El impacto de la recaudación fiscal es vital para el funcionamiento económico de un país. Los gobiernos diseñan políticas en esta materia enfocadas en elevar los fondos públicos que se dedicarán al desarrollo de infraestructura, financiar programas sociales, prestar los servicios que demandan los ciudadanos y fomentar el crecimiento socioeconómico.
Data-driven is a buzzword again. It feels new and shiny but has been around for years. Yet, people still ask what it means to be data-driven. If you wonder why it’s important to be data-driven, you might ask your bookie. Yes, I said your bookie. In thinking about when I
With the US census coming in 2020, I've decided to sharpen my skills at graphing census data. And today I'm working on creating a population pyramid chart to analyze the age and gender distribution. Follow along if you'd like to see how to create such a chart ... or jump
En las semanas recientes, el gobierno mexicano se ha enfocado en combatir el robo de combustible que aqueja a varios estados del país, el delito que se ha producido para Pemex por $3,000 millones de dólares (mdd), según la calificadora de inversiones Moody's Investor Services. Si bien se ha cuestionado
Plotting just your data often helps you gain insight into how it has changed over time. But what if you want to know why it changed? Although correlation does not always imply causation, it is often useful to graph multiple things together, that might logically be related. For example, recessions
Each day, more than 130 Americans die from opioid overdoses. Combating the opioid epidemic begins with understanding it, and that begins with data. SAS recently partnered with graduate students from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) 's Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy to understand how data mining and machine
2019년에도 인공지능(AI)은 여전히 모든 기관 및 조직들에게 큰 화두일 것으로 보입니다. 인공지능 기술을 통해 기관은 대량의 데이터를 빠르게 분석하고 반복적인 업무 프로세스를 자동화하며, 투명성을 높임으로써 전반적인 운영 효율을 개선할 수 있습니다. 이러한 혁신은 이제 더 이상 첨단 IT 기업들만의 성공 사례가 아닙니다. 새해를 맞이하여 공공 기관이 효과적으로 AI 전략을 구현하기
Many areas of the US are experiencing record low unemployment. This is great at the national level, and also great at a personal level (for example, I now have fewer unemployed friends asking to borrow money!) But just how low is the US unemployment rate, and how does it compare
January serves as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month, culminating in the annual observation of National Freedom Day on February 1. For many, this month presents an opportunity to refocus efforts to slow, and ultimately stop, human trafficking around the globe, but especially here in the United States. The
Many of the buzzy applications of AI in healthcare we hear about involve medical IoT, computer vision for radiology or disease prediction. But the fact is, many health institutions that just aren’t there yet with adoption. With limited budgets and dated systems, can public health agencies tap into the power
Los sistemas de transporte son, sin duda, un importante factor para el crecimiento económico de un país. Cuanto más eficientes, ágiles, puntuales y seguros sean, mayor será su impacto en la movilidad de la población y las distintas actividades productivas. Las opciones son muy variadas: autobuses, microbuses, taxis, trenes, metro,
La transformación digital y la modernización de los sistemas siguen siendo dos tendencias que constituyen prioridades de misión crítica para el sector público en 2019, según la consultora internacional Gartner. En ese camino, y para este nuevo año que inició, la aplicación de la Analítica Avanzada y de la Inteligencia
A pocos días de que Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) asumiera formalmente la presidencia de México, su administración envió a la Cámara de Diputados su propuesta de Egresos de la Federación para 2019, la cual asciende a $5.6 billones de pesos, 321 millones más de la correspondiente a 2018, cuando
Encouraging data sharing can sometimes feel like refereeing kids on Christmas morning. “Mom said you have to SHARE!” my sister bawled, grabbing at the Game Boy in my hand as I held the toy just out of her reach. I had just gotten it as a Christmas present and had
지난 9월 중순 미국 샌디에고에서 개최된 최대 규모의 분석 컨퍼런스 ‘SAS 애널리틱스 익스피리언스(Analytics Experience) 2018'의 연사로 참여한 빅데이터 전문가 트리샤 왕(Tricia Wang) 박사는 세계적인 동물행동학자 프란스 드 발(Frans de Waal)의 영상을 공유했습니다. 이 영상은 연구자에게 돌을 주고 보상을 받는 두 마리의 원숭이를 통해 인간의 도덕적 심리를 보여주는데요. 원숭이들은 돌을 건네줄
Certain North Carolina counties have been in the news lately, for suspected election fraud involving absentee ballots in the 2018 election. Let's analyze the voter registration and absentee ballot data, to see if we can detect anything suspicious! In order to definitively determine whether fraud & illegal activity occurred, investigators
The data revolution is causing disruption everywhere. Even governments are feeling the effects. While the public sector may be less prepared for the impending changes, government has good reasons to embrace the data revolution. First, governments have been collecting data for years. They have lots of data. This supports programs,
We got our first 'big' snow of the season here at the SAS headquarters in Cary, NC ... therefore I thought this would be a great time to dig into some snow data! Follow along and pick up some tips & tricks as I plot our snow data - and
인공지능(AI)은 지난 한 해 동안 미국 연방 정부에서 가장 주목 받은 키워드 중 하나였습니다. 지난 9월, 백악관은 미국의 연방정부가 15년 만에 연방 차원의 체계적 ‘국가 사이버보안 전략’ 공개하며 사이버보안 강화와 기술 발전을 위한 청사진을 제시하기도 했는데요. 발표된 전략 보고서에는 미국 내 네트워크·시스템·데이터 안보 강화, 강화된 사이버보안을 환경에서 디지털경제와 기술혁신 증진, 미국의
The SAS 9.4M6 software includes a new SGPIE procedure (preproduction) as introduced in the recent article - The SGPIE Procedure. In that article, I described the basic features of the two statements supported in the procedure, the PIE and the DONUT, with some examples. It is my humble opinion that
Creative government workforce approaches come in many forms. Some time ago, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offered employees an interesting choice to incentivize them to stay. Employees could either telework from home one day per week or receive $1,000. As Jon Lemon, principal industry consultant at SAS told the
La devastación que provocó la crisis financiera de hace una década, que alcanzó a las principales economías del mundo y contagió al resto, dio origen a modificaciones y actualizaciones en las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF). En particular, me centraré en la NIIF 9 (o IFRS 9, International Financial
A conversation with my mentor has always stuck in my mind: Teaching is not about me, directly, it’s about serving my students. Teaching is about providing each of my students what they need to learn the material and to grow academically and as an individual. Teaching is about student learning.
The opioid epidemic continues to be one of the largest challenges facing the United States. In 2016, more than 42,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses, and that number continues to climb. Recent data shows that more than 130 people die every day in the United States after overdosing on opioids,
초강력 허리케인 '플로렌스’ 미국 남동부 지역을 강타하다 지난 9월, 대서양에서 발생한 초강력 허리케인 '플로렌스(Florence)'가 미국 노스캐롤라이나주를 비롯한 미국 남동부 지역을 강타했습니다. 하루 무려에 762mm 기록적 물폭탄이 내리면서 허리케인으로 인한 재산 피해액은 총 170~220억달러(약 19조~25조원) 인것으로 추정되기도 했는데요. 허리케인 플로렌스가 쓸고 간 자리에는 집, 일자리, 건물, 학교 등을 잃은 이재민들이 남았습니다.
Data management gets lost in the enthusiasm around Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Not surprising, when it's an algorithm that decides what search results to show you, guides the self-driving cars on the roads, and powers the anti-fraud bots that monitor every credit card transaction we make. Charles
Healthcare fraud is alive and well. Honesty is dead and gone. There, I’ve said it. What else are we to take from surveys that find that 27% of people would sell their work passwords...44% of them for less than $1,000?* What does it mean that 37% of survey respondents think
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding this year's midterm election, when it comes to counting the ballots ... and I kept hearing the term provisional ballots in the news. But I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't really know much about provisional ballots. I decided to do a
The US 'midterm' elections have finally started to wind down, and we finally have some (mostly) finalized results to study. But what's the best way to visualize who won the US congressional seats in each of the 435 districts? Let's dive into this topic!... Preparation For starters, I couldn't find
In many grocery stores throughout the country, the acronym “WIC” accompanies a number of the food items on the shelves. The letters stand for the federal “Women, Infants and Children” program that provides nutritional food to pregnant women and their young children who are in need. While this is a