Improving citizen happiness is an important goal for many, if not all, governments. But what is happiness really? Can it be objectively measured? Can we discover the key factors that best correlate with happiness? And ultimately, can governments implement policies and programs that maximize happiness? Is maximum happiness nothing more than
Si se desea comprender cómo se desarrollan los procesos de Data Management y con ello poder hacer uso de todos los beneficios que éstos ofrecen, como primera instancia debemos clarificar qué es el Data Management y cómo está integrado. De acuerdo a la DAMA, Data Management Association, este concepto engloba
¿Cómo alcanzar el éxito empresarial basándose en la analítica y gestión información? Esta es una pregunta que resulta común en las compañías cuando se está considerando la adquisición de algún servicio de Business Intelligence, y la pregunta puede responderse planteando una nueva interrogante ¿cómo podría usted o su equipo tomar acertadas
“La arquitectura abierta SAS Viya hace a la analítica accesible para todos, y queremos aprovechar esa apertura creando una comunidad para compartir el conocimiento”- Randy Guard, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Director de Marketing de SAS En SAS llevamos más de 40 años al servicio de su compañía y durante estas décadas
A la par de las metas empresariales que cada compañía se haya trazado para 2017, como la expansión a diversos territorios, conquista de nuevos mercados, amplificación de líneas de negocio, entre otras, es importante que los directivos estén preparados para enfrentar los cambios que el sector empresarial prevé. Sin importar
As states build systems to evaluate the effectiveness of educator preparation programs, they must first know what “effectiveness” looks like. Are the characteristics of the candidates in the program, such as high school GPA, ACT or SAT score, or other admissions criteria, the most important indicators? What about the curriculum
Anteriormente, el sector empresarial se enfrentaba constantemente a la escases de información de aquello que ocurría en su compañía, tanto a nivel de procesos internos como de interacción con los clientes, siendo este último punto el más relevante por estar ligado la fidelización o desencanto de la marca. Sin embargo,
Karen, in unserem letzten Gespräch haben wir über die Bedeutung von professionellem Datenqualitäts-Management und über die erforderliche organisatorische Einbettung gesprochen. Jetzt möchte ich etwas konkreter werden. Beschreibe doch mal, worauf es bei der Umsetzung ankommt? Wie sollte sich ein solcher Data Governance Prozess gestalten?
With educator preparation programs (EPPs) under fire, states must make difficult decisions on how to hold EPPs accountable, provide information for program improvement, and offer consumer information to the public on EPP efficacy. In conversations I’ve had with state leaders grappling with this issue, I have seen a debate arise
Cotidianamente las empresas se enfrentan a la toma de vitales decisiones de negocio, desgraciadamente muchas de ellas se ven en la necesidad de hacerlo sin la certeza que éstas sean idóneas, ya que el panorama en el que deben analizar no es totalmente claro. Esta toma de decisiones ciegas tienen
This student projections post kicks off a series highlighting education leaders sharing the celebrations, and challenges, of using data to drive school improvement. These are real teachers, principals and superintendents working to foster academic growth for every student in their schools and districts. As we near the end of the first
IDV (Individuelle Datenverarbeitung) ist ein Thema, das in den Banken als Teil von BCBS 239 seit Langem kritisch diskutiert wird. Ruppert Jaeschke betreut und berät seit fast 15 Jahren zahlreiche deutsche Banken im Umfeld Business Intelligence und SAS. Er hat eine klare Meinung zu diesem regulatorischen Thema. Frage: Welche Schmerzen
Dentro de toda compañía la búsqueda del éxito es una constante, sin embargo, para alcanzarlo el primer paso es minimizar y de ser posible desaparecer todos los factores de riesgo que puedan ponerlo en peligro, por ejemplo, el fraude. Diversos son los factores que pueden dar paso a la presencia
When protecting children, “entity resolution” can reduce the things agencies don’t know they don’t know. It’s a technological capability I wish I’d had when I led a child protective services agency. I have been involved in hundreds of determinations that would alter a child’s life trajectory. I was comfortable with
The cybersecurity challenge exemplifies how global threats have evolved and how governments must combat them. For all the complexity of the Cold War, the United States defense officials knew the nations that posed the biggest threat. The world is much different today. As General Michael Hayden (ret.), former Director of the National Security
Data integration helps a successful business make things simple and quick for customers, and keeps them coming back. While a company will have data silos, data held within one area is made available to others in order to help the customer. In most local, county and state governments that is
Teacher preparation programs have received some pretty harsh criticism in recent years. For example… “If there was any piece of legislation that I could pass it would be to blow up colleges of education.” –Reid Lyon, National Institute of Health “By almost any standard, many if not most of the
Anyone know what's the number two form of economic crime, in terms of losses? Believe it or not, it's procurement fraud. I grew up in a small town south of “Big D” and in my neck of the woods having two first names is, well, normal. So, when Will Farrell’s character,
Cooperation and information sharing between tax authorities around the world can help ensure that taxpayers pay the right amount of tax to the right jurisdictions. The Common Reporting Standard (CRS) is an agreement between countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development to collect and share data from their financial institutions annually. This remarkable achievement
There are several ways to buy data, and even more companies who are willing to sell it. By annual subscription or by the drink, third-party data vendors promise they can solve your identity theft and non-compliance problems. It’s as simple as signing a contract, and letting the data tap begin
A hot button issue this election season was the need to determine the eligibility of people for various government programs like the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicare and Medicaid, or entry into the United States as a migrant refugee. “Look, we’re facing the worst refugee crisis since the end of
International Fraud Awareness Week is here! I know, I know… Fraud Week is not quite as exciting as Shark Week. It doesn’t appeal to your taste buds like Restaurant Week. Nor does it have the quirky feel of Brain Awareness Week (nope… I’m not making that one up!!). Nevertheless, Fraud Week is
Criminal enterprises are tapping into the lucrative opioid business through creative schemes that are less likely to be identified as opioid abuse, misuse or diversion. One of the latest schemes? Auto insurance fraud. First, some background… While extensive progress has been made in establishing, improving, and mandating prescription drug monitoring
On June 22nd, the U.S. Department of Justice announced the largest Medicaid fraud bust in history. The National Health Care Fraud Takedown included 301 defendants charged, $900 million in false billings, 61 medical professionals and 29 doctors, across 36 states. In another case, investigators in New York uncovered more than
The Data For Good initiative is all about using data and analytics to improve the lives of citizens around the world – however most people wouldn’t immediately think about tax collection as a humanitarian effort. But that’s exactly how Courtney Kay-Decker, Executive Director of the Iowa Department of Revenue sees
Could you imagine running a business with a 35-90% annual turnover rate? What if the average time to fill a position was anywhere between 3-12 months? This alone would cripple most organizations, but is a common reality in state and local child welfare agencies. High turnover and vacancy rates are
As teachers, we lean into our experience. We trust our judgment about students and our instruction. We trade teaching stories with colleagues. And increasingly, we examine student growth data that illuminates our practice and occasionally suggests we refine our approach to individual students. In the past decade, states and districts
Foster youth present a unique challenge to educators. Probably the most famous former foster care child in the world right now is Simone Biles, already one of the more formidable and successful athletes in the history of American sports. As a big fan of women’s gymnastics, Biles has thrilled me with her accomplishments.
The fourth and final post in the series about a state government center of analytics concentrates on the big question – what value does analytics bring to business? (Links to previous entries are at the conclusion of this post.) While this “show me the money” question can be answered in
Cities must work with companies, universities, other cities and organizations to truly realize the Smart Cities vision. This was a consistent message at last week’s Smart Cities Innovation Summit, where leaders from more than 200 cities met with technology and service providers and academics to talk about new innovations that