A logistic regression model is a way to predict the probability of a binary response based on values of explanatory variables. It is important to be able to assess the accuracy of a predictive model. This article shows how to construct a calibration plot in SAS. A calibration plot is
Open data is critical to research, particularly at universities. The many university students that attend SAS Global Forum bring an energy and vitality to the conference that is unmistakable. They’re everywhere…in sessions, social activities, out on the town and, of course, the academic events. This year, 150 of them graced
Joyce Norris-Montanari shares insights and tips about data security and privacy.
For those of you who weren't able to attend SAS Global Forum 2018, you can still learn a lot from the content shared there. Gain knowledge from your SAS family. SAS Global Forum 2018 papers and videos now available.
소비자들은 다양한 산업에 빠르게 도입되고 있는 인공지능(AI)을 어떻게 받아들이고 있을까요? SAS가 최근 미국인 500명을 대상으로 조사한 결과, 소비자들은 금융이나 소매 분야보다 의료 산업의 인공지능 기술을 더욱 편안하게 여기는 것으로 나타났습니다. 특히 응답자의 47%는 수술 중에도 기꺼이 인공지능 기술의 도움을 받겠다고 답했는데요. 또 10명 중 6명(60%)은 의사가 애플워치나 핏비트와 같은 웨어러블 기기의 데이터를
In a previous blog post, I discussed ways to produce statistically independent samples from a random number generator (RNG). The best way is to generate all samples from one stream. However, if your program uses two or more SAS DATA steps to simulate the data, you cannot use the same
In this blog post you'll find out the top 10 bestselling titles at SAS Global Forum 2018.
I have good news to share about the future. Despite what you may have heard elsewhere, the future of work in a world with artificial intelligence (AI) is not all doom and gloom. And thanks to a research-backed book from Malcolm Frank, What to Do When Machines Do Everything, we
WARNING: This blog post references Avengers: Infinity War and contains story spoilers. But it also contains useful information about random number generators (RNGs) -- tempting! If you haven't yet seen the movie, you should make peace with this inner conflict before reading on. Throughout the movie, Thanos makes it clear
Datasets can present themselves in different ways. Identical data can bet arranged differently, often as wide or tall datasets. Generally, the tall dataset is better. Learn how to convert wide data into tall data with PROC TRANSPOSE.
Do you periodically delete unneeded global macro variables? You should! Deleting macro variables releases memory and keeps your symbol table clean. Learn how the macro language statement that deletes global macro variables and about the %DELETEALL statement that can be a life saver for macro programmers.
Remember the military computer Joshua from the 1983 Matthew Broderick movie WarGames? Joshua learned how to “play a game” by competing against other computers, got confused about reality, and nearly started WWIII. As depicted in that movie, Joshua isn’t all that different from Google’s DeepMind, which became a superhuman chess
Simulation studies require both randomness and reproducibility, two qualities that are sometimes at odds with each other. A Monte Carlo simulation might need to generate millions of random samples, where each sample contains dozens of continuous variables and many thousands of observations. In simulation studies, the researcher wants each sample
Todd Wright says data governance is more relevant than ever – especially in light of the GDPR.
It looks like we've finally recovered from the Great Recession, and there are even claims of record-low unemployment in several U.S. states. Of course claims like that make my data-radar go off, and I wanted to see the numbers for myself. And it's a great excuse for me to create
Landmark population health study involving 50,000 northern Nevadans turns to SAS to reveal hidden health insights These are exciting times in health care. Earlier this week I read that the NIH will soon open enrollment for its “All of Us” initiative. The research program aims to compile the genetic and health
In The Force Awakens, when Poe Dameron, the self-assured pilot, said, “So who talks first, you talk first, I talk first? ..." I had a feeling he’d end up being a character I’d like. When Poe had this interaction with Armitage Hux in The Last Jedi, I was completely sold
Have you ever lied about your age? When you were younger, perhaps you exaggerated your age to watch an R-rated movie, buy cigarettes, get into a night club, or drink alcohol? And when people reach their 30s or 40s, they might subtract a few years when people ask their age.
유럽 일반개인정보보호법(GDPR) 시행까지 1개월도 채 남지 않았습니다. 그렇지만 SAS 조사 결과, 글로벌 기업의 7%만이 GDPR을 완전히 준수할 수 있는 것으로 나타났는데요. 지금은 마치 한층 더 강력해진 규제 폭풍이 불어오기 전 고요 상태와 같습니다. GDPR이라는 호루라기가 울리면, 이제 경기를 치르는 일만 남았습니다! 5월 25일, 무슨 일이 일어날까요? 상상해볼까요? 5월 25일 아침, 검은색 차량에서
Oklahoma State University (OSU) has corralled its data faster than a tumbleweed in a whirlwind, and has bold plans to transform its institutional research efforts. I recently met with OSU's Institutional Research and Information Management (IRIM) team, which provides information, research, decision support, and analysis on demand to the OSU
Order matters. When you create a graph that has a categorical axis (such as a bar chart), it is important to consider the order in which the categories appear. Most software defaults to alphabetical order, which typically gives no insight into how the categories relate to each other. Alphabetical order
During SAS Global Forum 2018, I sat down with four SAS users to get their take on what makes them a SAS user. Read through to find valuable tips they shared and up your SAS game. I’m sure you will come away inspired, as you discover some universal commonalities in being a SAS user.
As health care evolves, its entire ecosystem – from payers and providers to pharmaceutical companies and government agencies – seeks to find common ground. More data is available than ever. But transforming information into innovation is challenging. Organizations strive to create shared goals, internally and externally, trying to improve patient
The title of this blog says what you really need to know: SAS Enterprise Guide does have a future, and it's a bright one. Ever since SAS Studio debuted in 2014, onlookers have speculated about its impact on the development of SAS Enterprise Guide. I think that we have been
How old was the oldest person in your family, or the oldest person you personally know? And how do they compare to the oldest people in the world? ... Perhaps you can easily make the comparison, with this cool graph! But before we get started, here's a picture of my
David Loshin says entity resolution isn't a bandage to fix errors – it should be part of your data strategy.
When you ask Mark Yost about what he does at SAS every day, his eyes light up. Mark’s our Assistant Manager for Food Services at SAS, but he’s so much more than that. He’s a champion for diversity and a leader who empowers his team to be the same. For
Some say that opposites attract. Others say that birds of a feather flock together. Which is it? Phillip N. Cohen, a professor of sociology at the University of Maryland, recently posted an interesting visualization that indicates that married couples who are college graduates tend to be birds of a feather.
In seinem Gastbeitrag stellt Metacoda sechs nützliche kostenfreie Tools zur Metadatenanalyse vor. SAS Platform-Administratoren, die mit der SAS Management Console arbeiten, kennen die potenziellen Hürden beim Thema Metadatenanalyse und beim Zugriff auf Coding-Benutzeroberflächen. Aber diesen Herausforderungen ist nun dank Metacoda beizukommen – mit sechs kostenfreien Tools. 1. Metadata Explorer
Analyzing ticket sales and customer data for large sports and entertainment events is a complex endeavor. But SAS Visual Analytics makes it easy, with location analytics, customer segmentation, predictive artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities – and more. This blog post covers a brief overview of these features by using a fictitious event company