Digitalisierung: Konflikte, Kompetenzgerangel & Gräben zwischen etablierter und neuer Welt „Wir haben einen Data Lake, wer braucht heutzutage noch ein DWH? Das ist doch total antiquiert, ein Auslaufmodell.“ Solche und ähnliche Sätze höre ich in meiner Beratungstätigkeit bei Kunden häufig. Dynamische Analytics- und Digitalisierungsteams stehen vor den aus ihrer Sicht
유럽 일반개인정보보호법(GDPR; General Data Protection Regulation)은 유럽연합(EU) 전역은 물론 유럽연합 시민의 개인 정보를 다루는 전 세계 모든 기업에 영향을 미치고 있습니다. 이 새로운 규제의 목적은 시민에게 자신의 데이터에 대한 보다 강력한 통제권을 부여하고, 유럽 전역에 걸쳐 시행할 수 있는 통일된 규칙을 만드는 것인데요. 이에 따라 기업은 개인 데이터 기록을 수집, 처리, 업데이트,
Referred to as the instigator of innovation, Mick Ebeling works to expand the human possibilities of technology through his company, Not Impossible Labs, whose mission is to change the world through technology and story. Powered by a team of thinkers, doers, creators and hackers, Not Impossible Labs works on inspirational
Every day I’m shufflin'. Shufflin', shufflin'. -- "Party Rock Anthem," LMFAO The most popular way to mix a deck of cards is the riffle shuffle, which separates the deck into two pieces and interleaves the cards from each piece. Besides being popular with card players, the riffle shuffle is
"We been through every kind of rain there is. Little bitty stingin' rain, and big ol' fat rain, rain that flew in sideways, and sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from underneath." Was that a quote from the Forrest Gump movie, or something said regarding Hurricane Florence? Could be either one! Hurricane Florence recently came through
SAS Press author Kirk Paul Lafler's favorite tips using PROC SQL.
Diesen Sommer war ich in Griechenland und habe dort auch das Orakel von Delphi im Tempel des Apollon besucht. Unser Tourguide erzählte uns, dass das Orakel vom siebten Jahrhundert v. Chr. bis zum vierten Jahrhundert n. Chr. für Prophezeiungen konsultiert wurde. Das ist beeindruckend: Es ist vermutlich die erste und
데이터 사이언티스트들은 작업 시간의 대부분을 데이터 준비와 피처(feature) 엔지니어링에 할애합니다. 지난 블로그를 통해 데이터 준비 작업에 유용한 프로그래밍 팁을 소개해드렸는데요. 오늘은 인공지능(AI) 기반 엔터프라이즈 분석 플랫폼 ‘SAS 바이야(SAS Viya)’의 기본 템플릿 중 ‘자동화된 피처 엔지니어링 템플릿’을 활용해 손쉽게 예측 모델을 생성하는 방법을 살펴보고자 합니다. 피처는 입력과 변수(독립 변수, 설명 변수)를 의미합니다. 그리고 피처 엔지니어링은 예측
To succeed in any data-focused hackathon, you need a robust set of tools and skills – as well as a can-do attitude. Here's what you can expect from any hackathon: Messy data. It might come from a variety of sources, and won't necessarily be organized for analytics or reporting. That's
Phil Simon shares some lessons from his consulting career.
최근 독일에서 개최된 SAS 포럼에서는 데이터 과학 및 분석과 관련된 다양한 핸즈온(hands-on) 세션과 워크숍이 진행됐습니다. 이전 포럼에서는 볼 수 없었던 몇 가지 분석 동향의 큰 변화가 있었는데요. 주요 시사점을 소개합니다. 분석의 대중화 올해 워크숍의 티켓은 일찍부터 매진이었습니다. 그 자체만으로도 기분 좋은 소식이지만, 사실 더 중요한 사실을 암시하는데요. 이는 참석자 모두가
The SAS/IML language and the MATLAB language are similar. Both provide a natural syntax for performing high-level computations on vectors and matrices, including basic linear algebra subroutines. Sometimes a SAS programmer will convert an algorithm from MATLAB into SAS/IML. Because the languages are not identical, I am sometimes asked, "what
Am 25. Mai dieses Jahres ist die EU-Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) in Kraft getreten. Was wurde nicht alles im Vorfeld berichtet – da war zum Beispiel die Rede von einem Meilenstein in Sachen Datenschutz. Schaut man ein paar Monate später auf die Schlagzeilen, so kann man lesen, dass ein Verstoß gegen die
What’s that buzz on the power line? It’s AI, of course! But what is AIoT, you ask? It is applying artificial intelligence (AI) to data from smart devices connected by the Internet of Things (IoT). AI is the science of training systems to perform human tasks through learning and automation.
Forenote: We Are The Champions In a season marred by more cheating and dirty play than a church league, I had the pleasure of teaming with this motley group below to win the 2018 SAS Basketball Championship. Easy everyone...don't think I announce this to be glorified and put on a
Die industrielle Produktion erstickt gerade, und zwar an Daten. Doch wären sie so wertvoll, wenn man aus ihnen Informationen zöge! Überall kommen sie raus: Aus Anlagen an Fertigungsstraßen, aus Sensoren an Geräten, aus Protokollen von Callcentern oder aus allerlei Wartungsberichten. Ich möchte sagen, dass sämtliche Daten, die permanent erzeugt werden,
Nothing says you are wasting your time and energy more than referring to a process as plowing a field with a fork. I liked to use this phrase as a manager and auditor, especially in government. Good data analytics makes a big difference in problem solving. Does anyone think a
Have you ever tried to type a movie title by using a TV remote control? Both Netflix and Amazon Video provide an interface (a virtual keyboard) that enables you to use the four arrow keys of a standard remote control to type letters. The letters are arranged in a regular
The data I was analyzing was about “trust.” Maybe that’s what got me thinking about Stephen Sondheim, the Broadway composer and lyricist of musicals like Sunday in the Park with George and Into the Woods and the lyricist for West Side Story. Trust is a heavy emotional topic. Developmental psychologists
지난 7월 정부는 스마트 그리드(smart grid) 서비스가 구현되는 체험 단지 조성 등을 골자로 하는 ‘제 2차 지능형 전력망 기본 계획’을 발표했습니다. 이에 따라 올해부터 2022년까지 스마트 그리드 서비스 활성화, 각종 인프라 구축 등에 4조5,000억 원을 투자할 방침입니다. 스마트 그리드는 전기의 생산, 운반, 소비 과정에 정보통신기술(ICT)을 접목해 효율성을 높일 수 있도록
Here in North Carolina (NC), we're pretty much resigned to the fact that many of the hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean are going to visit us. NC sticks out farther into the ocean than most of our neighboring states, and that just makes a tempting target for the hurricanes. But
Versicherer gehören zu den Spätstartern in Sachen Digitalisierung – selbst im Kundenservice, wo sich die digitale Vernetzung förmlich aufdrängt. Oft spielt dabei die Unternehmensgröße und die damit verbundenen festgefahrenen Strukturen, Legacy Systeme und Prozesse eine große Rolle. Sie macht es auch schwer, auf neue Trends spontan zu reagieren. Und dann
Ich bin bereits zum dritten Mal in San Francisco und wieder mal sehr beeindruckt von der großartigen Architektur der Golden Gate Bridge. Diesmal lasse ich mich mit dem Boot nach Sausalito, auf die andere Seite der Bucht, übersetzen. Das dortige Orts-Museum erzählt dem Besucher von der bewegten Geschichte des Ortes
This blog post introduces the use of deep learning to train a deep neural network to further improve performance; and hybrid architectures.
Given a rectangular grid with unit spacing, what is the expected distance between two random vertices, where distance is measured in the L1 metric? (Here "random" means "uniformly at random.") I recently needed this answer for some small grids, such as the one to the right, which is a 7 x 6
El pasado 17 de junio Colombia eligió a Iván Duque, el candidato del Centro Democrático, como su próximo presidente. El ganador junto con su gabinete, que ejercerán desde el próximo 7 de agosto y hasta el 2022, recibirán un país que aunque se recupera económicamente, aún enfrenta grandes retos en
Ich blinzele, kann kaum was sehen. Die Sonne scheint mir direkt ins Gesicht. Hell, schmerzhaft, stechend – aber ich weiß, dass alle meine Sinne geschärft sein müssen. Ich bemühe mich zu sehen, was vor mir liegt. Denn ich fahre 60 km/h und fühle mich dabei fast blind. Und um mich
I usually create very technical graphs, that just focus on conveying the information in a concise and straightforward manner (no wasted colors, and nothing to distract you from the data). But sometimes, depending on your audience and the purpose of the graph, you might need to create a graph that
PC Magazine defines the broad industry term Software as a Service (SaaS) as, “Software that is rented rather than purchased. Instead of buying applications and paying for periodic upgrades, SaaS is subscription based, and upgrades are automatic during the subscription period.” SaaS, according to the same source, is ideally suited
Before grabbing that streaming data so quickly, Joyce Norris-Montanari says you should ask a few questions.