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Terry Barham 0
SAS Certification at Analytics 2014

Attending an industry conference requires an investment in time away from the office and maximizing that investment makes a lot of sense.  In addition to gaining insight into challenges facing the analytics industry today,  discovering and evaluating new products and services, and networking with the largest gathering of analytics professionals

Maggie Miller 0
Higher education and analytics

It's my favorite time of year! The leaves are changing. Football is back. And it's also time for our annual Analytics conference. One of the best parts about my job is getting to attend the conference each year and host the Inside Analytics video series. Not everyone at the conference gets

Fritz Lehman 0
Customer experience is more than just a hot steak

There’s a restaurant here in Raleigh called the Angus Barn.  It’s one of my favorite places to eat and unwind after work. They’ve got top-notch steak and quality cold beer, but what really sets the place apart is the customer experience they provide. There’s a cigar room in the back

Rick Wicklin 0
Wolfram's Rule 30 in SAS

My previous blog post describes how to implement Conway's Game of Life by using the dynamically linked graphics in SAS/IML Studio. But the Game of Life is not the only kind of cellular automata. This article describes a system of cellular automata that is known as Wolfram's Rule 30. In

SAS Colombia 0
¿Por qué las empresas deberían usar la visualización de datos?

Visual analytics es una solución, que puede impactar los resultados de una compañía independientemente del tamaño. Según Sanjeev Aggarwal, socio de la consultora tecnológica SMB Group, esta solución es el futuro del análisis avanzado de datos para las empresas en crecimiento. Las hojas de cálculo y las herramientas de Business Intelligence tradicionales

Thomas Wende 0
In-Memory auch mal ganz klassisch mit In-Memory-Bibliotheken

Mit immer größeren Datenmengen, die es bei BI Reports und Analysen zu bewältigen gibt, sieht man sich immer öfter mit Performance-Engpässen konfrontiert. Nicht ohne Grund werden deshalb In-Memory-Lösungen, in denen ganze riesige Dateien in Arbeitsspeicherfarmen immer beliebter, die performanceoptimiert zusammenarbeiten und Techniken wie Load Balancing und Multi-Threading nutzen. Doch auch

Rick Wicklin 0
Fat-tailed and long-tailed distributions

The tail of a probability distribution is an important notion in probability and statistics, but did you know that there is not a rigorous definition for the "tail"? The term is primarily used intuitively to mean the part of a distribution that is far from the distribution's peak or center.

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