicate your findings That was the easy part. So why is it that so many organization realize they have a forecasting problem, yet are unable to do anything about it?
It’s Employee Appreciation Day! We appreciate our employees every day, but Employee Appreciation Day presents an extra opportunity to recognize our people for all they do. Our employees span across divisions, geographies and job functions – but they all play an important part in our mission to empower and inspire
Have you heard that SAS offers a collection of new, high-performance CAS procedures that are compatible with a multi-threaded approach? The free e-book Exploring SAS® Viya®: Data Mining and Machine Learning is a great resource to learn more about these procedures and the features of SAS® Visual Data Mining and
Companies face a stark choice between optimising customer experience and minimising fraud. But what if they could do both?
Fifty years ago, as the women’s liberation movement was gaining momentum in the U.S., my maternal great-grandmother, Pearl, worked in a factory sewing American flags while volunteering with the Girl Scouts and caring for her grandchildren. My paternal grandmother, Greta, also worked in local factories while caring for her family.
I'm a planner, and my plan was to have a completely natural birth and to breast feed only. This plan was written in stone (or so I thought). Long story short – my birthing plan flew out the window. One of my complications was very high blood pressure, which refused