
Rick Wicklin 0
Visualize a matrix in SAS by using a discrete heat map

A heat map is a graphical representation of a matrix that uses colors to represent values in the matrix cells. Heat maps often reveal the structure of a matrix. There are three common applications of visualizing matrices with heat maps: Visualizing a correlation or covariance matrix reveals relationships between variables.

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Graphs at WUSS - Part 1

It is always a pleasure to attend SAS user conferences, regional conferences and in-house events.  In addition to presenting papers, seminars and super demos to the attendees myself, my favorite activity is to attend presentations by users that include graphical data visualization.  These include using SG procedures, GTL, Designer or SAS/GRAPH.  This year

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
R U Graphing with SAS?

In recent conversations with many SAS users at NESUG, SESUG and WUSS, a pattern emerges on the question of creating graphs with SAS or R.  Many SAS users are aware of the new graph features in SAS that create high quality graphs with minimum fuss.  But, many have not actually used

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Comparative Histograms

In reference to a previous article on Violin Plots, a reader asked about creating comparative mirrored histograms to compare propensity scores.  While I had my own understanding of "Mirrored Histograms", I also looked this up on the web.  Google showed many cases of two histograms back to back, either horizontally or vertically. 

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