If you give an artist some tools, they can create a pretty picture. Sure, they might have a preferred tool - but they can probably do a pretty decent job no matter what you give them (paint, colored pencils, watercolor, charcoal, etc). And creating pretty graphs in SAS is no
When we send spacecraft from Earth to Mars, do the Martians consider them to be UFOs? I might not be able to answer that question definitively ... but I do have some really cool graphs showing the data for all those missions to Mars! You might remember a previous blog
There have been some rather hysterical headlines in the UK recently about immigration. Eyebrow-raising statements alluding to the Home Office (the government department responsible for immigration) losing thousands of asylum seekers illustrate that efforts to trace them are placing huge pressure on resources. This, and the more outward looking post-Brexit
El fraude en materia fiscal es bastante común, y los defraudadores son cada vez más sofisticados y automatizados que nunca. Con el fin de detectar oportunamente el fraude y proteger los ingresos, las agencias tributarias necesitan utilizar y aprovechar la analítica predictiva más avanzada. Actualmente las agencias tributarias, aquellos organismos
This is the 4th installment of the Getting Started series. The audience is the user who is new to the SG Procedures. Experienced users may also find some useful nuggets of information here. Series plots are frequently used to visualize a numeric response on the y-axis by another numeric variable on
Unlike some other UK Government departments, the Home Office has done well out of the recent spending review. Overall police spending has been protected – following the debacle of the earlier calculation errors – to protect against emerging crime threats and to train more firearms officers. Counter-terrorism has received a
The Obama administration made great strides in improving the government’s use of information technology over the past eight years, and now it's up to the Trump administration to expand upon it. Let’s look at five possible Trump administration initiatives that can take government’s use of information technology to the next
Los episodios económicos y financieros del presente siglo han apremiado al sistema financiero a generar bases exhaustivas, perdurables y también adaptables tanto en el ámbito local como el internacional; sin embargo, aún se siguen analizando, probando, modificando e implementando planes, estrategias e ideas sobre el camino, lo cual no es
Does your data just look like a bunch of dots? Would you like to bring those dots to life so they can tell their story? This example shows how to make some voter-registration dots a bit more lifelike, so you can see what they're saying. You can apply the same
Have you been using the SAS/Graph Gmap procedure to plot your data on maps for years, but never knew you could add roads to your maps?!? Follow along in this blog post, and I'll teach you how... But before we get started, here's a picture of a nice aerial view
I’ve always loved watching crime series or films – from Homeland and True Detective to Sherlock Holmes. But after years of building software products and solutions designed to help security and law enforcement agencies solve crimes, I've noticed there are several clichés that need to be conquered by technology. No.
Are your friends passing around clever memes (supposedly) featuring something your favorite actor said, or sharing news articles that you think might be "fake news"? If there's even a hint of data analyst in you, then you probably check the actual data, and confirm or disprove the supposed facts yourself. I
After the recent presidential election, I was updating my graphs of the voter registration data and noticed that the number of registered voters decreased after the election. At first I thought that was odd, but then I realized that maybe inactive voters were being purged. I wanted to find out
In 2014, the federal government lost more than $125 billion to fraud, waste and abuse. And that’s just what we know about. While that number may sound incredible, those on the front lines of the government fraud fight know that it's all too real. The US government needs to change
It was just a few years ago that the idea of an Internet of Things (IoT) seemed far off, something out of a science-fiction movie. After all, why would a vehicle need to talk to the road? Why would our utility meters need to talk to the central office? The
Definir las prioridades de negocio y gestionarlas con analítica conduce a un camino exitoso. Ante la transformación digital que viven las organizaciones de las diversas industrias del mercado, el CIO se convierte en ese agente de cambio que habilita el camino hacia la innovación y éxito de la organización. Cuestionarse
A diario, las empresas compiten aguerridamente entre sí para atraer nuevos clientes, conservar los que ya tienen y asegurar su lealtad por mucho tiempo. Sin embargo, no es una tarea fácil, especialmente cuando los consumidores están más conectados e informados que nunca y su entorno es cada vez más competitivo.
Did you know that January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month in the United States? If not, you may not know that researchers estimate that human trafficking is a global industry with revenues from $51 to $99 billion annually, up from $32 billion just a few years ago. In this case,
Actualmente es muy común escuchar conversaciones relacionadas a la necesidad de transformar el negocio para competir en el nuevo entorno digital, incluso algunas organizaciones están diseñando sus planes para llevar a cabo esta transformación. Los principales cambios que se están planteando en las organizaciones están relacionados con la necesidad de
Historically, tax havens have been a key tool for tax evaders to store and hide unreported and untaxed money. I would agree with most observers that the Panama papers (11.5 million leaked documents that detail financial information for more than 214,488 offshore entities) are just the tip of the tax
This predictive analytics post continues a blog series that highlights education leaders sharing successes and challenges of using data to drive school improvement. Sampson County Schools is a small rural school district in southeastern North Carolina. While overall graduation rates in the county were improving, one school wanted to do
Improving citizen happiness is an important goal for many, if not all, governments. But what is happiness really? Can it be objectively measured? Can we discover the key factors that best correlate with happiness? And ultimately, can governments implement policies and programs that maximize happiness? Is maximum happiness nothing more than
Si se desea comprender cómo se desarrollan los procesos de Data Management y con ello poder hacer uso de todos los beneficios que éstos ofrecen, como primera instancia debemos clarificar qué es el Data Management y cómo está integrado. De acuerdo a la DAMA, Data Management Association, este concepto engloba
¿Cómo alcanzar el éxito empresarial basándose en la analítica y gestión información? Esta es una pregunta que resulta común en las compañías cuando se está considerando la adquisición de algún servicio de Business Intelligence, y la pregunta puede responderse planteando una nueva interrogante ¿cómo podría usted o su equipo tomar acertadas
“La arquitectura abierta SAS Viya hace a la analítica accesible para todos, y queremos aprovechar esa apertura creando una comunidad para compartir el conocimiento”- Randy Guard, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Director de Marketing de SAS En SAS llevamos más de 40 años al servicio de su compañía y durante estas décadas
A la par de las metas empresariales que cada compañía se haya trazado para 2017, como la expansión a diversos territorios, conquista de nuevos mercados, amplificación de líneas de negocio, entre otras, es importante que los directivos estén preparados para enfrentar los cambios que el sector empresarial prevé. Sin importar
As states build systems to evaluate the effectiveness of educator preparation programs, they must first know what “effectiveness” looks like. Are the characteristics of the candidates in the program, such as high school GPA, ACT or SAT score, or other admissions criteria, the most important indicators? What about the curriculum
Anteriormente, el sector empresarial se enfrentaba constantemente a la escases de información de aquello que ocurría en su compañía, tanto a nivel de procesos internos como de interacción con los clientes, siendo este último punto el más relevante por estar ligado la fidelización o desencanto de la marca. Sin embargo,
Karen, in unserem letzten Gespräch haben wir über die Bedeutung von professionellem Datenqualitäts-Management und über die erforderliche organisatorische Einbettung gesprochen. Jetzt möchte ich etwas konkreter werden. Beschreibe doch mal, worauf es bei der Umsetzung ankommt? Wie sollte sich ein solcher Data Governance Prozess gestalten?
With educator preparation programs (EPPs) under fire, states must make difficult decisions on how to hold EPPs accountable, provide information for program improvement, and offer consumer information to the public on EPP efficacy. In conversations I’ve had with state leaders grappling with this issue, I have seen a debate arise