
Analytics | Learn SAS | Students & Educators
Jeanne (Hyunjin) Byun 0
[SAS #집콕챌린지] 도전! 방구석 데이터 사이언티스트

올해 초부터 시작된 코로나19 사태가 전 세계적으로 장기화되면서 ‘사회적 거리두기’가 새로운 일상으로 자리잡았습니다. 이에 따라 요즘 대부분의 시간을 집에서 보내며 온라인 강의를 듣는 학생들과 재택근무를 하는 직장인들도 많아졌는데요. #언택트 #집콕 #홈코노미 #홀로(HOLO) 등의 신조어들이 이러한 달라진 트렌드를 보여주고 있습니다. 공부를 하든 일을 하든, 집에서 오랜 시간을 보내는 것에는 꽤 명확한

Work & Life at SAS
Alyssa Grube 0
The art of asking, “What if?”

We’re problem solvers, explorers and knowledge seekers – always asking, “What if?” At SAS, your curiosity matters – whether you’re developing algorithms, sharing stories, or answering critical questions. Curiosity is one of our core values, and it influences everything we do here at SAS – even the art that adorns

Work & Life at SAS
Ryan Wands 0
#WFM Healthy Habits

This year has been a turbulent one in a very short three months. Being tossed into the storm meant finding a new way to balance work and life when the two are forced to exist in the same shared space. We may not have chosen this situation, but it is

Analytics | Data Visualization | Students & Educators
Nihan Yami 0
Şimdi dünyanın eskisinden de fazla veri bilimcisine ihtiyacı var

Yeni tip korona virus (COVID-19) ile yapılan global mücadeleye veri bilimi ışığında katkıda bulunmak ister misiniz? Uzmanların belirttiği üzere, “sosyal mesafe”ye dikkat etmek ve temel hijyen kurallarını takip etmek başta olacak şekilde, almamız gereken önlemler var. Veri bilimciler ise bu pandeminin en etkili şekilde yönetilmesinde çeşitli projelerle yardımcı olmaktalar. Sizler

Work & Life at SAS
Alyssa Grube 0
Working from home. With kids.

Over the last few weeks, the world has experienced unprecedented events. The current situation with COVID-19 continues to develop rapidly, and it’s requiring parents to think outside the box to solve problems – from home. With their new, sometimes invasive co-workers. Their kids. Parents don’t cease to be parents when

Risk Management
Giada Scalpelli 0
Scenario-based analysis ai tempi del Covid19: lo scenario Adverse è diventato Baseline?

Gli avvenimenti delle ultime settimane si sono velocemente imposti sulle nostre routine lavorative e non, stravolgendole. In meno di un mese l’Italia, e poco dopo tutta l’Europa, si è trovata ad affrontare una grave epidemia con delle restrizioni drastiche ma necessarie. #restateacasa è diventato l’imperativo da rispettare e la maggior

Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Mark Frankish 0
No more ‘leaves on the line': Is computer vision the answer for rail and transport networks?

Most organisations that must maintain a physical network have similar challenges in keeping their networks safe and operational. Whether you run an energy distribution network, a telecommunications network, or a road, rail or canal network, you need to keep it clear of obstructions. And one of the biggest culprits tends

Analytics | Data for Good | Data Visualization
Mark Lambrecht 0
Rastrear o surto do coronavírus através da Visualização de Dados

Nos primeiros dias e semanas de qualquer problema de saúde global generalizado, particularmente num surto de rápida evolução como o coronavírus, existem muitas incógnitas. A visualização de dados pode ser um bom ponto de partida para perceber tendências e transformar dados dispersos em algo útil. A capacidade de visualizar a

Mike Gilliland 0
Preview of Foresight (Spring 2020)

Following is editor-in-chief Len Tashman's preview of the Spring 2020 issue of Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting. Preview of Foresight (Spring 2020) This Spring 2020 issue of Foresight—number 57 since the journal began in 2005— leads off with Associate Editor Mike Gilliland’s discussion of The M4 Forecasting Competition:

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